Reduce Teq's HP by 90%.
Or remove the timer. It’s the only thing ruining it.
Or work as team and do the mechanics right. Servers are already beating him on the first night. Would’ve liked it to be a bit harder honestly.
without timer ppl would just do some damage and sit there afk…
Yeah, either get rid of the timer or obliterate his health. The fight is kind of fun mechanically but the health is simply absurd. Maybe make him spawn risen clerics who heals him that we can actually counter instead?
Here’s a solution that would be a great help. Either force people who are dead for 30 seconds to waypoint and revive, Or make a new waypoint that is just a bit to the right of the Asura lab nearby, that isn’t contested. Maybe do both.
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf
QQ some more.
Or work as team and do the mechanics right. Servers are already beating him on the first night. Would’ve liked it to be a bit harder honestly.
Really??? What server has downed him?! Screenshots?
Or he could start with 1 HP and a DOT which dmg him by 10 every minute and everyone on that server gets 3 ascended weapons because you helped to beat that kitten hard boss.
Could you at least wait a week till people KNOW how to beat a boss before crying that it is too hard.
I don’t believe that ANY server has beat him. Screens or it didn’t happen.
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
Or work as team and do the mechanics right. Servers are already beating him on the first night. Would’ve liked it to be a bit harder honestly.
[CERN] When Zergs Collide – Tarnished Coast born n’ bred
I don’t think any server has either. I think that some are just claiming that to troll.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
its impossible to do it in overflow.
its impossible to do it in dead servers such as Anvil Rock.
Its impossible to get in non overflow on ‘normal’ servers.