TEQ rewards?

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


I see a lot of complaints that the rewards simply aren’t good enough to keep players enticed. So with content that is more difficult than most, what do you expect as a reward?

Are the rewards ok but the drop rate is terrible? If you make the drop rate better does it really make it more worth your while?

If rewards are the reason you won’t repeat or even bother to kill him once then please I am interested in hearing your feedback. I am sure Anet might be interested as well.

If you do kill him often and you find the rewards lacking, please also answer but also add why you keep fighting him.


TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: folly dragon.4126

folly dragon.4126

Its not the only reason for me.

I spent 15 hours sunday in mumble helping and out of those 10 times, we beat him once. With a 10% chance to succeed, they would have to make it 100% chance at an ascended, mini or special ascended. This is where RNG fails and really they need to go currency, and not be unrealistic with it, meaning.

Acceptable would be

1 token = necklaces, aquabreathers
3 tokens = ascended regular
5 tokens = special ascended
8 tokens = mini tequatl.

At least with this, its a reason to invest time in it

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


I tend to agree with Folly Dragon. I had saturday off and did tequatil about 10 times that day too on various overflows and servers. Failed every single one. Out of those few that got it below 75% I got cheated out of 2 loot bags and got 3 on the one attempt we got it down to 1%. Out of those bags I got the usual crap, blues, greens junk.

If I’m going to waste a whole day and get some sort of loot bag then getting a good drop of some sort would be nice. If I had gotten a kill and the end chest that would have dropped crap too because Anet is known for their kittenty drop rates. They’re something of a laughing stock in the industry due to that. “Good game, crappy loot”.

I’d much rather see tokens awarded per 25% you get tequatl and then reasonable prices on stuff that tequatl drops. So after a dozen fails you might get that necklace or aquabreather with your 12 tokens and have a few tokens left over.

Crappy drop rates inspires me to NEVER do that content again and once I get my achievements for it then I won’t be going back.

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: incandescence.6784


Rewards should be at least in the same ballpark as rewards you get for farming. So, for example, if with overflows and all the other crap it takes most players 20+ hours typically to succeed in killing Teq, how much reward do you get if you just went and farmed for 20+ hours? It doesn’t have to be just as much, but it should be at least in the same neighborhood. Should at least acquire in the 100g range of value (which you could surely make from 20 hours of farming Frostgorge) if it is going to take that much time to record a successful win. If Anet did not intend for it to be this hard then they need to get their act together.

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: raven.9870


totally agree with folly dragon, reward aren’t enought and a token reward shoud be better. it’s like an open dungeon, tequalt is not just a world event,all the people in the map have to participate and coordinate to accomplished the event and even if they work togheter is not reliable that people succeed.
i have the idea that tequalt will not be the last that will recive a revamp,if you do it for the other dragon world boss, why not improve reward in this way with dedicated peace of armor(ascended) obtainable through token. actually world bosses are like"hey a dragon..let’s zerk on him…" but with tequalt you do it righ, it’s a real world boss..pls don’t mess all up with a reward drop rate so poor.

Victory at any cost

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


In the 3 last days on my server, Teq has been killed 2-3 times each day. Every time after a kill the same question is asked – “has anyone received any ascended drop?”. So far, the number of answers received stands at 3 – two of those were Teq weapons, and one a settler stat normal ascended box. It is possible, of course, that some people got their drops and simply didn’t answer, but gamers in general are prone to showing off, so i consider this unlikely.

This is too low a droprate to be considered an enticement – especially since all 3 weapons had relatively unusable stat sets.
Mind you, number of exotics dropped (and minis) didn’t seem to be significantly higher.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: pdg.8462


I would be happy with just an awesome title.

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Djahlat.9610


I got an Ascended box with Rampager stats. I’d like to change the stats, but i’m not complaining either. I’m usually the most unlucky regarding loots and drops, so i’m satisfied

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Aerlen.5326


Okay, acceptable rewards.

Beating Teq all the times I did earned me chests full of blues and greens. I could beat any world boss and get those same blues and greens with less effort. The chance of the ascended or other special rewards is great and should remain a random chance but there needs to be some solid, reliable reward for the amount of effort this boss takes to down.

Tokens are one idea. Exotics are another.

The only reason I keep fighting him is that I want that mini. That’s it. Eventually, I will give up and move on to more rewarding content.

~Tarnished Coast Pride~

Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


I have killed TQ a few times now, I have finished all my achievements for him.. But after only getting greens and blues, I don’t think I want to do him anymore.

All the fights I had with it! Were great, best boss ingame ever.

Next time Anet, when you revamp a boss, its also nice to revamp the distribution of rewards.. RNG is still RNG..

Something with tokens would be better.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Noobix.3958


It would also be nice to get something more than the 1-2silver you get for re-running the event. Its not an easy event and some commanders like to do it multiple times in a day to help their server or guildies through it.

