Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
GG! Blackgate and Video
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
Believegate 2013 \o/
swaggate! <3
I’m sure most other larger-population servers will be able to complete it ezpz, but it just requires a bit of effort and communication. People are too used to auto-attacking bosses and expecting rewards.
First off let me congratulate you guys on a world first! However, I’m somewhat concerned watching the video in the methods used to complete it. It seems that there were several boss mechanics that just turned out to not be all that important, IE – there was no effort to jump over his wave attacks. I think the bigger concern (hint hint ANET hint hint) is that watching this video, the only successful way to complete this content is to apply zerg tactics to a maximum. How are smaller servers going to stand a chance in completing this?
Gratz to Blackgate but this kinda makes the point many are complaining about.
So the people on servers that can’t field ~120-130 geared 80s at the same time, mostly with VOIP are SOL for a previously popular encounter in the game? Doesn’t sound like a good business decision to me.
In the temples in Orr, the game already had very difficult boss encounters with mechanics you had to play close attention to. Guess what? Anet even had to add obsidian shards to the laurel vendors and lost orrian boxes because many servers couldn’t find enough people motivated enough to bother unlocking the appropriate temple merchants in any frequency.
Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood
Small servers have no excuse because you’re allowed to guest on any server for PvE.
Go guest on blackgate!
First off let me congratulate you guys on a world first! However, I’m somewhat concerned watching the video in the methods used to complete it. It seems that there were several boss mechanics that just turned out to not be all that important, IE – there was no effort to jump over his wave attacks. I think the bigger concern (hint hint ANET hint hint) is that watching this video, the only successful way to complete this content is to apply zerg tactics to a maximum. How are smaller servers going to stand a chance in completing this?
Every second spent reviving an ally downed by a tidal wave is a second at least two players aren’t doing damage. In a 15 minute fight, every second counts.
Go guest on blackgate!
Please don’t. It’s annoying when people from Blackgate can’t even zone in because 90% of the people there guested from other servers. =.=
Small servers have no excuse because you’re allowed to guest on any server for PvE.
So if that starts happening (or is perceived to be happening) how long do you think it’ll take for people shuffled to overflow servers to flood the forum with rageposts about “guests taking ‘their’ spots”?
Just like a few months ago when people were doing bosses with every one of their alts every day.
Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood
Small servers have no excuse because you’re allowed to guest on any server for PvE.
So if that starts happening (or is perceived to be happening) how long do you think it’ll take for people shuffled to overflow servers to flood the forum with rageposts about “guests taking ‘their’ spots”?
Just like a few months ago when people were doing bosses with every one of their alts every day.
Why don’t you stop complaining about small servers and create a post for other people that want to down Tequatil to join your server?
How about being proactive and solve your own problems?
Huuuuuuuuuge congrats guys! That was epic team work. The zerg parts may be zergy a bit, but it still required a ton of coordination. If people 1spam that zergy style, no way would it work.
Go guest on blackgate!
Please don’t. It’s annoying when people from Blackgate can’t even zone in because 90% of the people there guested from other servers. =.=
Actually it is going to happen, because you are the first. You see when your successful and gain fame in this way, everyone wants a slice of your pie. Which will over-saturate the server (making wonderful overflows), and might cause some conflicts of interest. The thing is you can’t keep the people from guesting on your server; since there is no block or kick feature. You can’t control the guesting functionality.
(edited by Sindex.9520)
Huge congrats to peeps from BG!
But did I see correctly in the vid, the guy only got 2 rares from the fight? All that for no rewards?
Gratz to Blackgate but this kinda makes the point many are complaining about.
So the people on servers that can’t field ~120-130 geared 80s at the same time, mostly with VOIP are SOL for a previously popular encounter in the game? Doesn’t sound like a good business decision to me.
In the temples in Orr, the game already had very difficult boss encounters with mechanics you had to play close attention to. Guess what? Anet even had to add obsidian shards to the laurel vendors and lost orrian boxes because many servers couldn’t find enough people motivated enough to bother unlocking the appropriate temple merchants in any frequency.
Many times of the day you can find at least a server with balthazar temple open, just check website that keep track of it and guest man.
Profession: Dolyak Ass Kicker
Actually it is going to happen, because you are the first. You see when your successful and gain fame in this way, everyone wants a slice of your pie. Which will over-saturate the server (making wonderful overflows), and might cause some conflicts of interest. The thing is you can’t keep the people from guesting on your server; since there is no block or kick feature. You can’t control the guesting functionality.
