Personal Opinion

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Berelious.3290


First I would like to say that I absolutely hate agreeing with most people on here. The gods only know how many people I’ve trolled for jumping on the complaint bandwagon. However, this time I’m reluctantly forced to agree… Teq is too hard. Please note that this is only my personal opinion, and is such for the following reasons.

1. The timer is too short. Fifteen minutes is a reasonable amount of time to ask for defeating most of the world bosses, however with the powerhouse that Teq has become I believe we should be allowed a minimum of 30 minutes.

2. While I like the idea of Tequatl’s Fingers creating poison AoE to keep players on their toes, there’s way too much of it. Players can’t dodge that much, and most times have nowhere to dodge to, plus it’s a bit much for most turret operators to keep up with.

3. Hardened Scale stacks way too quickly. Between turrets trying to get rid of AoE poison and trying to remove stacks and trying to do damage, it’s a bit much for most people. Multi-tasking is one thing, but most players are only just so fast.

4. I put this last because it’s the least of my concerns, but he could use a bit of a health nerf.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the event and will continue to try to kill him at least once, but I honestly feel that if he isn’t scaled back a bit, most players will probably abandon the event all together for more enjoyable and more profitable events. This is my opinion, I welcome yours.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Oolune.4357


1. That is way too long and would make the content trivial.

2. You’re not supposed to dodge it. There are multiple methods to deal with it, the main one being destroy the fingers immediately while having turrets cleanse if you fail to.

3. I almost never see bone wall. I think I have seen it twice, and I have done this a lot.

4. I think ANet will eventually nerf him, and that the nerf will be a health decrease. Why? Because gamers today don’t want content that actually means something to beat. They just want to be able to beat it for a temporary and mostly false sense of accomplishment or completion. I just hope they release more content after the nerf that is as hard as this for the first few weeks of its release.

Tarnished Coast
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Turial.1293


1. I do and I don’t agree with this; while I would like perhaps 5 minutes added to his timer, even that would trivialize the fight. That is enough time for whole unorganised servers to kill him. The challenge is not in the time limit, it is in the organising of people.

2. That poison is a pain in the kitten , it is manageable though. I find the problem is that there is a shine/glow on the water under Teq and it is incredibly difficult to see it when you are looking around at everything else. That and if you get hit by the waves or feared you can be kitten sure you will go flying right into 3-4 connected poisons and will have no control or be knocked down for so incredibly long that you are dead before you can even attempt to use your stun breakers.

3. Absolutely not, the stacks are perfectly reasonable providing you have coordinated people on turrets, I have yet to let a bone wall happen with our group.

4. The health also is fine, if you can organise the people to get as far as the laser then his defense goes down so much that you can almost bring him into his next phase purely from that laser stun. Again, the problem you are finding is organising a group to get that far.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: UndeadRufus.6832


1. That is way too long and would make the content trivial.

Thirty minutes is too long. A five-minute increase would be substantially more fair, especially in the absence of a health nerf. Ideally, I’d rather see objectives and no timer at all.

2. You’re not supposed to dodge it. There are multiple methods to deal with it, the main one being destroy the fingers immediately while having turrets cleanse if you fail to.

You merely speak to the degree of coordination required to complete this event, which is simply not going to happen with most PUGs in the open world. The poison is absurd, and the turrets fail to do their job more often than not, due either to trolls/AFKers occupying them or defenders getting overrun by outrageously massive mobs of undead veterans and champions. The difficulty needs to be reined in a bit.

3. I almost never see bone wall. I think I have seen it twice, and I have done this a lot.

I’ve seen multiple bone walls every time I’ve done it, so it seems we’re at an impasse.

4. I think ANet will eventually nerf him, and that the nerf will be a health decrease. Why? Because gamers today don’t want content that actually means something to beat. They just want to be able to beat it for a temporary and mostly false sense of accomplishment or completion. I just hope they release more content after the nerf that is as hard as this for the first few weeks of its release.

Here you merely insult the players who are clearly dissatisfied with this event update, by projecting a motivation onto them that I have yet to see anyone actually express. The OP here certainly didn’t claim anything of the sort.

