Thank you Anet

Thank you Anet

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: korelg.7862


Really, today at Fort Aspenwood I had the most awesome experience beating Tequatl, thanks to all that people working together, we tried for 2 days and on the 3rd one BANG! he went down… it was just amazing and even the kittenty loot at the end could not spoil such a good feeling.

there is one thing that worries me though, as it is now, this encounter will die, none is gonna play it after the event, cause it takes such a huge amount of effort to pull it off, now, don’t get me wrong, having it like this through the event weeks is just perfect, but dont expect people to work this hard weekly if the rewards are so kitten bad.

I’m all up for server-wide PvE objectives, but that only works with the right incentive, this week it was the race to be in the top5 or top10 servers, but what about the upcoming weeks, months, years?

Thank you Anet

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lucky.9421


Yeah. That is where dynamic scaling should come in.

We did the Golem earlier with only 10 people and it was fine. People died, but it was fine. :P

I can’t imagine having the base scaling set at 80 players will work out in the long run.
