It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rishnock.6230


Hi everyone!

So, so far I’ve actually had some fun with fighting Teq. Haven’t gotten him done more then 80%, but it isn’t that big a deal. I’ve been on an overflow for about 5 hours now, enough for 4 fights. The thing is, my home server is Black Gate. I mean, come on. I can’t play on my own server and each of these 4 fights I have to play with different people, meaning that the experience of each group is more or less the same. 5 hours and I’m still on overflow. My own server is full of experienced players who have beaten him multiple times and I’m starting to get bored of losing each time.

It’s not like these overflows aren’t organized. It’s just, when you play with different people each time it’s a different experience.

I guess my main point is that after 5 hours, I should be able to play on my own home server. This is fun and all, but I’d like to down Teq at least once.

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ikaros.7219


i disagree. this is not fun at all. i dont mean because of the challenge because thats not the problem. the problem is spending 4 hours in overflow.. getting drafted into another overflow because you’re told a spot is open in your own server and there’s not.. getting into your own server for 5 minutes before getting kicked out into overflow again. its unbearable and i fear that with more released content it will only get worse…. not to mention that with really just isn’t fair either.

“Raw overwhelming power. He who has it, rules. He who doesn’t, begs.”

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Well, the new Tequatl fight is going to be permanent content, so you’ll eventually get a chance, though you might miss out on any LS achievements this time around. Good luck!

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: saden.6942


Well, the new Tequatl fight is going to be permanent content, so you’ll eventually get a chance, though you might miss out on any LS achievements this time around. Good luck!

The Living Story achievements added this time were the “Boss week” achievements and they don’t require you to kill Tequatl. You have to find the clues for each dragon zone (Blazeridge, Frostgorge and Sparkfly) along with finding Rox and the dragon footprint and completing Boss week dailies (think you have to do 3?).

The Tequatl achievements are permanent and can be done whenever. The boss week achievements are gone October 1rst (I believe…2 weeks from when Tequatl overhaul was released).

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


BG will become accessible once the hype dies down a little. It isn’t just your server, it is all marge servers. I waited 6 hours to get into JQ and then I only did because a guildy got in and invited me.

Make sure you have lots of guildies and friends, you can party with them to get you in ahead of the line.

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


It’s not even just the large servers. Any server where they’ve defeated Tequatl people will flock to like moths to a flame. We had a pretty big overflow for Ehmry Bay just because we managed to barely beat Tequatl.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ikaros.7219


yea. im stuck in overflow where ever i go. and if i get lucky to get into main i get kicked out into overflow.

“Raw overwhelming power. He who has it, rules. He who doesn’t, begs.”