(edited by ChibiLlama.6439)
Malyck's Armor.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s the PvP Stalwart’s Shoulder item.
That particular shoulder (and the rest of the set except for the chestpiece which can be gotten from the personal story) is not available anywhere in the game for PvE players. It can only be gotten and worn in PvP. Its one of only 2 or 3 sets in the game that isn’t available for PvE, and people have requested PvE models for it before but its thus far not been added.
Really? Well that sucks. xP It’s a really cool skin too!
Oh well. Thanks for letting me know
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s the PvP Stalwart’s Shoulder item.
http://argos-soft.net/GW2ArmorGallery/index.php?weight=2&race=4&color=10&sex=0&armorSet=highwaymaniThat particular shoulder (and the rest of the set except for the chestpiece which can be gotten from the personal story) is not available anywhere in the game for PvE players. It can only be gotten and worn in PvP. Its one of only 2 or 3 sets in the game that isn’t available for PvE, and people have requested PvE models for it before but its thus far not been added.