the downed state!?

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Can you stop ignoring posts made and actually respond to one for once? If you have no intentions of changing the downed state can you let me know now so I can leave this game already!?

tl;dr Remove it or change it simple. If you have no intentions to do so let me know!

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Plok.6145


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


This is like asking ANET to remove jumping, or dodging or any other core movement/combat mechanic. Of course they will not remove it. On another note, can you imagine an analogous customer/company relationship where you would get a response by treating the company with disrespect? It is not a successful strategy for getting what you want, even if what you want is silly and you would never get it anyway.

Vig of [dO]

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthias.9741


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The way it currently is should be revamped to only have three skills that are all uniform for every character in the game. There should be a ranged attack, a ranged interrupt and a heal. That is all. There is no reason to have different skills between characters. In addition, they should remove any traits associated to downed state and a successful rally should only result in 5-10% health. Those would be massive improvements to the downed state without removing it from the game.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


Hi there Plok, fancy seeing you here…

Vig of [dO]

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

I don’t know. I think they could lower the starting downed health slightly in WvW. I know the lowered it in sPvP, but it might be nice to include here as well. Even just a 15-25% drop.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Vig of [dO]

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Downed state is good and it is a great core mechanic… it aint gonna go away. I like the differences in skills from the professions too.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

Um no the downed state is broken for Ele’s but good luck with this QQ thread.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

with an opening like that I wouldn’t answer you either, or I would just to get you to leave.

Look I am sorry you don’t like the downed state, but if it bothers you so much stop playing. Your not going to hurt Arena Nets feelings, not like there is a Subscription. Also in case you haven’t notice in the 40 other threads this has been posted, and now this one. Us crappy players enjoy this mechanic, you are out voted so leave us Crappy players to our crappy game and go back and play [ insert your game of choice here]. I would love for you to say World of Warcraft as I have the prefect come back for that.
Anyhow if it bothers you that much, and Arena Net has not personally answered you maybe it is because they have no plans on changing it.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Whitedove.2715


TERRIBLE idea! the downed state adds an amazing aspect to MMO’s! instead of jsut being dead, u get to fight for yoru life! sounds like your about to find yourself a new MMO

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

Um no the downed state is broken for Ele’s but good luck with this QQ thread.

How is it broken for ele’s ?

Cause in pvp they mist form run away I run 15 feet and put a pole in their head….. in the end they only died tired and on the run.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

I love how you indirectly declare yourself great and then proceed to admit that you cannot adapt to a mechanic that thousands of people all have been able to adapt to.

So let me get this straight, you are a great player but you are unable to adapt to the downed state. By virtue of you clearly infallible logic I, being one who enjoys the downed state am bad. Yet somehow in my badness I am able to adapt to a mechanic that you cannot. Awesome =)

Vig of [dO]

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


ok since I can’t wait for his “response” I hope he does say WoW and I would say this

Millions of gamers around the world are choosing the game of the year. Millions of gamers felt that The Walking dead (which I have played ) was a better game than WoW, by a poll of 73% to 27%. ( personally I would rather pay a years sub fee to play wow per a month than The Walking dead ) and yet the same game against GW loses. I guess GW2 isn’t all that bad even with the crappy players and the crappy downed state.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Can you stop ignoring posts made and actually respond to one for once? If you have no intentions of changing the downed state can you let me know now so I can leave this game already!?

tl;dr Remove it or change it simple. If you have no intentions to do so let me know!

Bye you won’t be missed

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Can you stop ignoring posts made and actually respond to one for once? If you have no intentions of changing the downed state can you let me know now so I can leave this game already!?

tl;dr Remove it or change it simple. If you have no intentions to do so let me know!

Bye you won’t be missed

hahahah that was funny, +1

Seriously people go vote

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: sparc.3649


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above. (and whichever group wins [regardless of how {numbers or skill}] they will finally be free to heal/resurrect their ‘friends’) The ‘losers’ get to waypoint

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

(edited by sparc.3649)

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above.

it is easy to discourage revive, do damage to that downed player spike him hard. Or do AoE damage. I been playing WvWvW lately and personally I have been running with a group of 15 to 18 players and we have come acrossed groups of 20 to 40 and won. Them resing was never a problem as we spiked the downed players, and others AoE’ed them. It is a matter of deterrence, not broken.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

I love how you indirectly declare yourself great and then proceed to admit that you cannot adapt to a mechanic that thousands of people all have been able to adapt to.