“Fickle, wild, irrational apes aren’t qualified to boss each other around….”

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Mirta.5029


4. I think ANet will eventually nerf him, and that the nerf will be a health decrease. Why? Because gamers today don’t want content that actually means something to beat. They just want to be able to beat it for a temporary and mostly false sense of accomplishment or completion. I just hope they release more content after the nerf that is as hard as this for the first few weeks of its release.

Ever tried tequatl for 8 hours straight only to feel like a worthless piece of dung afterwards? Well I don’t think I want to play a game that can get my spirits that low.

3. Absolutely not, the stacks are perfectly reasonable providing you have coordinated people on turrets, I have yet to let a bone wall happen with our group.

max stacks removable in 10 seconds – 6, but Tequatl gains 8 every 10 seconds. I don’t think you can avoid a bone wall.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Turial.1293


Ever tried Tequatl for 8 hours straight only to feel like a worthless piece of dung afterwards? Well I don’t think I want to play a game that can get my spirits that low.

I certainly have done it for 8 hours straight myself and have watched him leave with only 4% hp and 1% hp, it lowers your spirit very much BUT the content is doable and it takes coordination, the problem is that we cannot control people who afk or people who refuse to waypoint upon death or people who just play badly and don’t help. After those 8 hours I went to bed, woke up and heard they beat him while I slept, that is just as bad.

3. Absolutely not, the stacks are perfectly reasonable providing you have coordinated people on turrets, I have yet to let a bone wall happen with our group.

max stacks removable in 10 seconds – 6, but Tequatl gains 8 every 10 seconds. I don’t think you can avoid a bone wall.[/quote]

You can definitely avoid a bone wall, I have seen fights where the bone wall never happens, it is tough but if people on their turrets have shore defense working correctly and they know what they are doing on turrets then it will be fine.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I certainly have done it for 8 hours straight myself and have watched him leave with only 4% hp and 1% hp, it lowers your spirit very much BUT the content is doable and it takes coordination, the problem is that we cannot control people who afk or people who refuse to waypoint upon death or people who just play badly and don’t help. After those 8 hours I went to bed, woke up and heard they beat him while I slept, that is just as bad.

That’s why the content is made poorly. The difficulty is fine, the new tequatl is awesome, the problem is – he needs the coordination of a raid boss, but 20 AFK people (hell even 6) can ruin it for 200. Why is this not an instance?

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ucar.4738


Completely kittened implement of achievements which aint possible to finish cuz you cant join the map…its full and u end up in overflow maps with bunch of headless chickens running around, afk people, etc….what is the idea with servers if you allow soo many others join yours and block for you to participate…I have been trying for 3 days and i havent been in main sparkfly yet…i have probably clicked to join like 1000 times if not more….you should really think before u add stuff like this Anet.

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: folly dragon.4126

folly dragon.4126


1. A timer increase would help on overflows – which is really the problem, expecially the wait til it pops type people that show up a minute late in swarms. Of course, I prefer it without a timer, but to many of us complained about failing encounters and gettingvrewarded for it for them to rollback now.

2. The fingers arent the problem, the scaled up krait with infinate repops and champions are.

3. Read my number 2, part of the problem is turret 1 and 6 going down because of infinate repopping kraits with champions that take 4 minutes to kill. You need all 6 turrets running. But a simpler fix would be adjust the cooldown to a lower time on #2 ability.

4. The health isnt really a problem, the time it takes to get him to phase 2 is. Phase 1 takes between 8-10 minutes, after that, if all happens right, youll take him down 75% in 3-5 minutes.

Personally, first phase is to long and psycologically jinxes already low moraled players. It sgould go from easy to get to phase 2, then a little tougher for 2 and 3, the final leg should feel like the anchor. Currently, its reversed.

Personal Opinion

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


Well, the answer to #3 is that you have too many people (either AFK or active) near the turrets, and it’s scaling the mobs up to Champions as a result. Ideally, you only want 5-10 players playing defense for each set of turrets.