tokens tokens tokens

tokens tokens tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: shawn.6793


i dont know what anet’s long term plan with tokens is but surely there gonna have to become more universal at some point? i mean at the moment whenever something new is added reward wise, theres a new collectable to stack in your bank.

heres a couple of my ideas to make it easier to do what yu like to get what you want.

1) make stacks more than 250, 1000? infinite? just more basically, would free up the space in your bank and be easier to keep track of what you got.

2) laurels, maybe make your dungeon tokens tradeable for laurels? obviously depending on the lvl dungeon make it cost more or less. AC 180 tokens = 1 laurel
arah tokens 60 = 1 laurel.

3) again laurels could become your main token, keep updating the laurel merchant with a variety of rewards to keep MOST players happy ( everyone will never be happy lol).

doing any of the above things would be mean that players could do whatever dungeon they want, dailies, fotm even chuck WvWvW tokens into the mix, why not!

player doing what they want and all getting rewarded equally, happy days^^

also on a side note, make pre cursors account bound and maybe a recipe for them!