So let me get this straight, you are a great player but you are unable to adapt to the downed state. By virtue of you clearly infallible logic I, being one who enjoys the downed state am bad. Yet somehow in my badness I am able to adapt to a mechanic that you cannot. Awesome =)

The downed state encourages a numbers > skill wins. If you run with a zerg and pick of smaller groups no wonder you love it. You don’t adapt you abuse there is a difference. The downed state is a horrible mechanic for everyone who is skilled and a great mechanic for everyone who is bad, that’s why i have such a problem with it.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above.

it is easy to discourage revive, do damage to that downed player spike him hard. Or do AoE damage. I been playing WvWvW lately and personally I have been running with a group of 15 to 18 players and we have come acrossed groups of 20 to 40 and won. Them resing was never a problem as we spiked the downed players, and others AoE’ed them. It is a matter of deterrence, not broken.

Try running with a group of 5 against 20 players and downing 10-12 of them, however the rest of the zerg just resses them up before you can finish them off. Then you will truly understand how i feel.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExVoodoo.7586


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above.

it is easy to discourage revive, do damage to that downed player spike him hard. Or do AoE damage. I been playing WvWvW lately and personally I have been running with a group of 15 to 18 players and we have come acrossed groups of 20 to 40 and won. Them resing was never a problem as we spiked the downed players, and others AoE’ed them. It is a matter of deterrence, not broken.

Try running with a group of 5 against 20 players and downing 10-12 of them, however the rest of the zerg just resses them up before you can finish them off. Then you will truly understand how i feel.

It’s quite awesome that you can down 10-12 people in a 5vs20, but I’m sorry to say that this game isn’t the same as the 300 movie.

To be honest, that’s just a stupid fight to get into. Running into any kind of zerg with less then half of their players, better yet only a quarter isn’t a smart idea to begin with. Though it’s just a matter of smarts on their side, if they know to keep rezing each other then good for them, they’re using teamwork and teamwork is how you beat people in WvW. I’ve been in WvW and ran with groups of people and no one revives anyone and we eventually get pushed back because of it.

I don’t really think it’s the mechanic that’s broken, just a matter of how team oriented that group is. Just remember that you have the downed state as well, so you can do the same thing under certain circumstances.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above.

it is easy to discourage revive, do damage to that downed player spike him hard. Or do AoE damage. I been playing WvWvW lately and personally I have been running with a group of 15 to 18 players and we have come acrossed groups of 20 to 40 and won. Them resing was never a problem as we spiked the downed players, and others AoE’ed them. It is a matter of deterrence, not broken.

Try running with a group of 5 against 20 players and downing 10-12 of them, however the rest of the zerg just resses them up before you can finish them off. Then you will truly understand how i feel.

It’s quite awesome that you can down 10-12 people in a 5vs20, but I’m sorry to say that this game isn’t the same as the 300 movie.

To be honest, that’s just a stupid fight to get into. Running into any kind of zerg with less then half of their players, better yet only a quarter isn’t a smart idea to begin with. Though it’s just a matter of smarts on their side, if they know to keep rezing each other then good for them, they’re using teamwork and teamwork is how you beat people in WvW. I’ve been in WvW and ran with groups of people and no one revives anyone and we eventually get pushed back because of it.

I don’t really think it’s the mechanic that’s broken, just a matter of how team oriented that group is. Just remember that you have the downed state as well, so you can do the same thing under certain circumstances.

We have the skills to beat them if they remove the downed state. We are better players and highly coordinated yet we are unable to beat them all because of this kitten like mechanic. It does nothing but promote zerg beats all philosophy. The mechanic is one of the worst things I have ever had to deal with in any game. I don’t know why anyone would discourage skillfull gameplay by keeping this mechanic.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExVoodoo.7586


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above.

it is easy to discourage revive, do damage to that downed player spike him hard. Or do AoE damage. I been playing WvWvW lately and personally I have been running with a group of 15 to 18 players and we have come acrossed groups of 20 to 40 and won. Them resing was never a problem as we spiked the downed players, and others AoE’ed them. It is a matter of deterrence, not broken.

