Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Talic.9608


Ferguson’s Crossing you have been chosen to bring the Beast to you. I hope you can get as many natives in that need the kill and the strat help ASAP.

[JL] Just Leave it to us

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Why did you post this before the TS people could get in?

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Jett.1239


As someone from Blackgate, this doesn’t reflect well on Blackgate.

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Seems Talic has let the attention go to his head.

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: blade.3592


It was said in TS before anywhere…a while ago.

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ewon.5903


It was said in TS before anywhere…a while ago.

I was in TS all day, this was posted before we knew

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Talic.9608


Ewon are you bothered that we didn’t fill Ferguson’s Crossing’s entire server with Blackgate? That’s definitely not the intention we have. We are partially filling a low-pop server so they can get their people in, learn the strats, and get a kill without needing to suffered guesting overflows. Besides if you have been in TS all day you would have heard a group of Blackgate people saying Anvil rock was the next server to guest.

[JL] Just Leave it to us

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Ewon are you bothered that we didn’t fill Ferguson’s Crossing’s entire server with Blackgate? That’s definitely not the intention we have. We are partially filling a low-pop server so they can get their people in, learn the strats, and get a kill without needing to suffered guesting overflows. Besides if you have been in TS all day you would have heard a group of Blackgate people saying Anvil rock was the next server to guest.

Some of us have been trying for several hours today, and the discussion in TS was that a server would be picked for people to join. Clearly Anvil Rock was not the one picked.

it seems that there is now an elitist group leaving the rest behind in this “helping” other servers to glory. (Yet claming the kill as their own).

So which is it, are you “helping” a server, or did you find an empty one to kill on?

(edited by Ewon.5903)

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Talic.9608


130 people were in the public TS channel that said go anvil rock. That leaves nearly no natives and goes against what a single guild is trying to assist with. We took literally 20 people to choose a low-pop server to assist and went there. BTW it was a single guild decision to take ourselves to a low pop server not “Blackgate” as a whole. Additionally between the commanders on Blackgate today we’ve killed Tequatl 4 times in the last 10 hours so I’m sure many had the opportunity to get that kill you speak of.

[JL] Just Leave it to us

(edited by Talic.9608)

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


Unfortunately Teq on BG is more a battle of morale then skill.

We know we have the skill, but when it becomes public knowledge that some of our experienced commanders and players are guesting to a different server, people freak out and stop trying.

So while I was around for two of the wins earlier today, some of my later playtime BG friends and family (all of which are good players) are once again unable to get anywhere that has a chance of success.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Talic.9608


If we were looking for an empty server why in the world would we post calling all Ferguson’s Crossing natives to come before even telling addition people in the Blackgate server? Hate to say but that makes no sense.

[JL] Just Leave it to us

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I guess ultimately some of us thought we were a part of the group. This just shows us that we are not. It’s like not getting that invite to a party.

idk, whatever. I’ll stop posting, you seem to be distracted by this instead of the fight.

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Jett.1239


Ewon are you bothered that we didn’t fill Ferguson’s Crossing’s entire server with Blackgate? That’s definitely not the intention we have. We are partially filling a low-pop server so they can get their people in, learn the strats, and get a kill without needing to suffered guesting overflows. Besides if you have been in TS all day you would have heard a group of Blackgate people saying Anvil rock was the next server to guest.

Bullkitten. You’re preening, that’s it.

Ferguson's Crossing Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Xcom.1926


Oh thank you Blackgate saviors, because of you we low population servers can do this.