OK when am I going to get out of overflow.
You will get into the main just in time for the main to be emptied.
The only reliable way to get in main is to get in a party with someone already there and join them. If your server has voice comms, get on there and ask for an invite. You seem to get priority over the overflow queue this way. I’m on a very high pop server and could wait all day queued without getting in, but with a pull from a party I regularly get in on the first try.
The only reliable way to get in main is to get in a party with someone already there and join them. If your server has voice comms, get on there and ask for an invite. You seem to get priority over the overflow queue this way. I’m on a very high pop server and could wait all day queued without getting in, but with a pull from a party I regularly get in on the first try.
Yeah knew that one was coming………..
I guess I’m a bit of a loner, and the one time I did accidentally get into main we did have TS and a couple of well organised guilds and lots of other people, but still failed.
(But being a bit of a loner, shouldn’t exclude me from open world content).
(edited by Solid Gold.9310)
I have the same problem mate, overflow overflow overflow…
Someone should make an epic youtube gameplay video from TQ, ofcourse well edited and good music
So we can enjoy to see how its been killed lol.
Issue is that most of the organized groups are moving it all to overflows that they take over. The main servers are not being used much anymore either. Went to SoR main last night and harldy anyone around.
Issue is that most of the organized groups are moving it all to overflows that they take over. The main servers are not being used much anymore either. Went to SoR main last night and harldy anyone around.
Yeah right, that must explain why I can’t get into main on my home server or in any server I guest on.
I’m sure there could be the odd main that’s nearly empty, however have only got into a main ONCE ( And that wasn’t on my HOME server) I have yet to experience empty mains.
There are now 10 or more people on all the portals into Sparkfly portalling in and out desperately trying to get in the main server. (Actually it doesn’t work).
What sort of rubbish is this, didn’t anybody at Anet think this problem with overflows might happen.
(edited by Solid Gold.9310)
8:00am and “Welcome to overflow”………….
I usually get onto main once Teq has been defeated and he never gets defeated again after that. I do about 8 – 10 fights a day and I have never been on the main when the main has won. So I’ve had about 30 – 40 fails and most my time is running inbetween the two zones.
So much fun.. great game.
I’m ready for the next MMO to come out.
There are guilds out there who are specialized on beating Tq in overflows. Basically they love empty overflows because there are less AFK ppl next to turrets. So they just choose a server to guest and stay in overflow, where they can JOIN IN with their members.
But really. It is always easier to moan.
Desolation – [TEU]
But really. It is always easier to moan.
I think we have a valid complaint here, this problem should have been considered before it was released.
Many many people are having this problem.
People are camping in main all day, how are they doing that, I get kicked after one hour of inactivity on an empty overflow.
(edited by Solid Gold.9310)
Probably they are there and doing content between Teqs. The AFK ppl are way bigger problems tbh than overflows.
It takes time organize an attack though. Just with getting into main most probably you wont beat Teq itslef. Still a huge % of the randomly organized fights are fails. You will beat him far sooner if you search a guild dedicated for him. Be there in time. And use Join In function on your own server. Or just go to overflow with the guild.
Yesterday i joined to main at 6PM and did every fight until we beated him at 10-11PM.
Desolation – [TEU]
(edited by gaborkaldy.3210)
Probably they are there and doing content between Teqs. The AFK ppl are way bigger problems tbh than overflows.
It takes time organize an attack though. Just with getting into main most probably you wont beat Teq itslef. Still a huge % of the randomly organized fights are fails. You will beat him far sooner if you search a guild dedicated for him. Be there in time. And use Join In function on your own server. Or just go to overflow with the guild.
Yesterday i joined to main at 6PM and did every fight until we beated him at 10-11PM.
Why should I need to join a specific guild and go through all that rubbish just to complete an open world event, as I said before I’m a bit of a loner.
Why? Because you want to complete the event. If a server has capacity limit (and it has) if theres a new content you can expect it being popular / camped / guested because few hundred people want the achievement just like you. Theres a few option. 1.You wait for it being less popular (new dragons / new content / lots of ppl complete the achivement). 2. You invest time and join to main server very early (5PM latest and suffer until decent commanders pop up). 3. Or you can do what i said before, join a dedicated guild. But any way you have to do something for it not just being sad about not getting on the main.
