what about having better thing

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: mustangsall.1298


To start a family at any point in your personal story

To buy house

To be able to have a pet and not have to be a ranger( to have pet shops)

To get to leave 80 not so hard to get to

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tman.6349


i think you might have accidentally purchased GW2 instead of The Sims 2…hope you kept your receipt :p

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Balsa.3951


:) LOL !!!!!!!!!!

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


1) It sounds fun, but it also sounds like a lot of development work toward little game purpose.
2) I believe housing is on the “we’d like to do this” list.
3)Minis? I mean, I play a Ranger because I pretty much always love pet classes. There’s literally no point to a ranger if everyone gets to have a combatant pet.
Although if you mean a pet you could put in your house that would greet you when you got home, I could go for that.
4)I’m sure the level cap will increase whenever there’s an expansion.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrazel.7085


To start a family at any point in your personal story

To buy house

To be able to have a pet and not have to be a ranger( to have pet shops)

To get to leave 80 not so hard to get to


(edited by Chrazel.7085)

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


i think you might have accidentally purchased GW2 instead of The Sims 2…hope you kept your receipt :p

They are up to Sims 3 and Sims 4 is out late 2014.


1. And what would be so special about the family? What do you envision the family being? How do you accomplish this with the varying races? Sylvari don’t have families like we think of them, though they can fall in love. Charr have others raise their kids and I believe the same for the Asura.

2. I believe this one is at least on their list of things they’re working towards. There is a home instance at the moment.

3. They do have Minis that can be bought we gems or won through various holiday activities. This will probably be as close to pets as we’ll get.

4. 80 isn’t that hard to get to.

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tman.6349


Thank you for seriously correcting my ‘serious’ post Seera! Tools Rule! Your reply does too, Seera. Seriously :p

what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elrey.5472


To start a family at any point in your personal story

To buy house

To be able to have a pet and not have to be a ranger( to have pet shops)

To get to leave 80 not so hard to get to

Fable 3, you can get childrens, houses and pets… i’m sure you can buy that game and have fun, as i did, but in 1-2 weeks you’ll be bored again. GW2 is pretty good without that kind of stuff and honestly. I’m sorry but ain’t gonna happen.

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what about having better thing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Thank you for seriously correcting my ‘serious’ post Seera! Tools Rule! Your reply does too, Seera. Seriously :p

I was only continuing it. Other games he might want to consider if he’s wanting to raise a family and have pets.