Change T1 male heavy Sylvari gear?
I don’t think they should change existing sets, but I definitely think it’s time we had some new cultural armour across the board. The non-humanoid races in particular are crying out for some sets tailored to their particular needs, instead of being stuck with half-heartedly-modified versions of whatever looked good on humans.
I wear male heavy T1! Though, I’ve noticed that the larger body types don’t play well with it, especially the shoulders, which tend to bulge out past where they were likely meant to end. But I chose a slim and small body for my guardian, and he looks positively Boy Scouty.
It would be absolutely wonderful to have more cultural gear or culturally-themed gear! We’ve only four options for planty armor, and non-sylvari only get one.
I am so sorry that not as many people wear sylvari male heavy T1 as you expected, Diba. Attached below is my guardian and I hope this gives you faith in humanity once again.
(Even he has some issues with the armor – the leggings actually extend past his waist and if you angle the camera down you can see the ground through his pants in the front)
I hope this gives you faith in humanity once again.
My male warrior will wear some T1 pieces of armor indeed, and not T2 or even T3 (the T1 helm is great for instance). Now, I have to test with the luminescence effects, because… that counts!