Trahearne’s voice-actor is British, yes; but his performance is terrible (and blaming the director only goes so far) so please don’t judge us all by his example. It does rather feel that the entire personal story goes to pot after Claw Island, prior to that things feel personally engaging, after that it just feels like I’m going through the motions. Much as I’d like to I can’t place all the blame for that at the feet of Trahearne.
I do loathe Logan but I like the way he’s scripted and acted, my dislike is entirely centred around in-game reasons; rather than my dislike of Trahearne which is almost entirely for out of game reasons.
Piken Square
Trahearne is an ok character and has a meh VA’er. But he is still as usefull as any other npc combat wise.
only good as meat shields
Actually, Apatia is useful (far more than Trahearne). Trahearne tickles people with his sword then falls over.
I’ve only seen him summon any minions when he’s told to by the story. Occasionally I’ll see a ghostly looking hand shoot past me as I’m fighting so I’ll turn to congratulate Trahearne on actually doing something….but its just another mob I have to kill and Trahearne is still standing there, deep in meditation. Other than that, I hardly see him doing anything other than standing in the back doing nothing. Many times I have to hold his hand, almost literally to get him to where he is supposed to be. Other times he’s dead. Now if he would just stay dead that would be great….or taken the place of another poor fellow……I miss him
I don’t think he’s bad. I dislike Logan way more.
I HATE his voice it is so annoying.
I remember in the mission when he summons minions in the cave, somehow they were capable of accidental blue-on-blue, which caused the other quest NPC’s to retaliate. I completed it with half the allied NPC’s sitting around shooting his nigh-indestructible minions.
Trahearne summons minions occasionally, more as a plot device as anything else. When they appear, its usually to offset a enemy zerg somewhat, or to demonstrate a trap in the environment.
I was super annoyed that Sieran went and offed herself.
Yeah, what was up with that? How effective could that possibly have been?
Stupid, pointless… and completely expected. Anet always does this, in every story they make. It doesn’t feel epic or tragic. It feels entirely predictable and trite.I really want to use that Amulet of Balthazar and wreck up more zombies though.
It was more how her combat ability was only slightly better than Trahearne’s. She probably lasted all of 5 seconds after that door closed.
I was able to rez her through the door. Nothing killed her a second time. I thought i had circumvented losing her, but nope.
On a more positive note, the one thing I like about Trahearne was his speech about Zhaitan being a coward who raised a dead island to claim as his own..
It was during the quest where the Pale Tree shows you a vision of Orr and Trahearne was rallying the troops.
I’m disappointed we did not see that speech anywhere else ingame since it was really well written! The one time Trahearne got it spot on!
I liked that speech, too. (Minor 72 quest spoiler) He does end up giving a similar speech at the start of "Temple of the Forgotten God," although it's not quite as inspiring as it doesn't include the parts about Zhaitan being afraid and such. :|
As a huge character design nerd, I’ve been curious about Trahearne’s appearance. I really like it, his dull color scheme and the blackened leaves on his face make him look blighted, which I think is perfect for someone who spends so much time in a dismal place like Orr. The fact that his colors were changed from beta (he had reddish hair and a bit more color in his armor) makes me wonder if that was the designer’s intention. I also love his weird forked nose, I don’t know what purpose it serves, but it makes him look completely adorable even more odd in a cool sort of way.
Not sure if you guys remember this person, (I forgot the name myself), but near the end when you are in Orr fighting—I think it was the part with escorting the tanks there was this Sylvari group which had “stealth” formation. That was by far the most useful npc I’ve encountered-let alone the npc snipers that followed…And as a side note eff Logan, that coward
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