Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vaugh.7193


Blacktide support this. We need a 120 min timer. Please fix. /sarcasm

Guild leader of As Stars We Belong [STAR]
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh with a 20 minute timer NA overflow can get him down to maybe 85%, sweet!

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


We don’t need more time on the timer. We need more time to learn the fight, that’s all.


Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: butch.8136


Last kills we have 2min+ left. I think it’s fine.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Chief.5928


I love it how people do certain new content for 2-3 days and then already complain it’s too hard/too easy.

Give the community a month to figure it out, taking Tequatl up into the standard world boss fights series again that people tend to farm and then see where we stand.

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: zamalek.2154


blackgate has a hard time even with it Teamspeak.

I would venture to say that this assertion is wrong. Once you have the mechanics nailed down Tequatl is easy. 2:34 left on the clock is not a “hard time”, far from it – the people that are succeeding are doing it in 83% of the time.

If you run out of time 5 minutes isn’t going to help you whatsoever (you know, unless you miss it by seconds – but that’s just rotten luck). More time won’t bag you Tequatl, coordination will.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

This is how it is supposed to work. The better your server gets at it the more consistent the kills. If it can be done in 15 minutes, which it obviously can, then 20 minutes is a waste cause you’ll be finishing it with more than five minutes to spare. Just get able to do it in the 15 minutes.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: fellyn.5083


This is how it is supposed to work. The better your server gets at it the more consistent the kills. If it can be done in 15 minutes, which it obviously can, then 20 minutes is a waste cause you’ll be finishing it with more than five minutes to spare. Just get able to do it in the 15 minutes.

I didn’t know every single person who plays the game was on Blackgate server.

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


Can’t wait till the next living story content TQ with be a desolate wasteland of an event =D

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Oreoz.9521


Imo they should just make it every 20% for the mega-laser event instead of 25. That would make it easier, also more rewards, which are already not enough considering how much time people spend in there and get nothing. Its currently a net loss if your dying alot and not even making it to 75% like most overflows.

Currently no real reason to fight him. Anet needs to up the rewards for failing and completing, or add loot to mobs back.

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: zamalek.2154


no need to act big and make numbers up

Numbers are not made up: – there was a screenshot of 2:34 which I am not bothered to find.

100 – (2 * 60 + 30) / (15 * 60) * 100 = 84%

lower pop severs can pull that off in 15mins ever when the event is over in 2weeks your kidding your self if you think it going to happen..

Never said I thought any such thing. I personally think this will become raiding content which I don’t have a problem with – there is plenty other stuff to do in Tyria besides Tequatl.

seems no one reads the mid and low pop have no Teamspeak with out the note of living story saying it up the event for people to go there the event will be dead

The original event had no problems with participants. There was no LS popup for that.

on all but maybe BG SoR and maybe TC.

Deso, any server [TKS] guests, ER… The list is growing hourly. ANet also indicated (if I remember correctly?) that very low pop servers would be decommissioned.

Either way. An extra 5 minutes ain’t gonna bag you a kill. It isn’t enough if you are failing.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

This is how it is supposed to work. The better your server gets at it the more consistent the kills. If it can be done in 15 minutes, which it obviously can, then 20 minutes is a waste cause you’ll be finishing it with more than five minutes to spare. Just get able to do it in the 15 minutes.

seems no one reads the mid and low pop have no Teamspeak with out the note of living story saying it up the event for people to go there the event will be dead on all but maybe BG SoR and maybe TC.

have some foresight

Use Raidcall. It’s free.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Imo they should just make it every 20% for the mega-laser event instead of 25. That would make it easier, also more rewards, which are already not enough considering how much time people spend in there and get nothing. Its currently a net loss if your dying alot and not even making it to 75% like most overflows.

Currently no real reason to fight him. Anet needs to up the rewards for failing and completing, or add loot to mobs back.

NO this is not needed it just need’s 5 more min’s that is all overflows will not be a problem in 2weeks when no one doing Tequatl

5 min??! At least 15 more min…

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ealke.5124


better make system that will kick all the akitteng players who stay away after (lets say) first 1min of tequatl events :P they often ruins efforts of other people by scaling event and mobs up
i know Anet is supporting all kind of players, casuals, hardcores etc. But are they really suporting afkers?
make something with it, cuz thats just stupid, I prefer players that are maybe a bit less skilled but willing to win the event than that stupid leechers :P

i guess i cant dream about system that will warp any dead players to nearest weapon, because there are so many lazy players : D still anti – afk system will be great, you made several anti – farm systems that afk shouldn’t be a problem :P

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: zamalek.2154


if you don’t think 5mins helps then your wrong and that is that

Troll thread spotted.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


How about getting rid of the stupid long recharge on this bossfight?

Waiting around 2h for the boss to spawn after a fail is just messed up. Cant go anywhere else or you lose your spot aswell. Thats just fantastic…

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Healix.5819


Make killing the fingers hurt Tequatl. Problem fixed?

The current strategy seems kind of wrong when you look at how ArenaNet originally showed it off.

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Imo they should just make it every 20% for the mega-laser event instead of 25. That would make it easier, also more rewards, which are already not enough considering how much time people spend in there and get nothing. Its currently a net loss if your dying alot and not even making it to 75% like most overflows.

Currently no real reason to fight him. Anet needs to up the rewards for failing and completing, or add loot to mobs back.

NO this is not needed it just need’s 5 more min’s that is all overflows will not be a problem in 2weeks when no one doing Tequatl

5 min??! At least 15 more min…

any thing more then adding 5 mins make the fight to easy

Think this way: the best of most servers is 60% in 15 minutes —→ 20% every 5 minutes; so if you add 5 more minutes the max you’ll achieve is 40%….

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Gabby.3205


The biggest problem is the first part. TC can almost always get Teq to 1~2%, but when we finish the first part before hitting the 7’30’’ mark, we win. Half the time is spend on the first 25%. I can see how that is a problem to the other servers. TC would probably kill Teq all the time if we had one more minute though, but I understand that it must be frustrating for the servers that are not so active.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”