"Stationary boss easy mode" for the whiners?
The turrets were AFK for first 5 minutes because of griefers sitting in them. Look at Teq stacks. We had commanders on the map, 50 people were on TS and we still failed. It’s not that people want to 111 (what’s wrong with you even anyway that you think that?), it’s that after attempting him 4 times a day and spending 4 hours waiting to still be able to be in the main map people want something for it. They don’t want minus money for the potions that they have to buy.
Also with this kind of attitude – good luck beating him alone in a week or two.
Have fun playing by yourself… let me know how soloing him goes in a week when you are the only one left doing it.
I’ll tell you what, I was doing world bosses before they gave any kind of decent rewards, because they were fun. I never just stood there hitting 111111 and anyone who did was doing it wrong. This fight has become unfun, so instead of “Stationary boss easy mode”, how about we do “Fun Boss Fight” mode?
Shadow Behemoth was killed in 3 minutes. He drops guaranteed a Rare, plus another chest with a chance for more stuff. Spread the word!
Shadow Behemoth was killed in 3 minutes. He drops guaranteed a Rare, plus another chest with a chance for more stuff. Spread the word!
Plus his new Champ adds have drops, not sure how long that’ll last for though.
Why does it have to be one way or to the extreme other? Is there something preventing a concession besides condescension?
Why does it have to be one way or to the extreme other? Is there something preventing a concession besides condescension?
Hahahaha… forgive me if I find it hard to show respect to people who give up in less than 24 hours after the patch, without having truly tried to beat it.
Its like a marathon runner taking 2 steps and bursting into tears “OMG Its too hard, I can’t do it.”
Seriously, if people want a lack luster, boring game where the “world bosses” can be killed by spamming 1 button….GO ELSEWHERE.
The new Teq has people whining because its a challenge. Most people just whine and cry for a nerf instead of learning the pattern, coordinating with others, and making the effort.
Those same people are the ones who die during the Teq encounter, and just stay there, waiting for a Rez. Instead of releasing and running back from the WP. Not only do they keep the scale up by not releasing, they don’t do any DPS while dead, and when ppl do try to rez them, they indirectly lower the DPS of the group and get some other people killed as well.
So, I do apologize if I sound condescending, but it just annoys me how quickly peopel cry for a nerf, when this is one of the best things Anet has added to the game.
I don’t mind that the legendary weapons look like they were on sale at Walmart, but PLEASE, please please please leave Tequatl as it is now ANet, and make ALL the other world bosses just as Epic and challenging!!!
noone is askig for bosses which can be killed with spamming 1 stop your stupid elitsm talk
we only ask to make this fight instanced so we can fight it with our guild, friends, server, or the people we tried the boss before
overflow mechanics jsut kill this fight for most people
on our server there is no chance to come on mainserver anymore with just waiting and on overflow you never will kill it
yes gw2 need hard content but INSTANCED
(edited by Romek.4201)
Hahahaha… forgive me if I find it hard to show respect to people who give up in less than 24 hours after the patch, without having truly tried to beat it.
Actually people complaining here are still trying their best to beat it. UW Attempt 4, going borderline nighttime now. About the same amount of health taken as we did in the first attempt. People getting annoyed and angry at each other. One of my guildies went in, saw Teq’s health and left and because of that he is getting lots of hate right now. I’m the first one to ask for a nerf because I AM there trying again and again and again and I perfectly know just how frustration feels and how impossible it feels for this server. But feel free to continue disrespecting us further.
Hahahaha… forgive me if I find it hard to show respect to people who give up in less than 24 hours after the patch, without having truly tried to beat it.
Actually people complaining here are still trying their best to beat it. UW Attempt 4, going borderline nighttime now. About the same amount of health taken as we did in the first attempt. People getting annoyed and angry at each other. One of my guildies went in, saw Teq’s health and left and because of that he is getting lots of hate right now. I’m the first one to ask for a nerf because I AM there trying again and again and again and I perfectly know just how frustration feels and how impossible it feels for this server. But feel free to continue disrespecting us further.
If you keep using the same strategy, and Teq’s HP is still at the same levels, it’s time to try something new. Asking for a nerf because people refuse to adapt is mind-boggling.
If you keep using the same strategy, and Teq’s HP is still at the same levels, it’s time to try something new. Asking for a nerf because people refuse to adapt is mind-boggling.
