A bit light on content
Personally if there is no story advancement I would not be too upset. Honestly we need a break every once in awhile. Give us time to level up our alts. Do some personal story. Do some WvW(Especially starting October).
Oh a better title may be Light on the story. Different people call content different things.
(edited by anzenketh.3759)
Now new areas before 2014, that’s what they said.
By the way, if they improved ALL the bosses as the page says, that’s a lot of content for a biweekly update.
And the WvW update is like half of a new map.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
I disagree.
Mainly because I really like everything in this update.
New/updated bosses.
LFG tool.
WvW major update.
A new 80 player raid with Tequatl.
Fantastic…going to be playing loads from the 17th vs not playing at all those last 2 weeks of SAB.
Its all PERMANENT too…yippee…
Also, the ‘story’ in living story is there really one? Or is it a bit of a excuse to sell you new stuff in the gemstore?
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
If you go to the living story subforum 99% of threads are about how living story is going too fast and how they need to put a brake to it. And who knows, maybe this sudden tequatl rising is connected to scarlet. Maybe the gift she sent to everyone was the first failed test of whatever she used to empower tequatl.
it does look pretty light, even if you don’t like the upcoming content at least give it a try. i for one don’t care at all for WvW though i do tend to give it a try from time to time. with the upcoming seasonal event, i’ll definitely give it a shot. things might seem disappointing though try out the world bosses again with WvW mixed in. these updates can’t all be about the story, have some fun.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
First, you have to view the content for the whole month, not just two weeks. So for September we got SAB, LFG, Ascended weapons, and updated bosses. Thats just off memory so I may have missed something. Light isn’t the word I would use to describe it.’
Oh yea, updated WvW maps.
Hard to tell if the content is light or not. We don’t know how much the other world bosses have changed, nor the amount of story that will come with the patch. When people saw the Queen’s Speech page they found it lacking in content, yet, we got something completely different than the expected “speech”.
Rather than making speculation based on a content page it’s probably smarter to just wait and see.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
Hard to tell if the content is light or not. We don’t know how much the other world bosses have changed, nor the amount of story that will come with the patch. When people saw the Queen’s Speech page they found it lacking in content, yet, we got something completely different than the expected “speech”.
Rather than making speculation based on a content page it’s probably smarter to just wait and see.
I think this too. Im curious why they would have a livestream Friday vs on tues like they usually have done? Revealing something maybe?
know why it’s light on the story? well because tons of people QQ’d during the Jubilee and Invasion about how the living story was “too much” content to keep up with and they are getting burned out and they want to quit and stuff like that
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Wouldn’t a solution to the too much living story content be to add some permanent content instead of temporary content then ?
This update could in theory be categorized as such I supposed, even though its really just a revamp of the content we already got – but having content that stays in the world and doesn’t go away would certainly be a bonus – especially if you want to level other characters, and still be able to keep up on the living story content >_<?
It will give them more time to work on the story and really give it some much needed work – especially as the writers team have said they are under time pressure normally. Def in favour of a one month hiatus. The community asked for SAB, better bosses and a break from LS. September has given that
I share the exploration sentiments though. I hope the World starts to open up some more soon.
Whilst I haven’t formally “QQ’d” about fortnightly living story releases I have thought to myself from time to time how nice it would be to do something in game that I want to do rather than feeling Like I should complete all the living story content/achievements to their fullest. That makes it sound like I dislike living story, which isn’t generally true, but I feel like breaks as we seem to be having this month with SAB and Tequatl finally allow me time to work on stuff I’ve been meaning to for a while.
What I worry is: next month is Mad Kings Day, presumably. December will bring Wintersday. Potentially more months with only festival content. I seem to remember a dev, maybe Colin, mention that festivals will cause them less work as they have been fleshed out in Year 1. Does this mean we will get actual story content alongside them? Doubtful. Guess we will have to wait and see.
As this content was started at least 3-4 months ago, I am not sure how much it is in response to the recent sentiments about ‘too much content’. But whatever the reason or cause, it looks interesting to me. And next month should be tons of fun. I have always enjoyed the Mad King Thorn releases. =)
500 Weap crafts/ascended weaps, actual use to high level crafting!
Blue/green trash drop sexy to salvage, total reboot of economy/sexy item sink so inflation doesn’t destroy the game like say D3.
Then, exactly what the game needed. Raid type PvE, done in a non-WoW bullkitten setup where your required to spend X hours at set times or you let your guild down.
World boss’s that an’t a joke/race to get there before they die.
LFG, that doesn’t just auto-link you with morons.
There’s also hope that there’s going to be huge class updates.
While this is the first game I’ve actually loved the story. I’m all up for them making the current game better & better.
Fix the trading post. Search for backpacks? Only heavy armor type? How about by stats?
Mini-pets that don’t just despawn every time you sneeze.
Multi-roles/specs being able to swap to.
^- These things would stop friends mocking.
Keep it coming Anet! Feature competent by the time Elder Scrolls Online hits!
After Ascended crafting, I think we’ve got content to spare. What I’d like to see is more fixes like @Bweaty listed.