Tadia Covington needs more time
So now you are crying about a boss that is too hard to " Farm Now " Well I for one is glad that all the bosses are harder and that you have to defeat them in 15 mins. It gets rid of the massive lets just Afk damage bosses and get credit and makes people think and work together as a team
Good Job Anet.. Make people work for Loot now instead of just getting Credit for Akitteng doing damage to it
I don’t think Imaginos said anything about “farm now”. Having actually attempted the event, I agree with Imaginos. She needs more time, less HP or better rewards to attract more players.
I only fought her once before this patch, so excuse my ignorance. There were points when we would reflect my attacks though I noticed no tell.
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Yeah that fight has several phases. It’s longer than average. Odd that they gave her a short timer.
It seems more and more that the people responsible for the gold reward for dungeons are also responsible for the timers on the world bosses. Both seem completely arbitrary, following no logic at all.
Tadia Covington has been ignored by just about anyone playing Bloodtide Coast because she’s rough, but I agree with the arbitrary timer given to all world bosses. There’s no real reason for the timer, and thanks to the scaling when more players are around, it just makes things longer.
Nice. Mod removes my reply to azzy but leaves azzy’s crap there.
Again this isn’t about farming. This is about being do-able. I’m betting this event wasn’t even tested before having an arbitrary timer slapped on it, which wasn’t needed. None of these timers are needed.
So now you are crying about a boss that is too hard to " Farm Now "
That’s not what he’s saying.
He’s saying the bosses unique battle design (ie teleporting around her ship) makes the 15 minute time limit extremely harsh if not impossible without vast numbers of zergs at all of the points she teleports to waiting for her.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
Either she needs more time or the timer has to be removed or her lp has to be lowered.
She should not be a cakewalk, but one could think you should be able to kill her in a group of 10 – 15 people?
Taidha is a tedious event to get it up and running. Often it takes up to 1 hour to start her. But you should be able to kill her after you put in that much preparation.
Anet could just have given her some more lp so she isn’t killed in 5 minutes, but the new version just doesn’t make any sense at all.
Too much lp for too little time.. that sounds like Taidha will become the new Karka Queen. Not much people will start her. (There are a few bosses where the ratio between effort (time) and reward do not match, and Taidha already has been a PITA for the preparations that took too long and were too tedious, but in the end you were able to kill her with a bunch of people.^^)
Why should one do all the preparations that take up a lot of time, but in the end there feels something very wrong when you are not able to kill her?
How many people are supposed to be needed to kill her now?
I just killed her 2 days ago with a random group of roughly 15. It was a decent fight, but nothing compared to Teq. I do not see any reason it needs to be nerfed at all.
I’ve killed her two times in a row with more than five minutes left. The places she teleports to are scripted, so it’s really easy to catch her and kill her.