How a real player would of fix world bosses!

How a real player would of fix world bosses!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Shrike.3154


Well, just failing teq event and dam, 15 minutes gone and only 10 percent of health points taken off him……….. utter bs anet, utter bs, do you play test these things? no I don’t think so

Well what I would of done to shadow behemoth, jormag, teq, kitten etc is MAKE THEM ROAMING………… have them in a select area running around…… big epic dragons and that should not be staying in 1 place, they should have a location and roam around on it attacking players, chasing them etc like other mobs, and maybe a 10 percent increase in power, not this 200 percent we got……

So easy fix, make them ROAMING….

thank you shrike

How a real player would of fix world bosses!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Easy fix…really? I guess that’s why it’s gamer’s fix. Implementing something like that will be virtually impossible in the current game, unless they have like, a year to spend.

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