Sylvari light cultural armour T2

Sylvari light cultural armour T2

in Sylvari

Posted by: Coltz.5617


I am just wondering when i preview Cultural T2 chest for sylvari my shoulders disappear..

Does this chest piece not support shoulders? how about a backpiece?

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Sylvari light cultural armour T2

in Sylvari

Posted by: Taku.6352


Backpieces work but the shoulders will get covered up.

Sylvari light cultural armour T2

in Sylvari

Posted by: Cherubino XV.2384

Cherubino XV.2384

It’s not the only armor that hide the shoulders, others that come to mind are the Citadel of Flame medium and the Charr cultural T2 light.
Usually those sets have chests that already have built in the shoulders, if you look at the shoulders armor of those two T2 Cultural Light Sets are almost the same as those in the chest model.
The Cof medium is a different thing but the chest does have some kind of cape wrapped that take the place of the shoulders.
I don’t know if it does hide the back item but i don’t think so.

Edit: well during the time i took to write it up it was already made clear.

(edited by Cherubino XV.2384)