Messaging Suppression

Messaging Suppression

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: zamalek.2154


I’m ecstatic that you have made PvE content that requires this level of coordination. The problem is that the messaging suppression system makes it impossible to coordinate at this scale in your game.

After finishing Tequatl on Vabbi last night I decided to see if I could help out with turret defense commanding on my home server. I have come to make peace with the fact that unless you are very lucky (BEEEAAST GATE) PUGs are simply not going to join TS3, ever, figure something else out.

With only about 50 people in TS3 I decided to make an attempt at it anyway. 5 minutes into the fight I was suppressed because of my repeated “cleanse left”, “cleanse mid”, “cleanse right”, “incoming” and the defense attempt completely snowballed from there on. Me attempting to explain the strategies before the event started (and nagging people to join TS) may have also contributed – but everything I typed into the chat was in the spirit of helping the PUGs succeed.

Eventually the general populace will learn how to keep an eye on their fellow turrets, stack up in a tight group, leave the batteries early and all the other stuff – unless they lose hope before that. Right now messaging suppression is actively sabotaging our efforts to coordinate and organize the PUGs.

This makes the content infuriating, especially for those simply trying to do good on their home server (the language barrier as well – but that’s impossible to fix). Everyone gets angry with each other, flame wars erupt, gear starts getting blamed, commanders start getting blamed, people start uninstalling the game: when the ironic truth is the only reason the failure happened is because of the lack of the ability to communicate effectively.

The fix: During events like Tequatl (only when the event itself is active) disable messaging suppression for commanders. Even if it’s only for /say.

I am aware that squads work around the messaging suppression, but getting people to join your squad isn’t that much easier than getting people to join TS3 (I think they simply don’t see the point). We’ve also been complaining about this in WvW for ages, so it wasn’t hard to see this one coming.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Messaging Suppression

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Chief.5928


Imo message suppression should be terminated for good as such in the whole of the game. It’s a very annoying feature that does more damage than good as it prevents people who are typing constructive but lengthy messages from properly being able to communicate.

I know it was introduced in GW2 to prevent people from spamming but with the report feature that’s ingame I cannot imagine people who spam useless junk messages will survive for very long without getting a temporary ban on their hands.