Tequatl Terror Squad (JOIN NOW BEAT TEQUATL)
Want an invite too, please!
I would like an invite as well.
I would love an invite if there’s still room ^^
I would like an invite pls
If there’s room, I’d gladly join to get those achievements at last. Won’t have that much time next week to do this so must get this done this weekend, and really would like to do something else.
Homeworld: Underworld. I have guested on 2 servers atm in hopes of trying to get in a good group with ts and all but of course get into overflow. Guested worlds: Desolation and Fissure of Woe.´
EDIT: Noticed this is just for NA people. So no luck for me here either. Hate these achievements and this boss.
(edited by Kapina.9012)
I would like an Invite please.
Has anyone gotten an invite yet?
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Could I get an invite as well?
Invite me please
I’d be up for joining this. No reps online that I can see right now, but feel free to invite my PAX. 4160 tag and I’ll bring my Guard to the party.
ill take an invite
Me Please! An Invite will be good!
I would like an invite as well please.
An invite would be awesome, if not, maybe some info on when are where you guys plan on doing it
Mind sending me an invite?
I’m keen, chuck me an invite. I have a Commander tag too, if needed.
Looking to do turret work, mainly.
You missed my invite
[url=https://] [/url]
i would like an invite
A load of invites have been sent out, as well as invites from my mail which was completely overloaded haha.
This is completely overwhelming, there are spots left so feel free to PM me in game (Ahlou) if you are on a US server, you qualify. We will be making MULTIPLE attempts tonight.
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
I’d like an invite please.
I would like an invite please
Is there still room? My server’s probably never going to manage it, invite plz?
ill join
Hey could I also get an invite please
On Yaks Bend atm! Still open slots left! join now
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
you mean I can join then leave once he gone lol
If that is what you want to do. :/ However we hope you stay.
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
So our first attempt around 45%.
Second attempt we got down to 5%.
Third attempt was terrible not even gonna post the results haha.
Fourth attempt we just got him down to 2%.
Join the guild! We are attacking in Yaks Bend today!
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
Invite me please.
Invite me!!! Please!
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
I’d like an invite please
Invite me too, please!
I like to get an invite too pls! TTS!
More invites went out! Keep em coming!
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
Invite me as well please
I would appreciate an invite.
Invite me please
Bed time for me. KEEP THE REQUESTS TO JOIN COMING!!! Leave me mail if needed! I’ll get you a spot in the guild! Goodnight TTS!
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
I’d like an invite please
Invite pls. Tnx
yes please yes please! Teqquie is goooing doooown! thanks so much for organising this – i’m from a low populated server that is quickly losing interest. -.- i shall slay the beast! Invite pleeease!
I’d like an invite too please!
I’d like an invite please.
Invite me, please.
Im game, invite and i’ll go whenever.
shoot me one two please
Hello I would love an invite please! Currently on Ehmry Bay.