Suggestions for future world boss updates

Suggestions for future world boss updates

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: OverblownEgo.8594


From what I’ve seen of the fight so far, I love it. A boss with lots of interesting mechanics, multiple phases and and all around just a fun way to spend 15 minutes is a welcome addition to the game. There are just way too many outside variables that keep it from being an enjoyable experience. Overflows, an emerging mindset of “if you’re not Power/Toughness/Vitality you’re a liability” and a vital mechanic that rests the fate of the fight on a very limited number of people. The first two will certainly get better with time, although overflows will likely continue to be a limited problem following each major re-working and during peak hours on high population servers. The third thing, well, please just give us some means of quality control concerning which people are in charge of the vital mechanic in the future.

You know what might be cool concerning overflow? Being able to reserve your spot in your home server without having to sit in the same map for several hours. It could even be a gem store item if you’d like to make some dosh off people who don’t want to have to wait for off-peak hours. That’s going to cause some outrage of course, but there doesn’t seem to be a good way of fixing this problem given the current limits of the technology at hand, may as well make some money off the bandage right?

As far as the current attitude towards condition damage/precision/critical damage in boss fights, if the boss can’t be critically hit and conditions damage remains a mess continuing to give people with an emphasis on those stats an alternate means of being utilized would be appreciated. Right now we have turret protection duty which is alright but still feels pretty minor, maybe there could be a bigger role for those with stat focuses that aren’t ideal for world bosses in future re-workings.

As far as the six random people in control of a large portion of the encounter goes, I’ve actually seen a lot of potentially good ideas being thrown around. Voting seems like a terrible and time consuming mechanic, but maybe the mechanic could periodically knock off those vital few and offer a window for other people to take hold. That idea is certainly not without flaws as it could knock-off a good player and let in a bad one who just sits there and does nothing, but it’s better than risking having that bad player have it the whole time.