The thing is nobody refused to adapt. People know the strategy, but we never get the execution right.
1st try – flawless attack, turret defense bad
2nd try – AFK turret people wasted 5 minutes at the start
3rd try – A bit of lacking defense and attack
4rth try – attacking zerg standing too far and therefore not getting buffed.
You have to get the balancing so precise with so many people that as little as 3 people AFK can fail it for you. A nerf is being asked for because it’s too precise for regular PVE where everyone should be able to participate. It doesn’t help that after a while people lose the motivation and give up.
Why does it have to be one way or to the extreme other? Is there something preventing a concession besides condescension?
Hahahaha… forgive me if I find it hard to show respect to people who give up in less than 24 hours after the patch, without having truly tried to beat it.
Its like a marathon runner taking 2 steps and bursting into tears “OMG Its too hard, I can’t do it.”
Seriously, if people want a lack luster, boring game where the “world bosses” can be killed by spamming 1 button….GO ELSEWHERE.
The new Teq has people whining because its a challenge. Most people just whine and cry for a nerf instead of learning the pattern, coordinating with others, and making the effort.
Those same people are the ones who die during the Teq encounter, and just stay there, waiting for a Rez. Instead of releasing and running back from the WP. Not only do they keep the scale up by not releasing, they don’t do any DPS while dead, and when ppl do try to rez them, they indirectly lower the DPS of the group and get some other people killed as well.
So, I do apologize if I sound condescending, but it just annoys me how quickly peopel cry for a nerf, when this is one of the best things Anet has added to the game.
I don’t mind that the legendary weapons look like they were on sale at Walmart, but PLEASE, please please please leave Tequatl as it is now ANet, and make ALL the other world bosses just as Epic and challenging!!!
Nobody said they want a boss to spam 1 at you kitten. We would like a bossfight that when 70+ people are working together on TS cant be ruined by 3-4 troll/griefers and destroy 6+ hours of attempts and hard work. The turrets should be buildable, so when some troll takes over a turret and stands there doing nothing, people can at least construct a replacement
Personally I’m not going to farm this boss I will do it ONE time, get my achievement and go. I don’t care about drops, precursors, mini’s or titles. I just want to try out the content. I didn’t farms these dragons before I’m certainly not going to do it now. I don’t care if I’m in an overflow or whatever…What I do care about is people think they are better because they got lucky enough to get in a group who got it down and now think they are some kind of pro who deserves special recognition. It takes a group effort your single contribution did not defeat it. Give people a break.
Hahahaha… forgive me if I find it hard to show respect to people who give up in less than 24 hours after the patch, without having truly tried to beat it.
Actually people complaining here are still trying their best to beat it. UW Attempt 4, going borderline nighttime now. About the same amount of health taken as we did in the first attempt. People getting annoyed and angry at each other. One of my guildies went in, saw Teq’s health and left and because of that he is getting lots of hate right now. I’m the first one to ask for a nerf because I AM there trying again and again and again and I perfectly know just how frustration feels and how impossible it feels for this server. But feel free to continue disrespecting us further.
This. I was there with Mirta. You think all those people failing the event are bad players? This is the same as when Fractals just came out. The content wasn’t too hard, just the way it was presented was severely lacking. You had to spend hours to actually find likeminded people. I joined a Fractals guild back then and had about 100 people on my friends list who continiously asked me for an invite to my party. It was a pain, but atleast it payed off. Right now, there is no way for me to organize it just so that I can actually play with decent and motivated players.
Tomorrow I might guest on Desolation and/or join in on the TKS attempt. Even after I got the kill, I will continue to try and help my server to get it aswell, because there are a lot of people there that are actually trying to make it despite those that are just dead weight. Our best attempt was actually when people on turrets were afk for the first few minutes. It’s great that you are on a server with a lot of cooperation, but 40 out of 43 servers (I’m not counting Vabbi) don’t have that luxury. But like Mirta said, feel free to disrespect us and our continuing frustration even further.
EDIT: I played on the vanguard of Fractals, I killed Liadri within a decent amount of tries with my squishy thief, I’ve done SaB TM world 2 about 6 times now. But I must be a kittenty player for hating that this content isn’t instanced.
