Characters: Kildrien, Naienn, Xenelis, Keiran Xye, Xierden, Knexx
Two Questions About Sylvari from a Roleplayer
Characters: Kildrien, Naienn, Xenelis, Keiran Xye, Xierden, Knexx
I think I can help with the second question. Nightmare corruption is a process that has an end result of corruption. So before that end result they remain as they are. Though, I imagine any extremely horrific experiences may possibly leave scars in some cases, but that isn’t Nightmare corruption. There is no half corruption with the nightmare. As far as we know, Nightmare corruption is permanent and irreversible. Kind of like torturing someone to finally break their mind, permanently. Though they view it as “freeing”. It’s not like cooking something and getting it “half-cooked” before it’s finished. it’s more like applying pressure on a brittle object until it finally snaps in two. And the amount of pressure required will be dependant on the individual.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
Aah! I see. Thank you very much.
Characters: Kildrien, Naienn, Xenelis, Keiran Xye, Xierden, Knexx
Absolutely. Glad I could help
I am doubting that plants would sleep. And I am thinking they do not. They can communicate with the Pale Tree, however and compare notes with each other because each Sylvari gets a different “portion” of the Dream, if you will. That is why some are Nightmare right away because they got all the bad of the Dream (or rather, they got majority, if not all, Nightmare section of it). Every action they do, however, enters into the Dream for the next generation of Sylvari. Which is why the Nightmare court are so intent on corrupting people. Because if they corrupt and cause much pain, etc, the Nightmare will get bigger and bigger in comparison to the size of the Dream. Their goal is to corrupt it fully… to the point where the Pale Tree abandons Ventari’s Tablet.
Here are some lore articles you might find interesting: (there is an English transcript and I believe the interview is in English).
I have read a Soundless Sylvari NPC say that he dreamed of memories/visions of the friends he left at the Grove, and I think I’ve read a few other Sylvari NPCs talk about dreams, which is primarily what got me thinking that Sylvari can dream.
Thank you very much for the links, they are exceedingly helpful.
On a side note, I really do wish the Nightmare Court got more coverage ingame, and I’m really hoping in the new Living Story they’ll have more of a part.
Characters: Kildrien, Naienn, Xenelis, Keiran Xye, Xierden, Knexx
(edited by killtoy.4865)