Protect him at all costs.
Sylvari cultural armor and it's lore
Protect him at all costs.
Yes the cultural armor is the Sylvari growing armor.
Indeed, the idea is that the Sylvari can grow their armor as natural extensions of their bodies. That is the design theme for their cultural armor.
Where I can find more information about this?
I’m not sure if this is all confirmed lore but I enjoyed browsing through this website.
One or two Sylvari NPCS mention “Home grown armor is the best”.
The only one we know of ‘being forged’ is the Green Knights armor as I recall, but yes the cultral armor/plant clothing is attached to them, grown from their body.
One or two Sylvari NPCS mention “Home grown armor is the best”.
The only one we know of ‘being forged’ is the Green Knights armor as I recall, but yes the cultral armor/plant clothing is attached to them, grown from their body.
Also when you start a sylvari the npc at the beginning says “Take this armor, it’ll hold you over until you can grow your own.”
In the grove next to the Black Lion Trading Post there is an NPC named Liath who mentions armor. She says “just a little bit more. That’s Perfect. Don’t move! I’ve spent the past two hours coaxing these vines into place.” then your character asks “how’s it going?” the next dialog box is “quite well. i find my gifts work much better here in the grove. The plants are much less stubborn here.” your character can then say “Growing armor can be challenging.” then she says “as you well know. The vigil was resistant at first. They didn’t think we were well-enough protected, but they’ve learned. I teach others to grow better armor too.” you can then say “it’s a valuable skill for us vigil.”
I take this to mean that the armor is grown similar to how other Sylvari structures are. Not that it is grown from the individual’s body, but from “coaxing vines into place.” and that if other non Sylvari characters can have the same dialog options, then it may mean anyone can grow their own armor.
Hours Played: 3000
I’m not sure if this is all confirmed lore but I enjoyed browsing through this website.
“Their bodies create petal-like coverings, vines, and leaves that they shape into pleasing garments. When they wish to remove the ooo, they simply shed their petal clothing as a human might cut their hair.” – Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare
Yes, but there is apparently a limit to what sort of clothing a sylvari can grow on themselves, and the quality of it. Sylvari will often grow clothing—especially armor—from other plants, as well as make or buy armor and clothing in the style of the other races.
“How much coverage should I grow on myself?” -Fiodh
copied directly from that link. thanks Xayin
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I don’t take that link as gospel, as it overlooks a number of things, and a number of other things are taken as “confirmed” which are not actually confirmed.