world pvp idea

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dufox.3150


trying to get content added.. feel free to offer suggestions instead of instantly dismissing it when you see a problem.
the goal of this thread is to add a new layer of pvp that does not revolve around the WvW concept or group objectives.

player bounty board AKA: hit list

me and a few friends had a discussion about it a few months ago and the more i think about it the more i think it would actually be perfect for the game.

the restrictions
1. player must be lvl 80 to be put on the hit list. (you can however add people even if your not 80)
2. if you do not want to be forced into pvping then you could simply accept or decline it when you get a notification saying you’ve been added to the list.

how it works
add a notice board to lions arch where a player could:
1. add his own name to the list for a small fee.
2. add his friend or someone who annoyed him to the list for a small fee.
3. after you choose your target you have the option to provide additional coin (from your own pocket) as a reward for the person who fulfills the contract.
4. when the contract has ended & the target has been killed, the target will be able to see who added him to the hit list.
5. someone checks the bounty board and accepts a contract. (more detailed in rules)

1. a player contract will only appear on the list if the target is online.
2. as soon as you are added to the list you get a notification that you have been added to the list. (via ingame mail or a nice big flashing text warning across the screen OBVIOUSLY if something like this existed it would be more official & fine tuned…)
3. as soon as someone accepts the contract the target will be notified & the person who accepted the contract will be shown the last waypoint the target used.
4. he will then have 10 minutes to find and kill the target.
5. if the target kills the attacker he is rewarded like completing an event & he gets his name placed back on the list.
6. if the target is killed by the attacker, the attacker is rewarded like an event & receives any additional gold that was payed by the person who made the contract.
7. you can only accept 1 contract at a time & only be hunted by 1 player at a time.
8. you can not accept the same contract 2 times in the same day.

the contract will show the players name, how many people who have tried to kill him & failed (resets when killed) & if any bonus cash is added.

of course i have not thought of everything needed to make this work or considered every problem it would create… it would absolutely require a lot of changes & fine tuning before it was put into the game but i personally think it would be a fantastic way to add world pvp & good quality entertainment… at the very least it would be a great place to start for new pvp concepts.

what do yall think, would anyone else like to see something like this added to the game?
constructive criticism is always welcome

dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

(edited by Dufox.3150)

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Tell your guildmate to hunt you down, kill him, watch the bounty rise, tell another guy to come to you, kill him as well, watch the bounty rise again, repeat until its at a nice high bounty then have yet another guildmate finally kill you. Split the profit.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dufox.3150


good call, may need to scrap the bounty rising from the idea.

dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Palador.2170


So… let’s say you torqued me off. Maybe you killed something before I could get there to hit it for kill credit, or you’re wearing an absolutely awful shade of purple. Doesn’t matter how, just that you’re in my sights.

You’re still doing events, and I slip off to Lion’s Arch. I put your name onto the list as a target. Now, you either have to stop doing events to go to Lion’s Arch to take your name OFF the list (and this costs you money), or you have to risk someone attacking you while you play in a PvE area. If I want to, I can even take the bounty and go right back to where I saw you and try to kill you.

And I can do this to you EVERY DAY. And the only way YOU can stop it is to pay money every time I do it.

That’s about what you’re asking for, right?

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


So basically I have to pay in-game money to stop people potentially griefing me?

How is this a good idea?

The PvE game just isn’t designed to accomodate PvP.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


At first I thought this was for WvW, which could be amusing. You could set a bounty to someone on one of the enemy servers, and if someone killed them you’d be notified (with an automatic screenshot included) and they’d receive their reward.

If this is for PvE, it’s incredibly kittening stupid. ANet purposely worked quite hard to remove any and all forms of griefing from the game, and you want to add a huge one? How about no. PvP happens in PvP. PvE is PvE. The game is pretty clear about this.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


If you want to do this PvP thing, then instead of forcing those that do not wish to PvP just not be on the list and those that do want to PvP should be the ones paying the small fee to be on the list.

People that do not wish to PvP should not be forced in any way to do so and they should not be forced to pay a fee to avoid what they do not wish in the first place.

If anyone wants to do this, they should have to sign up and give their own consent, not because someone decided to put them on the list to have some fun.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dufox.3150


like i said, im tossing out an idea thats obviously not 100% final and put into the game.
the idea behind this thread is to see how people feel about another type of pvp thats not based around WvW or team objective.

but to answer your question, no thats not what im asking for.
perhaps when you get the notification that you have been added to the list you can simply accept it or decline it from your mail box.

problem solved.
when i say small fee im thinking of something like 20 bronze because everything in guildwars tends to cost something. (your absolutely right tho, people should never be forced to pvp if they do not want to or pay to take their name off the list.)
like i said before i had not considered things like people who would try to be annoying to random people repeatedly.

dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

(edited by Dufox.3150)

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


If you want to do this PvP thing, then instead of forcing those that do not wish to PvP just not be on the list and those that do want to PvP should be the ones paying the small fee to be on the list.

People that do not wish to PvP should not be forced in any way to do so and they should not be forced to pay a fee to avoid what they do not wish in the first place.

If anyone wants to do this, they should have to sign up and give their own consent, not because someone decided to put them on the list to have some fun.

Actually this is a brilliant idea. Reminds me of Shadow play from Alastair Reynold’s Revelation Space universe. Bored of immortality? The challenges of life are just too easy for you? Hire a gunman to inject some thrill in your day!

You pay the fee, you get put on the board. Anyone who wants can pay a small amount (say 10% of your prize) to try, gets told in which map the target is (general location or map only, no specifics) and tries to take you down.

