why Nerf rather than improve

why Nerf rather than improve

in Suggestions

Posted by: sheekiz.7328


with this new quickness NERF, are you going to decrease the vulnurability a warrior takes when they use bloodlust? Are you going to reduce the crazy long cooldown of timewarp on a mesmer? or any other classes that use quickness? or we just nerf’in? I for one am done with this game for an unknown duration.
It seems balancing is synonymous with ruining in Anets thesaurus.
If CoF p1 farming is what your trying to take away, give players another means of farming their legendaries. Farming raw materials is a joke when the gains are weighed. How about make other parts of the game AS lucrative as CoF p1 spam farming instead of nerf spamming; that might just make a decent game a special game.
And if content needs to be adjusted because you deem it to easy for players to fly through, adjust the content, not the players. We all see when your taking a lazy way out, and we all hate you for it.

why Nerf rather than improve

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Because nerfing can improve a game?
If a class had an ability that instantly killed an enemy player, that would be awful. Nerfing it so it wasn’t so overpowered would greatly improve the game.

why Nerf rather than improve

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

I understand the nerf for the pvp-side, but on the pve-side…
It was just one of the most fun things to do, get your group together, stack might, Time Warp and see dat number

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

why Nerf rather than improve

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Software developers nerf because its far easier than improving…

You have 1 skill percieved as too powerful 9 others as normal…

Are you going to take the time to boost 9 or nerf 1?

They always nerf 1…


They get into a nerfing mindset and before you know it dozens of things are nerfed, like whats happening now in GW2 and then you wonder why player numbers have gone down so much…

Nerfing is by defination a negative action and negative actions create a equal and opposite negative reaction sooner or later…

why Nerf rather than improve

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Software developers nerf because its far easier than improving…

You have 1 skill percieved as too powerful 9 others as normal…

Are you going to take the time to boost 9 or nerf 1?

They always nerf 1…


They get into a nerfing mindset and before you know it dozens of things are nerfed, like whats happening now in GW2 and then you wonder why player numbers have gone down so much…

Nerfing is by defination a negative action and negative actions create a equal and opposite negative reaction sooner or later…

If you’re constantly buffing nearly everything in order to not technically nerf one overpowered thing, you’re still basically nerfing the overpowered thing.
Also, if there were no nerfs, everything balloons out of control numerically which tends to create even more tenuous circumstances where imbalances are more likely to occur.
Categorically dismissing nerfs as bad is completely wrong.

why Nerf rather than improve

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


Not to mention if you keep buffing, buffing, buffing, you would eventually have to buff EVERY SINGLE mob in the game, creating a LOT more work in the long run. And you would end up with player characters having 10billion HP, just to be able to survive the INSANE dmg output that would be put out by others