Tequatl the Funless

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Hexin.5603


1. Deaths from….everything!

Res yourself and run back, I have only been downed once in Teq battles. Pay more attention to whats going on around you and you will have no issue with this battle. It’s really not hard. Watch out for red circles, watch out for poison, avoid bloated exposions, and watch his fingers(tenticles that come from ground. Outside of that dodge through the waves.

2. Player Interaction

Not sure where you play, or how this interaction is initiated, but on TC, we map chat share, food buffs, talk strategy together, test things, and share potions with each other. All to help. Your choice where and who you play with.

3. Timers and Persistance

This is good. Finally something that requires people to attempt to try. Facing adversity, and when you overcome adversity … is one of the most rewarding feelings. This truly feels epic and like you helped (even if your only 1 person), helped make that possible. If its doable 9/10 times then guess what … you won’t feel so good about it. I hear world of warcraft offers mindless 1,2,3 raid bosses if that’s what your preference is. But they also run on timers. Every modern raid boss does

4. Achievements

Are for those who care about them. If you care, you will try to accomplish them. There are harder achievements then this. Believe me. You ever hear of Yakslapper title? Do the math.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CaboSoul.1204


Funny how some people fool themselves thinking Teq is hardcore content.

He is the same bored piñata. He just stand there but now, with a kittenload of health, insta-kill mechanism (well, only fools with zerker gear die) and a timer (lamest excuse of “hardcore” content).

I can stand in from of him the whole 15 minutes without dying a single time and still, I will never see him die because his “difficulty” is based on other people stupidity, not in my own skills.

So yes, is not fun, is not “hardcore” and just exploit the inability of some people to do something beyond press 1 button.

And before someone say the typical kitten about organize people, I spent 1 hour along with other persons explaining what to do and yet, most people just do what they want.

Nicely said.

I heard (read) that people wanted harder bosses cuz it was just standing in one place and spamming 1. Nothing has changed for me, I fight him the same way I did the original Tequatl. And I can do it while playing a other game or while i’m eating. And that’s why I decided to not fight the original Tequatl (Shatterer and The Claw too) anymore. And now, already, I won’t fight this Tequatl anymore as well.

I was hoping for a battle like the monsters in Monster Hunter, you know with him moving around and him having moves that make me move around a lot as well but nope, they decided to give more health and a timer and the “CHALLENGE” is getting people to work together. And I simply let people with a big mouth take on that “CHALLENGE”.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


This event has two possible scenarios :

1) Sooo much fun with a coordinated group
2) Sooo frustrating in an overflow, with afkers or with no coordination

However, it’s not true that you can easily see if it’s a total bust in the first few minutes. I think some people give up way too easily thinking that it is. If you get to 75% with about 4minutes left, you can still make it.

Perhaps, but I think most players (especially in an overflow) see 20+ dead bodies, AFKers, Teq 2.0 with most of his HP still intact, a bone wall, dead turrets, and people WP to other boss fights, the timer ticking down, and think. “What am I really gaining here?”

I can answer that last question! 80c!

I don’t like this event. A simple reason actually. It’s just not doable unless you go over organized. And if you are not over organized, you’ll get 80c out of it. If you’re lucky. And don’t die. Because then you’ll only pay for actually participating in this event.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sina.9208


I mainly agree with the Op, I hope Anet is able to learn from this. (I’m fairly naive, hope dies last)


(edited by Sina.9208)

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Dark Jericho.8609

Dark Jericho.8609

2. Player Interaction

When players are frustrated, they start taking it out on others. The Teq 2.0 fight is bringing out the worst in players. People are shouting, insulting, abusing others, and even going so far as to avoid reviving people.

When a game is designed in a way that causes so much frustration, something needs to be looked at. This is a video game, we’re all here to have fun. If the task at hand is frustrating to the point where players are lashing out, then something is wrong.

I was in an overflow earlier, just waiting for Teq to spawn so I get the credit for the daily when he spawned, and positioned myself near the turrets to help DPS down the adds like I always do (I’m in berserker gear) and these guys started spamming map chat with their teamspeak server info and telling everyone to download and join their channel to win.

I don’t see anything wrong with that, as I’m never against people wanting to effectively communicate with one another during some hectic content such as this, except that one of them actually whispered me asking if I was in their TS. I said no, as I currently have no audio as my old speakers stopped working and am waiting for the new ones I ordered in the mean time while I continue to play, and he flat out told me to “get away from him”.

That kind of silly attitude toward people just wanting to participate is what I dislike about this event, as the OP mentioned; it’s bringing the worst out of player’s attitudes. That overflow I was in eventually failed due to AFKers on turrets, and that TS gang didn’t stick around long after it was apparent we were going to lose.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: digiowl.9620


For some reason ANet keep opting for few large number over many small numbers.

Are their servers really that saturated from the condition mechanics?

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Not just tequatl that isnt fun anymore, even the simple fire elemental and golem need to have stupid amounts of aoe red circles.
Anet increasing difficulty, lets increase the circle of death rate. Yeah.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: KorKor.9452


I like the new Teq stuff and it is really fun. Sure you won’t down him every time but it really brought our server together. If anything I just wonder how it will work in the long run when less people or just less organized start to do him as others get what they want. Seems like that could be a real issue with a world event like this and multiple dragons and such getting a rework.