Try running with a group of 5 against 20 players and downing 10-12 of them, however the rest of the zerg just resses them up before you can finish them off. Then you will truly understand how i feel.

It’s quite awesome that you can down 10-12 people in a 5vs20, but I’m sorry to say that this game isn’t the same as the 300 movie.

To be honest, that’s just a stupid fight to get into. Running into any kind of zerg with less then half of their players, better yet only a quarter isn’t a smart idea to begin with. Though it’s just a matter of smarts on their side, if they know to keep rezing each other then good for them, they’re using teamwork and teamwork is how you beat people in WvW. I’ve been in WvW and ran with groups of people and no one revives anyone and we eventually get pushed back because of it.

I don’t really think it’s the mechanic that’s broken, just a matter of how team oriented that group is. Just remember that you have the downed state as well, so you can do the same thing under certain circumstances.

We have the skills to beat them if they remove the downed state. We are better players and highly coordinated yet we are unable to beat them all because of this kitten like mechanic. It does nothing but promote zerg beats all philosophy. The mechanic is one of the worst things I have ever had to deal with in any game. I don’t know why anyone would discourage skillfull gameplay by keeping this mechanic.

While I understand your frustration. I think you’re playing the wrong kind of PvP for what you seem to be looking for. While running around a big open map and attacking keeps is all good and fun, it’s a game type based around the efforts of an entire server, which is thousands of players and will eventually equate to a zerg no matter what.

If you want a less Zerg oriented PvP, I’d suggest tPvP or sPvP.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above.

it is easy to discourage revive, do damage to that downed player spike him hard. Or do AoE damage. I been playing WvWvW lately and personally I have been running with a group of 15 to 18 players and we have come acrossed groups of 20 to 40 and won. Them resing was never a problem as we spiked the downed players, and others AoE’ed them. It is a matter of deterrence, not broken.

Try running with a group of 5 against 20 players and downing 10-12 of them, however the rest of the zerg just resses them up before you can finish them off. Then you will truly understand how i feel.

It’s quite awesome that you can down 10-12 people in a 5vs20, but I’m sorry to say that this game isn’t the same as the 300 movie.

To be honest, that’s just a stupid fight to get into. Running into any kind of zerg with less then half of their players, better yet only a quarter isn’t a smart idea to begin with. Though it’s just a matter of smarts on their side, if they know to keep rezing each other then good for them, they’re using teamwork and teamwork is how you beat people in WvW. I’ve been in WvW and ran with groups of people and no one revives anyone and we eventually get pushed back because of it.

I don’t really think it’s the mechanic that’s broken, just a matter of how team oriented that group is. Just remember that you have the downed state as well, so you can do the same thing under certain circumstances.

We have the skills to beat them if they remove the downed state. We are better players and highly coordinated yet we are unable to beat them all because of this kitten like mechanic. It does nothing but promote zerg beats all philosophy. The mechanic is one of the worst things I have ever had to deal with in any game. I don’t know why anyone would discourage skillfull gameplay by keeping this mechanic.

While I understand your frustration. I think you’re playing the wrong kind of PvP for what you seem to be looking for. While running around a big open map and attacking keeps is all good and fun, it’s a game type based around the efforts of an entire server, which is thousands of players and will eventually equate to a zerg no matter what.

If you want a less Zerg oriented PvP, I’d suggest tPvP or sPvP.

If they had a 5v5 deathmatch I would be all over sPvP, however in its current state I will never go near it, i have no interest in conquest.

Also does arenanet even look at these suggestions? My thread got moved here yet they didn’t even respond to my question.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExVoodoo.7586


tPvP is 5v5 I believe. (Which is tournament play)

Anet does read these, but if they took the time to respond to every single one, they wouldn’t have time to work on the game. I’m sure they read it and think about it, but to completely remove the downed state from the game would be a huuuuge game changer and take a lot out of the game.
While they may have thought about it, I’m sure it’s a no. The downed state is such a huge mechanic that they probably would never remove it. I’m sure it took them a lot of work just to make that kind of mechanic in the game in the first place.