Yes, it’s going to happen. When it does that over-saturation results in a failure of the event, because those people who want the free ride can’t complete it on their server. It’s not like we have some magical trick to down him—it’s the people, not the server. You push us off Blackgate in order to beat him and what happens, hm?
Lol how did you get ppl to rez to the kittening waypoint :p
Why don’t you stop complaining about small servers and create a post for other people that want to down Tequatil to join your server?
How about being proactive and solve your own problems?
Really? That’s your solution? “Create a post for other people that want to down Tequatil to join your server?” You do realise that’s not going to work, right? I mean, who exactly is going to transfer servers to work on a world boss?
He’d have to be one hell of an orator to convince me to do it. Hell, I don’t think Barack Obama, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy together could convince me to do it, not even on a good day.
People are more likely to try to guest to the Blackgate server and camp Sparkfly Fen because that has a better chance but the tactics will spread and eventually downing him will become a common occurrence.
Ok, I’ve just had time to watch the video, and seriously Blackgate that was well done, well fought, and well won!
Gratz n well done BG , Seems strange that blackgate is my own server but im yet To Do Teq Event on my own Server well done Blackgate , Boo to Failnet
for overflow full of noobs !!!
ArenaNet test content before release and eliminate all safe spots that dumbs down boss, because all Your efforts designing the boss goes to hell.
And once more the solution is “stack and DPS”.
another pov (1080p): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An9yzr4ZmWg&hd=1
Blackgate, THAT WAS kittenING AWESOME! Great job guys, great communication, great teamwork, great organization, EPIC SUCCESS. Don’t let anyone say otherwise. Haters gonna hate.
And once more the solution is “stack and DPS”.
yeah, good luck with that.
And once more the solution is “stack and DPS”.
yeah, good luck with that.
You didn’t watch the video did you? That’s exactly what Blackgate did.
They did it efficiently though.
Look at all the frost bows and fiery greatswords.
Tequatl has 3 hitboxes so any AoE or damage region that can overlap each hitbox just tripled its damage. That, and it seems the BG turret operators were on their game.
And once more the solution is “stack and DPS”.
yeah, good luck with that.
You didn’t watch the video did you? That’s exactly what Blackgate did.
actually, i think you didnt watch the video
there was alot more happening than stack and dps
walls of reflection, cleanses, people releasing and rezzing at a wp, dont just look at the video, analyze it listen to what the commander is saying, look at what skills people are using to help people stay alive, the number of icebows and fiery greatswords which where dropped to increase dps
stacking works due to the aoe buffs and cleanses from the cannons
if it was as easy as stack and dps alot more servers would have gotten this down
They did it efficiently though.
Look at all the frost bows and fiery greatswords.
Tequatl has 3 hitboxes so any AoE or damage region that can overlap each hitbox just tripled its damage. That, and it seems the BG turret operators were on their game.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that as if it’s anything negative. Well done to them, that seems to be the best tactic here the same way as it in in WvW.
Thief shortbow and air elementalist staff and guardian staff could be good too because of the 3 hitboxes (Assuming they have the range).
if it was as easy as stack and dps alot more servers would have gotten this down
Did I say that was all they did? No I didn’t.
Stacking up was a major part of their tactics though, their walls of reflection wouldn’t have worked as well if they hadn’t stacked up, neither would their AoE boons or healing. If they were spread out the cleanses from the turrets wouldn’t have worked half as well either.
Did I say that was all they did? No I didn’t.
Stacking up was a major part of their tactics though, their walls of reflection wouldn’t have worked as well if they hadn’t stacked up, neither would their AoE boons or healing. If they were spread out the cleanses from the turrets wouldn’t have worked half as well either.
Let’s not forget zerg rezzing is way more efficient that way(the downed ppl, not dead).
GW2 WvW(and now pve) war cry: “STAAAAAAAACK!”
Small servers have no excuse because you’re allowed to guest on any server for PvE.
So if that starts happening (or is perceived to be happening) how long do you think it’ll take for people shuffled to overflow servers to flood the forum with rageposts about “guests taking ‘their’ spots”?
Just like a few months ago when people were doing bosses with every one of their alts every day.
Why don’t you stop complaining about small servers and create a post for other people that want to down Tequatil to join your server?
How about being proactive and solve your own problems?
Actually I was referring to every, or nearly every, server except the heaviest of the heavy not having the requisite manpower or organization for the event. You’re the one who is trying to make it sound like only small servers will have problems. I’ll be surprised if more than one or two servers world-wide out of them all down Teq during the whole event (2 weeks). That’s what about 95% fail rate? Not good from a fun or business standpoint to exclude the large majority of the playerbase from some important content.
