Q: glowing and sylvari armor

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: SunRain.8972



are all Sylvari racial armors glowing in the dark?
or just some of them because i have the tier 1 racial heavy armor and i want to do abit of a change but i dont want to spend more money if its going the other tiers don’t glow.

Edit: okay so i was looking at through the tiers at night the tier 2 heavy armor does not glow much. but the tier 3 glows better. Thanks for the help though

“From the place where we are right
Flowers will never grow
In the spring.” – Yehuda Amichai

(edited by SunRain.8972)

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Acaelus Thorne.3862

Acaelus Thorne.3862


I believe they should all glow at night. But if you choose darker colours you will not see the glow I think.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Yashimata.2986


My armour is pretty light, but it doesn’t glow in the dark at all. As per most/any other armour, the only glow you’re going to see is on your head.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: callabhan.3627


You can control how bright your character glows by adjusting it in the character customization screen (It’s below body type if im not mistaken.) As far as the armor goes; I havent seen any that glow yet but would imagine that it couldn’t be adjusted.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: sildor.8203


Its only the cultural armor that gloves btw my t1 does that

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


My sylvari ranger wears normal clothing that covers her body. In complete darkness, her entire head glows, but nothing else. Its very amusing!

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Aonivar.6948


My chestpiece of the Nightmare set (TA) glows in the dark. The silly thing, only the left side of her back glows (in my Sylvari’s flow colour) while the rest stays dark. It looks a bit weird.

Those who walk in the light will inevitably cast shadows.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Feycat.4370


My Elementalist Sylvari’s armor does not glow (T1 cloth)

Does the T1 heavy actually glow? That was the one thing holding me back from getting it on my Warrior, that it would completely cover up her bioluminescence.

Can anyone post a screenshot of the T1 heavy glowing??

Game enjoyment increases as time spent on the forums decreases.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: MLieBennett.9031


T1 Light armor for Sylvari doesn’t glow, sadly. At least from what I could tell.

T2 Light armor though, does for females. The part I notice most, is on the flower on the hip of the pants, and part of the chest piece.

Posted a picture of it glowing here, though only the T2 Pants.

Its easier to tell, since I chose the near white and bright glow in character creation. Of course, now I’m basically locked to that skirt over anything else. Just for the bioluminescence to show.

Which is rough, as its hard to find chest armor fits or at the very least doesn’t excessively clip/cover that Leg Armor … And the T2 Shoulder mini-plant-wings.

- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)

(edited by MLieBennett.9031)

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Ikoshin.2430


I was disappointed when I bought Teir 1 medium armor yesterday to find out it didn’t glow at all. Was under the impression that all the Sylvari cultural armor had bioluminescence on them; although it dose look pretty awesome. I think they need to add a channel for Sylvari cultural armor for the glow color specifically or have it match what your characters glow is regardless of the color choices you pic for the armor sense its suppose to be grown from your body after all. Our leafy armor needs some love.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Anka.3675


T1 medium does glow on females at least. The whole upper arm portion and the berry-like thingies at the waist

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Feycat.4370


Anyone got a screenshot or a confirmation of T1 Heavy glowing?

Game enjoyment increases as time spent on the forums decreases.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: phandaria.4891


I had a combination of TA armor, T1 and T2 for medium male. I can confirm T1 and T2 glows, while only the skin color part of TA armor glows. (Anet please make the whole thing glows for TA set)

I suspect that the glows take the bioluminescence value from the character creation. So if you set it low, the glow might not be noticeable. Light color glow is also more noticeable.

Also, I think AC dungeon is the best place to see the glow (my sylvari is glowing like crazy everytime I do dungeon there)

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Vega.8536


So of the “Sylvari Armor” lets make a list of which pieces glow and which do not. I’ve only got a female mesmer so I can’t be sure about the heavy/medium sets but I’ve found a few glowy light armors.

Female Light Armors(glowing)
Twilight Arbor:
-Chest Armor: Has spots on the arm and lower back that glow
-Leg Armor: Front side infront of the waist
Head Armor: Has 2 loops that will light up slightly
Chest Armor: Small part on the hip
Leg Armor: Has a glowy butt
Tier3 (confirmed by Babs)

Female Medium Armors(glowing)
Twilight Arbor:
Tier1 (confirmed by Ikoshin)
Head Armor: Stems at the base of the neck and a line in the center of the helm
Chest Armor: Mesh part along the upper Arms and berries along the belt
Tier2 (confirmed by Xolosheep)
Tier3 (confirmed by Xolosheep)
Head Armor: Might have some was hard to tell by the preview
Chest Armor: Inner Stem of the leaf and Berries
Leg Armor: Stripes down the leg
Shoulder Armor: Might have some was hard to tell by the preview
Feet Armor: Might have some was hard to tell by the preview