Perhaps suggesting some kind of PvP that offers no downed state? Maybe a few servers in the sPvP board that cancel out the downed state for those looking for a more old school type of fight.
I don’t think removing the whole thing would be a good idea as it was a big point that drew a lot of people into the game in the first place.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


The ‘downed state’ itself is not what’s broke. The fact that other people can heal downed players and resurrect defeated players while in combat is the problem… Short example: a group of 25 run across a group of 40 and begin combating each other. Sure by numbers alone, the group of 40 has the odds of winning this ‘fight’. Well this mechanic almost guarantees it now. Hypothetical scenario, those 25 are actually ‘more skilled’ players and take out at least 10 of the larger group. Now it’s tilted more fair to 25 v 30, wont be for long though when 5 or so of those 30 (so it actually may become 25v25 or 25v20 for a moment) ‘bring back’ their 10 downed or defeated ‘buddies’. BAM, now it’s 25 v 40 AGAIN…! So yes, it takes battles/fights that are already outweighed and just outweighs them EVEN MORE…

So the simplest fix wouldn’t be removing the downed state, it’s a nice change to the MMO (like others have said as well). However, I fully support making it so that a player character cannot heal a downed or resurrect a defeated while in ‘combat mode’… That would be the ‘simple fix’. A player cannot waypoint while in combat mode, and you get an error message letting you know such if you try, they should just apply the same to attempting to heal a downed or resurrecting a defeated ‘friend’ while in combat mode… Then the player that’s been downed still has the opportunity to do exactly what the downed state is all about, fight for his/her life!!! It would also tilt the scale back toward balance for the battles that are already imbalanced, just as in my example above.

it is easy to discourage revive, do damage to that downed player spike him hard. Or do AoE damage. I been playing WvWvW lately and personally I have been running with a group of 15 to 18 players and we have come acrossed groups of 20 to 40 and won. Them resing was never a problem as we spiked the downed players, and others AoE’ed them. It is a matter of deterrence, not broken.

Try running with a group of 5 against 20 players and downing 10-12 of them, however the rest of the zerg just resses them up before you can finish them off. Then you will truly understand how i feel.

It’s quite awesome that you can down 10-12 people in a 5vs20, but I’m sorry to say that this game isn’t the same as the 300 movie.

To be honest, that’s just a stupid fight to get into. Running into any kind of zerg with less then half of their players, better yet only a quarter isn’t a smart idea to begin with. Though it’s just a matter of smarts on their side, if they know to keep rezing each other then good for them, they’re using teamwork and teamwork is how you beat people in WvW. I’ve been in WvW and ran with groups of people and no one revives anyone and we eventually get pushed back because of it.

I don’t really think it’s the mechanic that’s broken, just a matter of how team oriented that group is. Just remember that you have the downed state as well, so you can do the same thing under certain circumstances.

We have the skills to beat them if they remove the downed state. We are better players and highly coordinated yet we are unable to beat them all because of this kitten like mechanic. It does nothing but promote zerg beats all philosophy. The mechanic is one of the worst things I have ever had to deal with in any game. I don’t know why anyone would discourage skillfull gameplay by keeping this mechanic.

While I understand your frustration. I think you’re playing the wrong kind of PvP for what you seem to be looking for. While running around a big open map and attacking keeps is all good and fun, it’s a game type based around the efforts of an entire server, which is thousands of players and will eventually equate to a zerg no matter what.

If you want a less Zerg oriented PvP, I’d suggest tPvP or sPvP.

If they had a 5v5 deathmatch I would be all over sPvP, however in its current state I will never go near it, i have no interest in conquest.

Also does arenanet even look at these suggestions? My thread got moved here yet they didn’t even respond to my question.

Or maybe they are giving you your answer, look your going to keep playing the game regardless of downed state or not. You just enjoy coming to a public forum and making a big deal out of nothing. Cause honestly if they moved your thread that means you been on this for some time and if they haven’t responded or changed it then why are you still here?