At this point i re-run it to help the people on my server but that doesnt get me anything but gratitude from the players (which is priceless to me). Still, im playing the game and I should be rewarded for it in a tangible way right? Maybe the 1G reward should be awarded for EVERY Tequatl kill?

I understand that great loot/rewards would put even more guesting pressure on the successful servers and theres the worry that the players get the encounter so finely tuned that every run is a successful one. But to be honest, the coordination and effort involved is greater than that. People prepared to rerun content should be rewarded for it everytime, or at least have the chance to build their work up to something. Which is why tokens should be rewarded.

Tokens or gold evrytiem is what im saying.

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Its not the only reason for me.

I spent 15 hours sunday in mumble helping and out of those 10 times, we beat him once. With a 10% chance to succeed, they would have to make it 100% chance at an ascended, mini or special ascended. This is where RNG fails and really they need to go currency, and not be unrealistic with it, meaning.

Acceptable would be

1 token = necklaces, aquabreathers
3 tokens = ascended regular
5 tokens = special ascended
8 tokens = mini tequatl.

At least with this, its a reason to invest time in it

100% correct. Anet have been told time and time again that there needs to be a workaround to bad luck with the RNG and they refuse to listen. Some events have had it but its just too inconsistent. It needs to be a design rule covering all events.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I think about 1 rare/exotic per 25% phase done sounds right (1x per day), and the world chest with about the same drop rate now (something good or a rare at least).

They could even let the per day rewards get better the more times you try it until you succeed. In other words, success on the 2nd or 3rd try could reward more than the 1st (although the 1st would still have the best reward in the world-chest).

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Duran.3196


Well the idea of tokens would be great, limit them to once per day, but therefore make the other loot not restricted to once a day.
Tokens be only granted on Kill.
Considering the numbers id say:

3-5 tokens = one ascended with random stats
10 tokens = one ascended with stats you chose

So it takes at least 10 days to get an ascended with Tequatl, but if you killed him 10 times you know for sure you have it.
RNG is a beast with claws and teeth sharp as razor blades that always glares at you with its vicious eyes, making you rant and wanna quit the game.

…………………………………….now a little ranting: ………………………………..

And then there is the problem with overflows and disconnects….
So you organize a special overflow dedicated to specially to bring him down, making an hour or more preperation and then you get a disconnect when Tequatl is at 20% or even less and you get NOTHING!!!! , i mean NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! because you dont get where you were before.
I mean you put a lot of effort, and Tequatl is not thaaaat hard to kill if you made a lot of preperation effort, but then because this GAMES CRASHES more frequently than a lot of other programms YOU GET PUNISHED and THATS the DOWNRIGHT FRUSTRATING PART of Tequatl right now.

Yesterday i was in TS, I did him but 3 of 5 of my Guild Mates had a disconnect that try.

And another thing thats really annoying, that the games asks you wheter you want to join the main server during the event, pop up windows during a fight are annoying


(edited by Duran.3196)

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CakeBoss.3792


If all it takes to get an ascended would be to kill him a few times, I’d choose that over spending a ton of time making the gold to get my crafting all the way maxed and then more time/gold to get the materials for crafting it. I don’t think they should give you a stat choice of your choosing unless you’re crafting it or it’s a legendary. I do think they should make the rewards better, like more dragonite, maybe 3 gold daily on kill, or something along those lines. Making the gold/mats reward higher but keeping the chances of ascended/mini at the same rate would calm some people clamoring for more.

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


At the current perceived ascended drop rate, you’d get one per year on average, assuming you did Teq daily (succesfully). And it would have random stats, or worse, be a Teq weapon (nice if you go for skin, but very bad if you are interested in ascended tier stats).
The current rate is not good enough.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

TEQ rewards?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Duran.3196


If all it takes to get an ascended would be to kill him a few times, I’d choose that over spending a ton of time making the gold to get my crafting all the way maxed and then more time/gold to get the materials for crafting it. I don’t think they should give you a stat choice of your choosing unless you’re crafting it or it’s a legendary. I do think they should make the rewards better, like more dragonite, maybe 3 gold daily on kill, or something along those lines. Making the gold/mats reward higher but keeping the chances of ascended/mini at the same rate would calm some people clamoring for more.

I dont have a Weaponsmith and I dont want to create one, cause crafting is crap like it is in almost every MMORPG.
Its always like the developers think, oh we make an mmo, dont have most mmorpgs crafting systems? Oh, right, so lets include a crafting system, because every mmorpg has one … lalalalala.
And crafting feels exactly like that, not just in GW2.
You know what? GW1 had no real crafting System at all and I dont know anyone that missed it.

That being said, for a Tequatl Kill you need to organize 100+ ppl. And then its not a guaranteed kill.
Tequatl is without a doubt the hardest World Boss Encounter there is right now and I dont see why to not give ppl a guaranteed loot after doing it several times.
More Dragonite? More of that crap … no thx, got 1200 of it.

What really annoys me is that Anet makes a lot of things just RNG-dependant.


(edited by Duran.3196)