T2 light male

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: Tommytoons.2481


Does anyone actually use the T2 light male armor? I have not seen many people with it. Also can I see pics of your silvari in light armor? I cant afford the T3 but I think the T1/T2/TA looks ugly.

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: Niji.8034


Yes, I’m using T2 light, and I love it!
But you’re right, I just met two other players with T2 light male armor. And I’m playing since headstart.

Here are pictures. First, I was wearing just T2 (1. picture), but meanwhile I replaced the leg armor with T3, it looks better in my opinion.


Lazul – Sylvari – Elementalist

(edited by Niji.8034)

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I am at work so I can’t post screenshots, but I can when I get home. I use the T2. I plan on getting a full T3 set, but T2 will have to suffice for now, as I make money at a pace slightly slower than a snail. Anyway, I quite like it better than wearing real clothing. It makes me feel more Sylvari.

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: Electro.4173


Does the T2 light armor glow for males? I know it does for females, but I don’t know about males.

I’ll probably use T2 light as my main cultural armor for my male Mesmer, once I get to the level (and get the gold) to acquire it. The wings are nifty and sufficiently “flashy” for a Mesmer trying to distract enemies as much as possible. Right now I’m only level 38 and using the T1 cultural though.

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I recently just started reading about the armor glowing. I have never noticed a glow, so I am not entirely sure what people are asking about. I’m going to have to look around for screenies and then check when I get home.

My Sylvari is a mesmer, so I agree that the wings really add to it. My phantasms in particular look really awesome. I have a teal/purplish color scheme on my wings with my green skin, so the purple tinted phantasms look fabulous.

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: Niji.8034


Does the T2 light armor glow for males? I know it does for females, but I don’t know about males.

No, it doesn’t glow, as you can see on my 2. and 3. picture (T2 leg armor doesn’t glow, too)
But since you are showing a lot of your skin, you’ll have nice glowing effects nevertheless

Lazul – Sylvari – Elementalist

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


I absolutely love the T2 armour for Sylvari males!
Sorry for the bad SS, I was just playing around – but it still gives you a decent idea of how it looks.


T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: Deim Hunir.8503

Deim Hunir.8503

T2 racial for males is one of the most awesome armours i nthe game IMO.
I can’t wait to get it for my sylvari <3

My sylvari is an ele but as someone said I can imagine it being extra awesome on a mesmer … the phantasms would look sweet.

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: Niji.8034


Today, I bought another piece of t3 light, and while previewing all t1 and t2 armors again, I noticed something. I never bought the t2 light shoulder armor Oo And the preview doesn’t show any difference. What does it look like? I have no money left at the moment, so I can’t buy them, but I’m curious.

Lazul – Sylvari – Elementalist

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: MLieBennett.9031


If the Sylvari Male T2 Shoulder armor is the like the Females, then its simply not shown when the Chest Armor is equipped, as the Chest Armor has the visual incorporated already.

For the Females, its two of the “six” wings that extends from the back. Specifically, the two from the shoulders with small leaves on the arms half-way between the shoulder and elbow. So its like the Male’s is the same. Which of the wings for the males, I don’t know.

The shoulder armor though is great for mixing & matching armors, while keeping the Sylvari look. Hard part is finding armor that the extensions won’t clip through badly.

- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)