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: sparc.3649


I must add, the only time I’ve seen any group(s) not heal/revive is when they’re outnumbered… That is logical, if you’re outnumbered to begin with you may physically not be able to even attempt to heal/revive a friendly (too busy fighting?). Meanwhile they can heal/revive anyone on their side that your group managed to down/defeat! Way to to be ONE SIDED (insert unbalanced scale picture here). So why should the group outnumbering you hold that advantage (not to mention the obvious one of having the greater number) !?

My proposed resolution is all about BALANCE, and FAIRNESS. It does not cater to any specific ‘category’ of person or persons. It does not cater to skilled people, skill-less people, large groups, small groups, young people, old people, it does not discriminate on race, sex, ethnicity, or any other factors! It tilts the scale back toward 50/50… I have not inserted any personal bias here. I am not talking about what has or has not happened to me personally. I am not discussing how skilled or unskilled I am, that’s all irrelevant…

I can talk about one event that I witnessed though if you like… I did witness what must have been a decently “equal fight” in WvW, I’d say a fight of maybe roughly 40 v 40, or 50 v 50 (somewhere around there), that, because the numbers on both sides were big enough NOBODY actually ever “won”, both sides just kept healing/reviving their own teammates and eventually once I guess everyone realized this was a never ending battle (because of this system), then parted ways – with NOBODY being the “victor”… That to me is stupid too (as rare as it may or may not be). However, events such as that are only possible because heal/revive is currently allowed in combat. If it were not, one side would have eventually killed off the other, it would have ended, the victor would resurrect it’s dead while the defeated waypointed… Instead no, these two opposing groups tried and tried to take each other out for a long time. Much longer than I’m sure it would have been had both sides not been able to heal/revive while in combat.

So you see, no bias here, just pure balance at mind. It wouldn’t ‘cater’ to just those uneven battles, but it would also have a direct effect on ‘fair’ battles too…

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

(edited by sparc.3649)

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

I love how you indirectly declare yourself great and then proceed to admit that you cannot adapt to a mechanic that thousands of people all have been able to adapt to.

So let me get this straight, you are a great player but you are unable to adapt to the downed state. By virtue of you clearly infallible logic I, being one who enjoys the downed state am bad. Yet somehow in my badness I am able to adapt to a mechanic that you cannot. Awesome =)

The downed state encourages a numbers > skill wins. If you run with a zerg and pick of smaller groups no wonder you love it. You don’t adapt you abuse there is a difference. The downed state is a horrible mechanic for everyone who is skilled and a great mechanic for everyone who is bad, that’s why i have such a problem with it.

Although at times I do run with large groups as I am sure most of us do. I personally spend the majority of my time running with my guild in groups of 5-30. We routinely kill groups twice our size and we use the downed state to our advantage ALOT. Whenever we see a downed player we focus our AOE on them knowing that some will come to rez them. This starts to create a pile of bodies that continues to work against the larger group.
This is just one example of how players can adapt to mechanics instead of just declaring them broken and anybody who does not agree must therefore be bad.
I actually totally disagree with the idea that the downed state itself gives an advantage to larger groups. I have had many battles with my guild groups where we have come back from the brink of defeat against a larger force to eventually win. That only happens because of the downed state.

IMO what this whole issue really comes down to is the childish knee-jerk “THAT’S NOT FAIR” reaction because of the way the downed state can bring a group from losing to winning. I think that all this crying about this mechanic is all stemming from this same emotional reaction to the tide of battle turning on people that thought they were winning only to realize that they are not. It is a similar reaction that gets ppl to alt-f4. They think in their minds they should win and when they don’t it hurts their feelings and they can’t take it.

BTW how exactly do you think I am abusing the downed system? You say I don’t adapt, I abuse. I have no clue where you would even get the basis for making a statement like that.

Vig of [dO]

(edited by Vigrith.8136)

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

Um no the downed state is broken for Ele’s but good luck with this QQ thread.

How is it broken for ele’s ?

Cause in pvp they mist form run away I run 15 feet and put a pole in their head….. in the end they only died tired and on the run.

It’s broken because my gaurdian can reach for the sky about 16 times in a row and snap, pop I’m back at full health.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The truth is, it’s a great mechanic for bad players. I am sorry but that’s the truth of the matter.

The actual truth is that good players adapt and learn how to excel. Bad players complain and point the blame away from themselves.