Female Heavy Armors(glowing)
Twilight Arbor:
-Almost every piece looks to glow but I can’t really say from the preview
Chest Armor: Lower Arms and Stomach
Leg Armor: Thigh area
Tier3: (Confirmed by Billsauce)
-Gloves: “it will glow the colour that is dyed in the bottom left box” -Billsauce
-Boots: “it will glow the colour that is dyed in the bottom left box” -Billsauce
-Head Armor: “it will glow the colour that is dyed in the bottom left box” -Billsauce

Male Light Armors(glowing)
Twilight Arbor
Tier1 (confirmed by Niji)
Tier2 (Confirmed by Niji)

Male Medium Armors(glowing)
Twilight Arbor (Confirmed by Deepwinter)

Male Heavy Armors(glowing)

If you can confirm, disprove, or add to the list I’ll be happy to adjust it. I just listed, for the most part, what I saw in preview which doesn’t give a good view of the armor. Also if you have the T3 light armor I’d be interested to find out whether or not that lights up. If you have a list for the Male armor, I’m not sure if they’re different, I’ll add that as well.

As a side note the tier3 cultural weapons actually appear to have glass blades and do not look as bad as they do in the preview section.

(edited by Vega.8536)

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Ikoshin.2430


I Tested out whether the med tier 1 armor would glow and it dose not, you can pick very bright colors that will be vibrant at night time and still as vibrant during the day it has no luminescence to it at all. I do have quite a few dyes as well. It dose not have any glow, although you can choose very bright colors to fake a glow. It will be very bright in day and night but will not glow. My character’s Bioluminescence was set as high as I could set it during character creation and my hair tips and body markings GLOW a nice bright blue while all peaces of the tier 1 armor do not.

I had my Shader option turned to low for some reason and it was preventing me from seeing the glow, after correcting this I was able to see the glow on the tier 1 helm where the vanes come from neck and the chest peace where the forearms and on the gourds are on the belt. >_<


(edited by Ikoshin.2430)

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Niji.8034


mmh, I’m playing a male Sylvari with light armor. I have only Tier 1 and 2 so far and just checked, if one of those is glowing… and both are not (checked my graphic options, everything is set high).

Tier 1:
It’s strange, I always thought Tier 1 has glowing ends, but it seems as it hasn’t.

Tier 2:
Does not glow at all, as you see the skin of my Sylvari is glowing pretty strong. The arm armor is just the little ring, but I like it that way, cause of the glowing arm


Lazul – Sylvari – Elementalist

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: phandaria.4891


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the glow for armor is based on the skin glow, as such, hair and body mark will still be brighter than the armor.


The combination of T1 and T2 med armor, the armor is not glowing like the hair or AC weapon. The edges of the coat glows like the skin mark.


Showing white dye hood versus white dye sylvari armor. The hood become much darker than the sylvari armor due to the lighting. Proving sylvari armor actually “glows”

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Vega.8536


I’ve not noticed any relation with my skin/hair glow unless it’s tied to intensity. None of my armor glows the same color as my skin or hair and there’s even one piece, the t2 light helm, that I can change the color with dyes. It may be different from one armor to the next, some sylvari armors try to blend in with the body color and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them was tied to the characters chosen glow.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Xolosheep.1649


I have collected full set of tier 2 medium and tier 3 medium coat for my ranger. The tier 2 does not glow but the tier 3 does, and it’s very pretty. The glow pulses slowly. Its the same armor that Caithe wears.

Before the game launch, I saw an image of Caithe where her armor glows in the dark. It was that day I decided I want that armor on my character

The glow color doesn’t seem to have anything to do with my character glow color. I picked a light violet for my glow color, and the glowing part on tier 3 medium has a green tint (just like Caithe). Depends on what dye you pick that hue could change drastically. Midnight ice or very dark color like abyss will mute it.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Babs.8620


@ Vega.8536

I can confirm that the Teir 3 Female does not have any bio-luminescence at all.
We tired several colour sets, places and waited for the day to night transition(could have been a bug like the AC weapons).

I’m very disappointed by this as the in-game Gold cost you would think it would have some special particle effects or neat gimmick to make it worth the money.

Also I’m the one in pink/white the TA Female Light Armour the Shoulders also has the bio-luminescence glow effect which appears on the back of the neck. As well as the Chest piece and legs which you’ve already included.


(edited by Babs.8620)

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Vega.8536


That’s what I thought, I only got the t3 scarf because it was cool despite no glowy effects but I didn’t like the rest of the t3 enough to shell out the money without some spiffy effects. I just hope they add some new stuff in later updates.

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


Posting to confirm that the Twilight Arbor Medium armor does not have any glow effects.

Very disappointing because its a lot easier to get than Tier 3 Medium – which does have glow – and that’s saying A LOT!

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

Q: glowing and sylvari armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Billsauce.7821


Having had the t3 sylvari female heavy for a few days now I can confirm it does glow. However it does not glow the colour chosen in the creation screen, it will glow the colour that is dyed in the bottom left box.

Only the gloves, boots and helm glow, and only at night. I doesn’t display in previews and the colour is actually much lighter on the character than on the preview for those pieces with the colours used in that bottom left dye box.

I imagine the others will have a similar effect, but I definitely don’t have the money to test it out lol.