There’s a pretty wide chasm between “too easy for almost everyone” and “impossible for everyone except the top of the top.”
Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Meadfreek.6789)
So basically stack, get a guild on the turrets, and have at least 10,000 elementalists.
I was one of the turret operators during the fight last night in which we finally defeated Teq on Blackgate and I am a native of that server.
I can honestly say our zerg did a great job, conjured weapons were used and food buffs helped quite it a bit but it wasesent as straightforward as dps’ing Teq, others have made this point in this thread so it does not bare repeating.
The turret operators I would say have the most critical job in this event as there are only 6 turrets and after a bit of trial and error we finally hit the nail between the 6 of us and got used to the mechanics and how they should be used during this event.
Cleansing is absolutely vital and to anticipate when to hit Teq to remove his hardened shells plus protecting our zerg and the people who were defending us at the turrets was the key to this whole fight.
Another huge factor is that 30 second ish window after the megalaser is defended were as a turret user you apply quickness as much as you can to the zerg and use the number 1 skill as much as you can with as much a 9k+ per hit. Its considerable damage with 6 turrets hitting Teq at the same time.
With time and practice people will understand these basics unless Anet decides to tweak it of course.
I wont deny using TS helped a great deal, all the turret operators by the way where on TS. In fact I would even go far as to say that as an open world event it should not be necessary to use it but unfortunately the reality is its needed to coordinate.
It is concerning though that servers with lower population will struggle with this so I do believe Anet will have to tweak this event to compensate for that fact.
Anyway have fun everyone and hopefully well see a couple more servers tonight manage to do this event.
Good luck all!
(edited by Poledra Val.1490)
Gratz to Blackgate but this kinda makes the point many are complaining about.
So the people on servers that can’t field ~120-130 geared 80s at the same time, mostly with VOIP are SOL for a previously popular encounter in the game? Doesn’t sound like a good business decision to me.
In the temples in Orr, the game already had very difficult boss encounters with mechanics you had to play close attention to. Guess what? Anet even had to add obsidian shards to the laurel vendors and lost orrian boxes because many servers couldn’t find enough people motivated enough to bother unlocking the appropriate temple merchants in any frequency.
Many times of the day you can find at least a server with balthazar temple open, just check website that keep track of it and guest man.
“A” server where Balthazar is open? Not “almost everyone” who opens it on a regular basis? Actually I imagine it’s more than “A” server that has it open regularly.
But that wasn’t really my point. My point was the elitists and hardcores got their really difficult, mechanics intensive world-boss chest events. But even [bold]Anet acknowledged[/bold] (by changing obsidian shard access and generally thinning out Orr) that they’ve now ghost towns on the majority of servers. The people clamoring for hard content just for the sake of a challenge lost interest quickly and the majority would rather spend their playtime elsewhere. I don’t have to have time travel to see where this event is headed. I just have to look at other areas of the game.
Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Meadfreek.6789)
The turret operators I would say have the most critical job in this event as there are only 6 turrets and after a bit of trial and error we finally hit the nail between the 6 of us and got used to the mechanics and how they should be used during this event.
That is one thing that does make me uneasy about this fight, so much in the event hinges on the actions of those 6 people. I mean, I’m used to the fact that the individual does not really matter that much in gw2’s events, after all if there are 100+ people in a fight then they cannot, but if one or two turret operators are asleep at the controls then the event could fail.
I suppose you can just let them get killed by the risen and hope a better player gets in when it’s repaired but there’s too much power concentrated there IMO.
The turret operators I would say have the most critical job in this event as there are only 6 turrets and after a bit of trial and error we finally hit the nail between the 6 of us and got used to the mechanics and how they should be used during this event.
That is one thing that does make me uneasy about this fight, so much in the event hinges on the actions of those 6 people. I mean, I’m used to the fact that the individual does not really matter that much in gw2’s events, after all if there are 100+ people in a fight then they cannot, but if one or two turret operators are asleep at the controls then the event could fail.
I suppose you can just let them get killed by the risen and hope a better player gets in when it’s repaired but there’s too much power concentrated there IMO.
I do agree if you have even one or two people who are operating the turrets who are not well versed then the event will more then likely fail, thats how critical they are in the current event mechanics.
Saying that people still to need practice on them so even if the event fails at least people will be familiarized with what needs to be done.
Grats to them. Instead of complaining they just buckled down and won, imagine that.
Thanks for sharing. +1’ed
I was one of the turret operators during the fight last night in which we finally defeated Teq on Blackgate and I am a native of that server.
