(edited by Lionvandepol.4238)
New record 7:42 (EU overflow)
Don’t forget THS!!!!
Epic run.
If you look closely under the first partymembers boons you can see Overflow Otto
My bad, I changed it.
And someone else created the same topic already.
Today at around 17:30, we killed Tequatl the Sunless with 7:42 left on the clock. Thanks to all the people who joined, especially the guilds dedicated to killing Tequatl: TSS, THS and TKS.
Such a great job!! Well done everyone! This is seriously awesome! Thank you Enns for organizing this actually unofficial attempt! With this, we have broken the record Thanks to all of you TKS, TSS, THS. I would have never dreamed that we would get this big!
GJ everyone ! Really good and clear run !
( Pattes en velours indeed héhé )
grats guys that’s epic
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
Any tips on how you guys did it so fast?
Is there a vid? Would enjoy
Atm there is only this short clip here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ieHtZzvWiM ) since nobody was expecting it to be this fast…and so nobody was filming it XD
Dunno whats been different but the the dps and teamwork was fantastic. It went to 75% very fast and got into first Battery-Phase (around 9:35 – checked my screenshot again) and from that moment on we were jumping between Defending the Batteries and dps-ing him down as he is stunned. If i remember it right the fight also had the flawless defense. All in one, just everybody was spot on, i enjoyed it immensely.
(edited by nyvaine.3895)
Guys in 1 h or so i will upload a short clip of 3 min ;D , captured the last 25%.
Looks like overflow one is gonna have to step it up. Going for 8 min run on sat. Can it be done.?
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team
Looks like overflow one is gonna have to step it up. Going for 8 min run on sat. Can it be done.?
I bellive so
Yeah you can see me, Comander Zailó at the right DPS-Zerg.
Good Job Everyone, THX you all – just epic !
Hello guys as promissed this is a short clip of the las 3 min of the event , enjoy
. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjTPr_a6084