Great players know what is adaptable and what is broken. The downed state is so broken it’s not even funny, it’s not even balanced.

Um no the downed state is broken for Ele’s but good luck with this QQ thread.

How is it broken for ele’s ?

Cause in pvp they mist form run away I run 15 feet and put a pole in their head….. in the end they only died tired and on the run.

It’s broken because my gaurdian can reach for the sky about 16 times in a row and snap, pop I’m back at full health.

I love the over dramatization but the Cd on the mist form is 60 seconds. if your reaching in the sky 16 times and still haven’t downed them, then the ele deserves to come back form a downed state.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



Don’t even argue with him he is just here to complain and troll. He will continue to play GW2 even if they tell him they will never remove it. that goes for the people that all complain about the mechanic.

and like you said it isn’t the fact the Mechanic is broke it is the “THAT’S NOT FAIR” childish mentality.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Kaimick you’re wrong and I’m right about this and no matter how much you try I’ll still be right about an Elementalists downed state. Youvan turn into mist form sometimes twice but you still can’t rally like a gaurdian can and that’s not fair.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Kaimick you’re wrong and I’m right about this and no matter how much you try I’ll still be right about an Elementalists downed state. Youvan turn into mist form sometimes twice but you still can’t rally like a gaurdian can and that’s not fair.

What are you talking about? I am just going to flag this as trolling and spam

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

Please refrain from engaging in personal flamewars. Keep this thread constructive and friendly.


the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: pierwola.9602


I can live with “downed state” but “rally system” really piss me off sometimes, for me, it should look like this

“Rally is the process of removing oneself from a downed state. You can rally by killing foes using your pet or downed skills or gaining enough experience via kills.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I can live with the downed state,although i must say its not my favorite system.Imo a player ive “killed” should stay dead,the downed state can be really annoying at some times,espec in heavy wvwvw.So many times where i was unable to “finish” a player just because he goes invis,teleports,straight up dc when downed ( happens Alot in wvwvw ),or i get ganked suddenly and the downed player still lives because i was unable to finish.Like i said..i can live with it,but honestly i dont like the downed state at all.Not even when i’m downed,and im able to get back up and kill the player that just downed me,i think it’;s wrong.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inkubus.7529


Downed state is not the big issue at all. People need to learn to have roles. Roles are very different depending on part of the game is played at the moment.

PvE open world and PvE dungeons for now can be anything individual player wishes to be. I am not high lvl in FotM but some of my guildies complain it become hard later on so it might be required certain role specialization.

SPvP is usually high burst DPS but some good teams divide themselves into specific roles and gain high advantage.

WvW is not an exception. Yet I think it would require even more roles. Especially those with easy AoE based skills (like ele and necro with staff) to discourage revival of downed players. Furthermore, few days ago I was n WvW and there haven’t been caravan protectors, no supply chain ppl etc. I think it was huge mistake and probably could be achieved trough coordinated guild actions. That said, individual is not important in WvW but guild(s).

Downed state is fine and it is quite good innovation in MMO. I don’t mind when ele vapor out of me. I play ele too and know that once he is out of that vapor – he is dead ele! I just follow the trail. I was furious when thief blink away and stealth but now it is ok too. I was also furious when mesmer runaway and clone itself and that too is ok. It was annoying when guardian or warrior knock me back but that is ok too. I think somehow engeneers and necros are underpowered in comparison to others.

All in all, not big deal feature itself. The bigger deal is to change usual routine in tactics and ability usage and apply something new/different to ensure that downed player stay down. When another player comes to revive, reject idea “OMG he’s gonna rez him” and make this idea instead “Let use this into my/our advantage and nail down both players”. It can be more difficult to certain professions than to others but not that difficult or impossible. I would rather have 2 enemy players in downed state than one perma killed. Situation dictates everything at the end.

PS: read carefully

Inkarius [ele] Inkores [war] Inkratos [ran] Inkariosa [nec] MaINK The Liar [thf] Inklusion [msmr]

(edited by Inkubus.7529)

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Now that there is some content to this thread i will give some input.

