Sylvari Armor needs more love...

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: dkabib.5143


Don’t get me wrong, but when I create a leafy style character, why can’t I have lots of choices on leafy styled armor as well?

The only one I found nice is the Cultural sets, nothing else…

If I’m missing other sylvari themed armor please let me know =(

Sorry for bad english.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


Did you check out the dungeon armor sets~ Nightmare Court sets?

If not you can preview them in Lions Arch near the PvP portals.

Miia~ GoM

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Jenosavel.1756


It’s unfortunate that you can’t get a Sylvari leafy looking until you’re pretty far into the game. The Nightmare set and the 3 tiers of cultural is 4 total leafy armor choices, all of which you won’t see until at least level 50.

Leaves and Embers - a fan written GW2 novel (complete!)
Servants of Fortuna [SoF] - We serve fortuna; may she grant us a smile.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


yea i agree on this topic and issue, but then again, of all the races you have the most colors to choose from… like asura are all shades of gray -__-

Are you Shpongled?

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Acaelus Thorne.3862

Acaelus Thorne.3862

I have to agree with the OP, evening leather work at low – mid level I haven’t seen any type of leafy design in them. The same can be said for tailoring.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


It’s unfortunate that you can’t get a Sylvari leafy looking until you’re pretty far into the game. The Nightmare set and the 3 tiers of cultural is 4 total leafy armor choices, all of which you won’t see until at least level 50.

It lvl 35 that the first sylvari t1 gear.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Yashimata.2986


Our starting armor (level 1) should be leafy. Anyone who wants to use it can use transmute stones, everyone else can replace it at level 3 like everyone normally does anyway.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Sylv.5324


I would love more leafies.

And for male leafies, especially cloth, take a page from the female designs and give more flow and clean lines, especially around the waist? The pants on tier 1 and 2 look clunky to me, and the arrangement of foliage is stiff and busy; I realise these are dudes, but the leaf placement is better rendered in the concept art.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Branwin.4609


I love all of the cultural sets and nightmare sets. In time I am sure there will be more variety. Also, although it is nothing spectacular, your in-town clothes ARE leafy. You get them at level 1. I know this doesn’t help when you’re out in a hostile environment, but it’s at least something, and different from the other races.

But I will say this: It’s leatherworking, NOT leafworking. The whole idea behind the sylvari “attire” is that it is sprouted from the sylvari’s very body, it is not something that is picked off the flora around them and sewn together to make their clothing. There was an interesting blog entry about it pre-release. With that in mind, it only makes sense that you can’t make armor from foliage by crafting.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Mark Andrade.3076

Mark Andrade.3076

I absolutely agree… it feels weird being level two walking around Caledon Forest, all your sylvari brethren are clad in naturalistic armor and leaves-a-plenty, while I walk around in my ‘Acolyte’ robes that would fit better on a human. I guess it makes sense to join the world, but part of me would like my sylvari to hold onto a bit of his ‘roots’, so to speak.

New Age Soup – Sylvari Mesmer

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kouken.8604


as soon as I hit lvl 35 I bought the chest/shoulders of t1 medium, used them all the way up to 80,

now im rocking full tier2, with t1 gloves (cause theyre cooler) and loving it,
saving for tier 3 chest/shoulders still!

but yeah agreed with OP, would love more leafy goodness options

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Leriff.8362


The whole idea behind the sylvari “attire” is that it is sprouted from the sylvari’s very body, it is not something that is picked off the flora around them and sewn together to make their clothing.

This isn’t correct. Only some of the leaf-apparel is grown from their body. Others is done the exact way you said it is not. They grow and craft armor and weapons with less refinement in their products, but much like other crafts would.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Cleric.6185


It’s because aside from Cultural or Exotic (Nightmare style) armour, next to no effort was put into the armour for races other than Human. Even Charr wear ports of Human armour that is stretched to fit them. It doesn’t even have a hole for the tail, their tale just pokes through. Charr male and female also have the same skins.

It feels silly seeing all the NPC Sylvari in all this plant gear, when you only have 4 choices of Sylvari styled armour. Every style Armour should be different. It’s lazy developing.