Also kinda feel for those low population servers and night time players as well.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I like the new Teq stuff and it is really fun. Sure you won’t down him every time but it really brought our server together. If anything I just wonder how it will work in the long run when less people or just less organized start to do him as others get what they want. Seems like that could be a real issue with a world event like this and multiple dragons and such getting a rework.

Also kinda feel for those low population servers and night time players as well.

Server together? i see a lot of get-of-my-server you guests on desolation :/

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Analogue Kid.3896

The Analogue Kid.3896

Title is correct, encounter is not fun. Getting thrust into overflows that only get 10% of his life off is not fun. At least the overflows I got put into for Scarlett usually finished the event around 50% of the time.

My favourite boss is now golem mark 2, as you can clearly SEE the fields of death and can dodge out of them.

This. Golem Mk2 was the best redesign so far. Tough but also fun and fair.

I totally agree about Golem Mk2. I really enjoy doing this world boss, more like this devs please!

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: urzen.7096


Simply put, maybe this content is not for you. This is hard content and people have been asking for stuff like this for a while.

A world boss, in a level 60 zone is not for me? If that isn’t for everyone, then what is the point of playing GW2? Should I just stick to level 15 Skritt where I belong, and not get in the way of the big shots?

No but it does not seem like the kind of fight that is fun for you, so why do it?
There are many things in the game that I do not like and I just don’t do them.
I don’t care what people think- it is a game I play for fun

I imagine many people are giving up doing it. If nothing changes, there will be no one left as the reward (fun or loot) wont match the grind. People who win it wont do it again. People who cant win it, will go do something else. So much like most of the game, it will be empty.

Path of least resistance.

How is Tequatl a grind though?
You are talking about rewards so clearly you do not think that it is worth it right? In terms of reward for time spent?
How do you explain that people are doing it multiple times even after they have won?
Clearly for them it is a fun fight. I think it is fun, that is why I do it.
People will still do the fight after the people who do not like it give up.

That was my point- do content you enjoy, because you enjoy it.
Why else would you do it?

Its a grind because its scripted and youre doing the same thing over and over. How is that fun?

Sanctum of Rall

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


I agree 100% with the OP.

I’m all for content being challenging, but mass encounters necessarily need to be simple. With no real leader (and no method for conferring leadership authority), expecting complex collaboration is unrealistic.

As it stands this encounter is so tedious that I will not be attempting it any further. Interrupting my normal play to go somewhere to be bored and frustrated is not worthwhile.

It’s desirable that content is challenging, but it is essential that it is fun.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Bratpirat.6137


+1 for funny threadname

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: urzen.7096


I agree 100% with the OP.

I’m all for content being challenging, but mass encounters necessarily need to be simple. With no real leader (and no method for conferring leadership authority), expecting complex collaboration is unrealistic.

As it stands this encounter is so tedious that I will not be attempting it any further. Interrupting my normal play to go somewhere to be bored and frustrated is not worthwhile.

It’s desirable that content is challenging, but it is essential that it is fun.

It IS easy, just not in 15 mins.

Sanctum of Rall

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cody.5241


1. Deaths from….everything!

Res yourself and run back, I have only been downed once in Teq battles. Pay more attention to whats going on around you and you will have no issue with this battle. It’s really not hard. Watch out for red circles, watch out for poison, avoid bloated exposions, and watch his fingers(tenticles that come from ground. Outside of that dodge through the waves.

2. Player Interaction

Not sure where you play, or how this interaction is initiated, but on TC, we map chat share, food buffs, talk strategy together, test things, and share potions with each other. All to help. Your choice where and who you play with.

3. Timers and Persistance

This is good. Finally something that requires people to attempt to try. Facing adversity, and when you overcome adversity … is one of the most rewarding feelings. This truly feels epic and like you helped (even if your only 1 person), helped make that possible. If its doable 9/10 times then guess what … you won’t feel so good about it. I hear world of warcraft offers mindless 1,2,3 raid bosses if that’s what your preference is. But they also run on timers. Every modern raid boss does

4. Achievements

Are for those who care about them. If you care, you will try to accomplish them. There are harder achievements then this. Believe me. You ever hear of Yakslapper title? Do the math.

I’m so glad you bothered to read any (or even one) of the other replies and posts on this thread backing up most of the points the Original Poster makes — which also nullify all of the responses you bother to make. As people have been at pains to point out, this IS NOT a ‘Learn to Play’ issue: the fight mechanics are far from difficult in themselves. What actually makes this encounter challenging is the coordination of 80-90 other individuals who have little or no desire of coordinating with you, even if you’ve taken the time to explain mechanics and tactics to them.

If, for example, this encounter was instanced so that all of your individuals had to be coordinated, then I would suggest there wouldn’t be a fraction of the grief that this iteration of Tequatl has generated. As an example of Open World PvE Raid Boss content, this is pretty shoddy work, IMHO.