First to die loses. If the hunter dies, the “fee” goes to the hunted. If the target dies, the hunter gets his prize.

You can even have leaderboards for both most assassination attempts survived, and most targets assassinated.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how we turn a horrible suggestion into an awesome one.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


this is probably the worst idea ive come across in a few months.


world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Why should I have to pay money to get off a list someone else put me on? Not everyone wants to PvP.

Dumb idea.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Healix.5819


Non-consensual PvP will never exist in GW2. It goes against one of their core philosophies of the game. Any world PvP will take place in special zones, like WvW, where people know what they’re going in to.

Dueling in PvE was a feature they were willing/wanted to add though – low priority of course.

(edited by Healix.5819)

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I do not want PvP in PvE areas.

The Burninator

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dufox.3150


so you would decline or ignore the notification and it would not affect you in the slightest…

dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

so you would decline or ignore the notification and it would not affect you in the slightest…

So, if I wanted to annoy someone who I know doesn’t PvP I could get a bunch of us to put contracts on him so he would have a series of messages flash across his screen while he is trying to play or fill up his mailbox with mail he has to sit there and delete or else he won’t get his hearts rewards or mail from friends or purchases from the gem store?

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dufox.3150


so you would decline or ignore the notification and it would not affect you in the slightest…

So, if I wanted to annoy someone who I know doesn’t PvP I could get a bunch of us to put contracts on him so he would have a series of messages flash across his screen while he is trying to play or fill up his mailbox with mail he has to sit there and delete or else he won’t get his hearts rewards or mail from friends or purchases from the gem store?

yup right after you trade spam him

dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


so you would decline or ignore the notification and it would not affect you in the slightest…

I simply would prefer not to see PvE turned into what would probably become a disorganized dueling arena. Also I would prefer not to have anymore notifications popping up on my screen. Maybe if it cost 15 gold, nonrefundable to put someone on the list I would be slightly more receptive to the idea, very slightly.

The Burninator

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: ASB.4295


so you would decline or ignore the notification and it would not affect you in the slightest…

What if PvE players don’t want the PvP culture to seep into their environment? That’s the biggest threat when you combine PvP and E. Rampant trash-talking, verbal harassment and general aggressive behavior towards or discrimination of the less or non-competitive players can seriously hurt a “carebear’s” gaming experience to a point of not even wanting to log into the game anymore because he doesn’t want to expose himself to these elements again.

And before you argue that I’m pigeonholing PvPers: Honorable, friendly PvPers are a small minority drowned out by the hordes of loud, immature, testosterone addicted egomaniacs looking for an easy target to put down and harass in order to make them feel better about themselves.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dufox.3150


If you want to do this PvP thing, then instead of forcing those that do not wish to PvP just not be on the list and those that do want to PvP should be the ones paying the small fee to be on the list.

People that do not wish to PvP should not be forced in any way to do so and they should not be forced to pay a fee to avoid what they do not wish in the first place.

If anyone wants to do this, they should have to sign up and give their own consent, not because someone decided to put them on the list to have some fun.

Actually this is a brilliant idea. Reminds me of Shadow play from Alastair Reynold’s Revelation Space universe. Bored of immortality? The challenges of life are just too easy for you? Hire a gunman to inject some thrill in your day!

You pay the fee, you get put on the board. Anyone who wants can pay a small amount (say 10% of your prize) to try, gets told in which map the target is (general location or map only, no specifics) and tries to take you down.

First to die loses. If the hunter dies, the “fee” goes to the hunted. If the target dies, the hunter gets his prize.

You can even have leaderboards for both most assassination attempts survived, and most targets assassinated.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how we turn a horrible suggestion into an awesome one.

i was thinking more along the lines of adding a few silver to make people accept your contract faster. adding coins for a winner takes all thing is a nice thought but i think it would lead too to much progression to fast for arenanet to justify it.


dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

(edited by Dufox.3150)

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dufox.3150


should also point out that the “hit list” is simply you signing up for PvP while your PvEing, making it a “hit list” adds more accessibility and entertainment for the people who choose to do it.

its the concept of 1 player hunting & 1 player being hunted that is the new game play.

dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I completely dislike the idea, but i do have a suggestion to improve on the idea.

Instead of forcing players to reconfirm each and every time they get listed on the hit-list board, players should be able to sign up either individual characters or their whole account for the hitman fun. Of course players would have the option of changing from having their whole account as pvp and instead choose individual characters or the other way around.

Then, to put someone on a hit list, you type their name in a search box that searches for every character that’s signed up. Players who have multiple hitman characters (or their entire account) will have the option to be able to link all their characters together, so that if a hit is put on one of their characters, the hit remains whenever they log into a linked character and the name on the bounty changes accordingly.

To restate the point, it’s the players who wish to participate in the hitman game would have to sign up only once, automatically giving their consent to play the game. Of course, any players who put characters or their entire account hitman active have the ability to reverse that decision and remove any or all characters (or accounts) from the hitman list, thus removing them from pvp content.

world pvp idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Karasu.4381


At that point you may as well just allow players to flag themselves as pvp mode and restrict them to only being able to fight other players with the pvp mode flag. That way you have to consent to pvp since you would have to go out of your way and open a menu to turn it on. I personally wouldn’t mind a system like that when I want to be in a combat situation that simply cannot be satisfied by WvW or sPvP.

In fact I would prefer this to a dueling system since it would just allow us to fight as soon as we see another flagged player and not have the whole pop-up thing to accept a duel. Or if we wanted to have a formal duel just /bow like we already do in WvW. I doubt this will be implemented anyways since this is supposedly a casual game and all, but if nothing else at least give us a proper dueling system, Anet.