For example look at Lineage 2, this is how an identical armour set changes between races that basically have the same physical shape:

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: DanteZero.3569


TA light armor reminds me of Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and Magda from Diablo 3: Ugly.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


I have to agree with this, Bought T1 Cultural the second I had the money, Transmuted it ever since to keep the leafy style. I am currently saving for T2. Yes town clothes are leafy. But to back up the OP’s Argument, All races have their own style, Which is very clearly defined throughout the game. And to be honest. Most armors are, save the Sylvari, and Asura. Transfer well to the other Races, Norn & Human are basically the same. And to be honest. Throw anything on a Charr that has spikes on it and it looks great.

With the Asura, I would love to see more “Techy” and Geometrical type armor, And the Sylvari with the leafy style.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Hazerd.6089


had the 35 armor till 80 but the costs of that last cultural armor is steep so i could only afford the coat, but so worth it

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Chadramar.8156


It’s really disappointing that there are only four armor options, none of which are available for low- or even mid-level characters unless the player somehow has a lot of money. And even then, some of those armors look more like plastic than anything — just like some of the sylvari faces and “hair styles” do. I really don’t know what’s up with that.

It’d mean the world for immersion if our starting gear was actual sylvari armor. Make it plain as day, I don’t care, just give us something leafy please. It’s ridiculous to run around looking like a human while everyone around us proudly wear their leaves.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Temper.7265


I put a lot of time and effort into my three Sylvari girls looks,be kitten if I’ll cover their beauty with amor/clothing. lol

Au naturel or bust for my Sylvari.

Also,it saves on repairs. =P

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Electro.4173


@ Cleric.6185 – The Charr armor being the same regardless of gender is actually a lore / cultural thing. Charr don’t differentiate their clothing based on gender, according to the GW2 wiki anyway. Everyone wears the same.

As for the issue of Sylvari and the lack of “leafy” clothing for your character to wear… I agree its really jarring. But I think thats mostly because almost every single Sylvari in the game is wearing leafy clothes / armor. The profession trainers are the only ones that commonly wear anything else (though there are a few others that wear normal clothes). If there were a more even split between Sylvari wearing cultural gear and Sylvari wearing other normal clothing, it wouldn’t make you feel so out of place.

The same can be said about most other races I suppose, almost all the NPCs wear clothing specific to their race, but the Sylvari are the most obvious because rather than just being different styled clothing, its a completely different material being used.

Mind you, even if there were more Sylvari NPC’s wearing normal clothes to make your character seem less out of place, it’d still be nice to get some lower-level plantlike armor, just for variety.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: rozcinana.7249


i gotta say, i am in love with the T1 female medium armor. i can’t wait to buy it! Lucky for me i don’t like the T2 or 3 armors because that would be painfully expensive

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Timbersword.9014


T1 heavy and medium made deciding on my Sylvari’s class extra hard. T1 medium was sexy as all get out, but T1 heavy wasn’t too far behind either. It came down to character concept eventually, and the warrior fit (better armor selections too in my opinion.)

Fortunately, the cook uniform is, in fact, race specific in appearance, and I got it for my Sylvari. She’s sporting a nice, big leafy torso and pants that look natural as a dress more so than a chef’s uniform. I stuck her in the pirate boots though, just because I felt they looked better than the chef boots.

The glove is a huge, single oven mitt though. Shipped that piece off to my Charr, whom sports the piece as two elbow long gloves.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Jungle Quack.1368

Jungle Quack.1368

I am using T2 light cutural armor transmuted onto exotic lvl stats. I am very pleased with it. It is my favorite armor in the game for my sylvari, and runs second place in my favorite armor list. (Overall my absolute favorite is the Asura T3 light)

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


The Nightmare set looks absolutely ridiculous on my male Sylvari. Female version is so much better.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: miragezero.2738


T2 medium is great looking; got it transmuted to exotics.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Glog.4275


Probably abit of a newbie question but when i preview the armor sets at Lion Arch near the vigil HQ, all im seeing is the same version on all of em. Medium armor being pirate gear, the weapons show up in preview just not the armor.

Is this a bug?. =/

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Ba air.1372

Ba air.1372

Glog, there are two tabs, the first tab is the basic gear that all looks the same. The second tab, which should be the second coin on the side of the vendor window, shows the gear for the dungeon in question.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Glog.4275


Glog, there are two tabs, the first tab is the basic gear that all looks the same. The second tab, which should be the second coin on the side of the vendor window, shows the gear for the dungeon in question.

Omg how did i even miss that. Jeez.