I can honestly say our zerg did a great job, conjured weapons were used and food buffs helped quite it a bit but it wasesent as straightforward as dps’ing Teq, others have made this point in this thread so it does not bare repeating.
The turret operators I would say have the most critical job in this event as there are only 6 turrets and after a bit of trial and error we finally hit the nail between the 6 of us and got used to the mechanics and how they should be used during this event.
Cleansing is absolutely vital and to anticipate when to hit Teq to remove his hardened shells plus protecting our zerg and the people who were defending us at the turrets was the key to this whole fight.
Another huge factor is that 30 second ish window after the megalaser is defended were as a turret user you apply quickness as much as you can to the zerg and use the number 1 skill as much as you can with as much a 9k+ per hit. Its considerable damage with 6 turrets hitting Teq at the same time.
With time and practice people will understand these basics unless Anet decides to tweak it of course.
I wont deny using TS helped a great deal, all the turret operators by the way where on TS. In fact I would even go far as to say that as an open world event it should not be necessary to use it but unfortunately the reality is its needed to coordinate.
It is concerning though that servers with lower population will struggle with this so I do believe Anet will have to tweak this event to compensate for that fact.
Anyway have fun everyone and hopefully well see a couple more servers tonight manage to do this event.
Good luck all!
Whilst I agree TS/mumble should never be required for an open event raid, it’s still a huge achievement for you guys – not just beating him, but also managing to organise and coordinate, as shown by the fact everyone was in position at the start of the fight.
Good job all round!! Any reports of turret users not getting loot? Ive heard rumours of that at earlier phases
Whilst I agree TS/mumble should never be required for an open event raid, it’s still a huge achievement for you guys – not just beating him, but also managing to organise and coordinate, as shown by the fact everyone was in position at the start of the fight.
Good job all round!! Any reports of turret users not getting loot? Ive heard rumours of that at earlier phases
I received all the rewards as a turret user so it seems to be working just fine now. If it was a bug beforehand not an issue anymore.
Well done BG, saw the news on facebook before I hit the sack.
Have any others downed him yet?
Alts: Lv80 Necromancer, Lv80 Mesmer
[GoF] Blackgate
First off let me congratulate you guys on a world first! However, I’m somewhat concerned watching the video in the methods used to complete it. It seems that there were several boss mechanics that just turned out to not be all that important, IE – there was no effort to jump over his wave attacks. I think the bigger concern (hint hint ANET hint hint) is that watching this video, the only successful way to complete this content is to apply zerg tactics to a maximum. How are smaller servers going to stand a chance in completing this?
Every second spent reviving an ally downed by a tidal wave is a second at least two players aren’t doing damage. In a 15 minute fight, every second counts.
This is where other servers fail.
Do you not realize that in the first phase that if your stacked and not reviving the people under your feet your losing not seconds but minutes of dps because they have to run back.
Some servers say dont die, take the walk of shame back…. ya theres a reason you cant beat it guys.
Spending 2 seconds ressing someone in a stack is faster than losing their dps for 60 seconds.
This is a big reason why we won is because we would stack and everyone would res if someone died or was downed. It literally took seconds if 5 people started ressing you.
This should be on CNN as Breaking News.
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
First off let me congratulate you guys on a world first! However, I’m somewhat concerned watching the video in the methods used to complete it. It seems that there were several boss mechanics that just turned out to not be all that important, IE – there was no effort to jump over his wave attacks. I think the bigger concern (hint hint ANET hint hint) is that watching this video, the only successful way to complete this content is to apply zerg tactics to a maximum. How are smaller servers going to stand a chance in completing this?
Most people couldn’t even see the wave through all the wall of reflections and other stuff going on.
SO thats why it appears no one even tried to jump the wave.
GW2 is down right horrible with effects and large groups as you cant even see stuff at times.
I got the jump the wave achievement by accident. I saw the wave jumped and boom. Didnt check the achieves till after the fight failed.
Alts: Lv80 Necromancer, Lv80 Mesmer
[GoF] Blackgate
And once more the solution is “stack and DPS”.
yeah, good luck with that.
You didn’t watch the video did you? That’s exactly what Blackgate did.
Sure, there was a stack. There were also coordinated turret gunners, skirmishers protecting said turret gunners, people clearing tendrils, commanders coordinating the effort, plenty of people willing to change their skill bar to better meet the challenge before them, lots of people using consumables, and a willingness by many to way point and run back to the action rather than laying around sponging up resources.
(edited by darkace.8925)