Desolation – [TEU]
“But any way you have to do something for it not just being sad about not getting on the main.”
I’m not sad, I’m annoyed that ArenaNet didn’t take this problem into consideration, I’m also annoyed that they have said absolutely nothing about it, when they were all over the SAB forum like a rash.
So this new open world boss event, and the others to come, if they’ll get reworked, are meant only for mass guilds…?
So this new open world boss event, and the others to come, if they’ll get reworked, are meant only for mass guilds…?
It looks like it’s going that way.
I would say mass organization, and requieres more effort to make. Remember not just mass guilds made this.
Also these mass guild were maid only for the raid. They dont have requirement to represent all the time. In case i was talkin with a few guildleader leading mass guild here in EU and US and they said they want you to stay in your main guild and only join on raids. I wouldnt even consider them as a guild rather they are just are a higher level to organize raids.
I bet if there would be LFG option for raids (to get 100+ ppl into 1 “league”) kitten lot Teq beat would happen in days. Because ppl would be able toorganize raids in overflows without taking them into a guild.
Desolation – [TEU]
Yeah it’s a bummer. People are squatting on my server and you can never get in. They just stay in the main area and never turn off their computers. What’s even worse than that sometimes players away during the battle even in overflow. They are so bored waiting they walk away and miss the battle.
to the OP here is what I do everyday to get into main, it might work for you and it might not, all I can offer is a couple tips. I get off work at 5:30 central time, and get home around 6ish. What I do first is log in and go to the map. Usually teq is in progress and i’m usually immediately dumped into overflow. It’s cool I was expecting that. So then I port to the maps entrance but in a DIFFERENT map and wait there. Once teq ends on BOTH servers (main and overflow, i know it’s finished on main because ive got the event timers website open) I simply enter the map and exit the map until I get main. Usually with an hour before reset people will quickly port to LA to prepare for the reset fight and usually that gives me the window to get in. Once in, i run around the map gathering as I don’t want to get kicked for being afk.
If this method fails, which it can, I simply hop on our servers Teamspeak (most servers have one) and ask for a ferry. If you are going to do the ferry method do it ASAP after the teq fight ends. Example: yesterday that map was “full”, and i partied up with someone on main, one click and I was in. Sent a whisper to my friend about 5 min later to get in and it took him 3 attempts to get in. 10 min later whispered another guildie to get in, and he couldn’t.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
You will get out of overflow if you follow my beat teq, for the obedient thread.
There are now 10 or more people on all the portals into Sparkfly portalling in and out desperately trying to get in the main server. (Actually it doesn’t work).
What sort of rubbish is this, didn’t anybody at Anet think this problem with overflows might happen.
Actually this does work. I have reliably gotten into main servers this way. Of course, you MUST start doing this immediately after the last Tequatl fight ended.
If anything needs to be fixed, it’s the amount of people who AFK at eastern turrets after the battle. They prevent active players from entering map and are an autofail for the event. Please for world boss maps, shorten the afk kick timer to 30 minutes instead of an hour. Or, a check in the 5 minutes right before Teq spawn to see if a player as moved before kick – it’s possible to do this for PvP, so I see no reason why the system can’t be implemented for PvE.
(edited by Car.3805)
There are now 10 or more people on all the portals into Sparkfly portalling in and out desperately trying to get in the main server. (Actually it doesn’t work).
What sort of rubbish is this, didn’t anybody at Anet think this problem with overflows might happen.
Actually this does work. I have reliably gotten into main servers this way. Of course, you MUST start doing this immediately after the last Tequatl fight ended.
If anything needs to be fixed, it’s the amount of people who AFK at eastern turrets after the battle. They prevent active players from entering map and are an autofail for the event. Please for world boss maps, shorten the afk kick timer to 30 minutes instead of an hour. Or, a check in the 5 minutes right before Teq spawn to see if a player as moved before kick – it’s possible to do this for PvP, so I see no reason why the system can’t be implemented for PvE.
We shouldn’t need to do all this to get into open world events, and how do people stay afk for hours, I’ve watched them do it, after 1 hour afk I get kicked.
19:00 hrs……. welcome to overflow.
