world pvp is in the air

world pvp is in the air

in Suggestions

Posted by: Horror.8741


Is it possible,
i think as im old mmo player this will do good, but i know its hard to implement in suggestion is for maybea new server where is free for all and there is a faction conflict or somth or at low level chosing some path where every faction can chose so to identify as an enemy faction or to start this havoc at max level only in high level areas dunno but its dangerous cos i bet it will take many ppl to a world pvp server where ppl want do to quests in Orr but have to take care of other faction players, or maybe a new 80lvl area and it will change a lot of things but i dream apart from WvW with its objectives in a map there is a pvp all over the wolrd with or w/o sence but just for fun, like me.Make that surever just for the lulz or the loves who knows, i know i will be there.
P.S i maybe blinded of other mmos but its just a friendly suggestion that could make a blast for my mmo exp with guild wars

world pvp is in the air

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


PvE just isn’t built for it, since it was built with co-operation in mind, not competition. Events that scale the more people there are; personal resource nodes; shared kill xp and loot. All these were put in place to prevent griefing. Adding WPvP in PvE would just undo all of that.

As for dedicating a server to it, they’d have to see how many people were interested in doing that, since servers cost money to run.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

world pvp is in the air

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lenaro.5924


There would be more than enough people interested if I had to venture a guess, but I doubt it’s something they want to add with the state of the game. To make it anything other than painful to play on there would need to be dramatic overhauls of fundamental mechanics which would require a great deal of time and effort on the part of the developers. I doubt the amount of work they would need to do would be worthwhile from the standpoint of the company and an unaltered version of the game running with open world PvP would be a nightmare. I love open world PvP, but I still wouldn’t play on a server with it in GW2 that wasn’t altered tremendously.

world pvp is in the air

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Ok I’ll agree with world PvP, but put up some PvP servers and have people enjoy themselves on there will I go about PvE-ing.