the tactical potential of WvW

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


dear anet,
when i first looked at wvwvw i told myself: “wow! finally an MMO that uses tactics!”
wvwvw is great and has some good tactics in it, but it lacks something-the feeling of war.
sure, war in his case can be hell but how about hiding and ambushes? you should also put some debis around and make players use their enviroment to gain an advantage. the hight should matter. there should be dark places to light by torch. create event like roadblocks and add allies other than quaggans. plus- horses can be nice. if anyone has more suggestions, post them! so we can wvwvw a hell of a tactical battlefield.

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Well, I’d love to see something done about people balling up to avoid AoE damage. Thats the exact opposite of how things should work.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: BossFi.6917


Problem with WvW is everything is static. Attacking the same tower on another map is exactly the same and repetative.

We need to allow players to create random elements like covering an area with oil to create fire walls, build traps, build wooden defensive positions with fences anywhere on the map to use as scout positons or to protect siege.

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Nothing personal mate but as a commander I would never give out my tricks to other servers.

and my guild is the same its guild tactics we dont give out ideas tricks it would destroy who we are if peoples copy us.

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


My Two-penny-worth:-

Introducing ‘Commanders’ was a good idea. But it’s a bit limited (on my server anyway). At the moment it gives a single focus point for a massive zerg or maybe a couple of smaller, independent zergs.
It’s a bit like the old tribal chieftain system of the pre-Roman period. Unless the commanders get together and agree a strategy, it’s just a big free-for-all.

I’d like to see a system where Commanders took the position of a General, appointing a series of lower ranked individuals on the field (ad-hoc Field promotions) and charging them with particular tasks.
The appointment would last only as long as the General Commander(s) allowed and would not be a permanent promotion. I see it ending anyway when the holder leaves the field and he/she would have to be re-appointed next time.

If each sub-commander had a similar icon on the field and his own squad (up to 10 ppl say?), it would make it easier to deploy small groups for the purpose of sweeping all the supply camps, dolyaks, sentries or taking down an unguarded tower instead of the whole zerg being occupied on it.

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


If each sub-commander had a similar icon on the field and his own squad (up to 10 ppl say?), it would make it easier to deploy small groups for the purpose of sweeping all the supply camps, dolyaks, sentries or taking down an unguarded tower instead of the whole zerg being occupied on it.

All they have to do is allow commanders to “hide” their pin AND still retain all the functions of a squad. Currently if you hide the pin it disbands and dissolves the squad.

If they made that change, tons of guilds would use it to do what you mentioned above and be much more coordinated.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I would like to see a living world in the WvWvW, make random events happen in the world.

Perhaps something major happens at a tower when it does if no one defends it that tower is lost and goes neutral

I am not really sure on every thing they can do but something to change the atmosphere of the world. as it stands now All the border lands are the same so all the fights stay the same.