Solid, what server are you from? I know that on SoR every time I have beat Tequatl was when I joined the SoR raidcall and we were all in an overflow to avoid the afk people.
When a thief tells you ’’L2P’’, they mean this.
Solider Bee ~ Sinister Swarm
19:20 hrs in main server on Devastation…………..
(They have just killed Teq).
The only reliable way to get in main is to get in a party with someone already there and join them. If your server has voice comms, get on there and ask for an invite. You seem to get priority over the overflow queue this way. I’m on a very high pop server and could wait all day queued without getting in, but with a pull from a party I regularly get in on the first try.
Yeah knew that one was coming………..
I guess I’m a bit of a loner, and the one time I did accidentally get into main we did have TS and a couple of well organised guilds and lots of other people, but still failed.
(But being a bit of a loner, shouldn’t exclude me from open world content).
Teq content isn’t for solo players.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
“Teq content isn’t for solo players.”
I know that duh, there’s a difference between being a bit of a loner and a solo player.
Some people "tuts*
Just because I’m a bit of a loner doesn’t mean I don’t party and do content with other people.
(I am in a Guild by the way).
(edited by Solid Gold.9310)
20:38 killed Teq.
Don’t think I’ll be rushing back there.
The Karka event was loads more fun, as are the ongoing invasions.
I got into the main on my server finally last night. The event has died down to 30-50ish people and is impossible. I actually had more fun than the last couple times I did it though since at least it was with my home server population.
I’ve been on TC main now for 16 hours (got on just after they had a win) and no wins since.. can’t say I haven’t tried. That’s the event done for me now.. 50 or so fails all up, not a single win and have been guesting to servers who do get a win. Over it.
Join one of the TTS guilds. We look for empty overflows. I was around for 5 Tequatl runs last night….4 of them were successful, all of them were in overflows. At server reset we made an overflow 1 and overflow 2 group. We split the guilds and did Teq at the same time and both teams beat him (although group 2 was faster)…just some friendly competition.
I then did him 2 more times that night. Again two were simultaneously going on in an overflow 1 and 2. The benefit to overflows is that the turrets are usually empty or at least not filled with someone that is away from keyboard. In the main server, you never know.
Well I didn’t join a TTS guild, just waited until our server had done Teq then portaled in and out to try and get into main, got in about the 12th try.
There were 5 commanders, each with a squad for a specific task.
Team speak so we were guided as to where to go and when, basically you just stick with your commander.
Powerful potion of the undead is handy, ups your damage a bit.
So I just latched onto the west turret defense and followed everybody else.
I ain’t going to say it’s easy (But I didn’t die, but downed twice), I ain’t going to tell how to do it, like many of the other posts here, I’m just saying how I did it.
If you try to do what I did, in a good main you’ll succeed.
Being in a good main you can see why overflows fail so often>
Powerful potion of the undead is handy, ups your damage a bit.
Not against TQ. He is a a raceless prop, not a creature. Creatures in GW2 are sorted by ‘race’. All undead, be they risen humans or krait, belong to one ‘race’.
I recommend sharpening stones for you potion slot, which are usefull against both creatures and props.
Powerful potion of the undead is handy, ups your damage a bit.
Not against TQ. He is a a raceless prop, not a creature. Creatures in GW2 are sorted by ‘race’. All undead, be they risen humans or krait, belong to one ‘race’.
I recommend sharpening stones for you potion slot, which are usefull against both creatures and props.
Yes I had sharpening stone as well, just saying what I did and how I did it, didn’t want an inquest.
It could easily have been done without either……..
Just friendly advice. Maybe others would find it helpful. Nomadplz
Just friendly advice. Maybe others would find it helpful. Nomadplz
Yeah I know……… sorry I was a bit short.
Just friendly advice. Maybe others would find it helpful. Nomadplz
Yeah I know……… sorry I was a bit short.
No problem, I totally understand the frustration. /waves
I was just on an overflow, when the message popped:
“Sparkfly Fen is ready. You may travel there, move to the end of the queue, or stay here and leave the queue.”
So I pressed that Travel button and a loading screen came up…
And once it was gone:
“You have been moved to the Sparkfly Fen overflow. You are queued to enter the map when it is ready.”
I was just like “oh yeah… thank for… uhmmm… nothing”.