Ipersonally find no issue with downed state. In fact i am really starting to like it. It is just another weapon skill you have to learn to use.
each profession has something different.
if you don’t die often you don’t get to practice it enough. So when the time comes and you need to use it your hunting blindly at your chooses before you.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


I wasn’t thrilled with downed state at first but it has grown on me to where I would be disappointed if they removed it now

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaith.9132


Hi everyone,

Please refrain from engaging in personal flamewars. Keep this thread constructive and friendly.


@ Mod, without prejudice. The OP is neither constructive nor friendly and it’s directed at the developers.

My thoughts on every thread like this whether it’s mechanical, economical, what have you:

Complaining about any mechanic that is good for poor players and bad for good players is akin to saying: “Taxes are good for poor people and bad for rich people, therefore, I am against taxes for rich people.”

…it just doesn’t fly.

The OP made one good point which is true (in a subsequent post). Downed skills are not yet balanced between professions and also between PvE and WvW/PvP (the later of which I can’t testify personally to as I only PvE). I just know my ranger’s downed skills bug out when I use more than one. However, this is an example of a known issue ANet has acknowledged.

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

may i interject for a moment?

the way i see it, is the downed state is great on paper but at this moment is flawed, not because it sucks in-game, its just unbalanced and lacks depth that i was hoping for. the downed state Should mean a much higher attack (with a bleedout, no mobility) and the ability to get back up if used right. each have their own skills but some like the warriors are just odd. guaranteed death with a off-chance of not dying? used this in pvp and died after killing what seemed like a buttload of enemies. im jsut hoping they put ina bit more veriaty and ways to use this mechanic.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sniku.6837


+1 remove down state

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Seems the idea of not being able to heal others in the downed state while in combat or a possible condition from being in the down state in general is a good idea. I’ve run across a fight 2 v 5, all they had to do was heal their buddies in down state… pretty much immortals, they would just get back up and continue fighting like nothing ever happen.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaith.9132


+1 FIX downed state

-1 remove the most innovative feature in recent MMO history

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Twill.6217


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The way it currently is should be revamped to only have three skills that are all uniform for every character in the game. There should be a ranged attack, a ranged interrupt and a heal. That is all. There is no reason to have different skills between characters. In addition, they should remove any traits associated to downed state and a successful rally should only result in 5-10% health. Those would be massive improvements to the downed state without removing it from the game.

that would break PVE.

getting up with 10% hp in front of a boss will most likely result in an instant downed-state again.

there is nothing wrong with downed state that’s so ever. yes, it is helpful to those who screw up, but how is that a bad thing? we’re all human and we all make mistakes. we deserve a chance to get up and try again.

all these elitist attitudes have to go. find another game if you want to be an uptight jerk about things.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Agreed, the downed state seriously needs to be fixed.
What’s wrong with the downed state?
- It seriously limits higher skilled players from taking on multiple opponents at once, as all they have to do when you kill someone, is run up and press F.

- It gives a huge advantage to the players with a higher quantity of people.

- Makes zerg vs zergs even more dependent on pure numbers and not skill.

It doesn’t have to be removed, even a few changes would help fix it.
Some possible solutions:
- Limit the maximum amount of people able to revive a person to one.

- Make it so the revive is interrupted by damage.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crimzen.6531


The downstate is pretty much needed in this game because of the fact that there are no “main healing” classes. If there was no downstate then people would just outright die all the time instead of having a chance to get back up, and that would be even more frustrating for most players I think. I personally love the downstate with this game because of the dynamic combat and team mechanics it adds to gameplay. There have been plenty of times in both pve and pvp where me or a teammate have gone down and because we knocked back the enemies away and played skillfully we were able to rally. On the other hand it balances it out because your enemies can do the same thing.

In short, just learn how to play or play a different game. The downstate is a core game mechanic and they simply can’t just “take it out”. They’d pretty much have to rebalanced the whole game at that point because the current system is balanced around having it in. Most players like or don’t mind it anyway.

Tl;DR-Learn to play.

Guild leader of Kaiketsu<kai>
Home: Sanctum Of Rall
Profession: Thief

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dariroch.6482


I just dislike how imbalanced it is. It makes stability a must if you’re in t 1 v 2 situation. Its a good thing I have 3 of it in DS for a 30pt trait line <pukes>