(edited by Ivonbeton.6814)
Hahahaha… forgive me if I find it hard to show respect to people who give up in less than 24 hours after the patch, without having truly tried to beat it.
Actually people complaining here are still trying their best to beat it. UW Attempt 4, going borderline nighttime now. About the same amount of health taken as we did in the first attempt. People getting annoyed and angry at each other. One of my guildies went in, saw Teq’s health and left and because of that he is getting lots of hate right now. I’m the first one to ask for a nerf because I AM there trying again and again and again and I perfectly know just how frustration feels and how impossible it feels for this server. But feel free to continue disrespecting us further.
This. I was there with Mirta. You think all those people failing the event are bad players? This is the same as when Fractals just came out. The content wasn’t too hard, just the way it was presented was severely lacking. You had to spend hours to actually find likeminded people. I joined a Fractals guild back then and had about 100 people on my friends list who continiously asked me for an invite to my party. It was a pain, but atleast it payed off. Right now, there is no way for me to organize it just so that I can actually play with decent and motivated players.
Tomorrow I might guest on Desolation and/or join in on the TKS attempt. Even after I got the kill, I will continue to try and help my server to get it aswell, because there are a lot of people there that are actually trying to make it despite those that are just dead weight. Our best attempt was actually when people on turrets were afk for the first few minutes. It’s great that you are on a server with a lot of cooperation, but 40 out of 43 servers (I’m not counting Vabbi) don’t have that luxury. But like Mirta said, feel free to disrespect us and our continuing frustration even further.
EDIT: I played on the vanguard of Fractals, I killed Liadri within a decent amount of tries with my squishy thief, I’ve done SaB TM world 2 about 6 times now. But I must be a kittenty player for hating that this content isn’t instanced.
But, but , but, it’s clearly individual skills to sit in the zergball and press 1 and 6, and if you see one pick up a Frost bow and press 4. CLEARLY skill involved there, right?
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
Hahahaha… forgive me if I find it hard to show respect to people who give up in less than 24 hours after the patch, without having truly tried to beat it.
Actually people complaining here are still trying their best to beat it. UW Attempt 4, going borderline nighttime now. About the same amount of health taken as we did in the first attempt. People getting annoyed and angry at each other. One of my guildies went in, saw Teq’s health and left and because of that he is getting lots of hate right now. I’m the first one to ask for a nerf because I AM there trying again and again and again and I perfectly know just how frustration feels and how impossible it feels for this server. But feel free to continue disrespecting us further.
This. I was there with Mirta. You think all those people failing the event are bad players? This is the same as when Fractals just came out. The content wasn’t too hard, just the way it was presented was severely lacking. You had to spend hours to actually find likeminded people. I joined a Fractals guild back then and had about 100 people on my friends list who continiously asked me for an invite to my party. It was a pain, but atleast it payed off. Right now, there is no way for me to organize it just so that I can actually play with decent and motivated players.
Tomorrow I might guest on Desolation and/or join in on the TKS attempt. Even after I got the kill, I will continue to try and help my server to get it aswell, because there are a lot of people there that are actually trying to make it despite those that are just dead weight. Our best attempt was actually when people on turrets were afk for the first few minutes. It’s great that you are on a server with a lot of cooperation, but 40 out of 43 servers (I’m not counting Vabbi) don’t have that luxury. But like Mirta said, feel free to disrespect us and our continuing frustration even further.
EDIT: I played on the vanguard of Fractals, I killed Liadri within a decent amount of tries with my squishy thief, I’ve done SaB TM world 2 about 6 times now. But I must be a kittenty player for hating that this content isn’t instanced.
But, but , but, it’s clearly individual skills to sit in the zergball and press 1 and 6, and if you see one pick up a Frost bow and press 4. CLEARLY skill involved there, right?
You are right. I’ll spend the remainder of the night studying tactics and trying to improve my play! I’m done being a bad player, I will solo this content tonight at 5 a.m after hours of practice!
alright i’ll go do content that easier with the same loot, but then who’s gonna be left to do the “hard” content? you think you’re gonna have 100+ elitists doing teq while the rest of the world is doing something better? nope its gonna be you with maybe 5 others.
good luck beating this elite content with that little people.
elitists like you aren’t helping the game you’re only killing it because you refuse to look for something challenging.