The Real Problem is Time

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Tken.1986


The new Tequatl is on a whole new level compare to the other World Bosses.
Let’s assume that the other World Bosses are at a difficulty of level 1 to 3 while Tequatl is at level 10. At this point, things are still okay.
Then there’s Time Limit:
Every World Bosses now have a 15 minutes time limit until the event fail. Different bosses have different encounter with different base difficulty (include HP) to scale with. Apparently, we are expected to do level 10 content like level 1 to 3 content. Which is given only 15 minutes to do the event. To be honest, I would’ve really enjoy this event even if it has to take a good long 1 to 2 hours.
Who ever thought of this idea needs to think harder. In the long run, people rarely bothers with this event anymore. This will have a 99.9% chance being turn into Karka Queen Ver. 2. I am pretty sure if this event becomes like the permanent invasion event, I won’t bother because chance of winning ain’t gonna happen.
Time itself can be the issue:
There’s certain peak time for high, and low player population. This makes chance of winning even lower.
And there are other problems such as Overflows:
Being put into overflow pretty much determines that its going to fail.

I’m not saying time limit is all bad, but on this difficulty with the amount of time given is completely unreasonable.
However, the requirement for high player population is absolutely horrible.

(edited by Tken.1986)

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Netko.9271


Time limit is only challenge there, if there is no time limit 10 ppl could just autoattack it and kill it eventually.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: zamalek.2154


Groups are killing it with time to spare ([TKS] had 2:24), once everyone is coordinated 15 minutes is actually a generous amount of time. The issue is communication (message suppression).

Every World Bosses now have a 15 minutes time limit

Jormag is 30min (again, dirt easy once you coordinate and focus on the mechanics). It’s nit-picking your argument but it does go to show that these numbers are based in reality.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Andele.1306


Groups are killing it with time to spare ([TKS] had 2:24), once everyone is coordinated 15 minutes is actually a generous amount of time. The issue is communication (message suppression).

And the fact that only god knows who is on the 6 carry spots.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Groups are killing it with time to spare ([TKS] had 2:24), once everyone is coordinated 15 minutes is actually a generous amount of time. The issue is communication (message suppression).

I don’t want to sound like the one to complain I am happy how Teq is but I could enjoy a increase in time more, but we will see when it has been active for a few weeks how it works.

Though what I want to comment to the quote is that some servers can do it not only becouse they are coordinated but they are many and maby have more coordinated players than other servers.

Like the server I play on (Gunnars Hold), imo we did a darn good job yesterday when I was playing, we had everything, a leader for each possition, good communication and 50+ where active on mumble (what I know of, I wasn’t one of them -_- sorry)…
We where able to get him down to about 51-55% …

I can only imagine what will happen in a few weeks when everyone is tired of trying and others have compleated their deeds or whatever and tops one Guild is engaging to lead and use mumble, teamspeak or something.

Devs said that you need atleast 80 players to compleate this event and maby when players have learned the machanics of him maby a few less.
Atm we can’t even get him to less than 90% on an overflow and that is how I think at best servers will look like in a few weeks.

It came out as a whine anyway, sorry but I want to have it “said”.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: supergica.8652


The time increase will probably be the adjustment to be done to Tequatl after the boss week passes. Jormag who is very easy has 30 minutes while Tequatl has only 15… It will definitively be increased, not necessarily to 30 minutes but 20-25 should be more acceptable.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: zamalek.2154


Like the server I play on (Gunnars Hold), imo we did a darn good job yesterday when I was playing, we had everything, a leader for each possition, good communication and 50+ where active on mumble (what I know of, I wasn’t one of them -_- sorry)…
We where able to get him down to about 51-55% …

Keep trying, you will get him to the 25% mark quite easily with that determination. Once you get there 0% is basically guaranteed in a few more attempts (the trick is balancing DPS with defense, TKS found that ~10 at each turret group was a nice balance).

50 on Mumble might be something you need to work on though. 100% of the turret teams/defenders need to be on VOIP at the very least.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Insidious.6528


Ya, jormag should be 15 and sunless 30. Overflow is a huge problem, difficulty of sunless, it would be nice to see him every 30 mins as opposed to how long we have to wait in between attacks. Nothing seems more unsatisfying and frustrating, than a tight time limit, a long wait, bumped to multiple overflow and Event Failed. Not everyone has hours to dedicate to playing this game, especially for one event or boss.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Like the server I play on (Gunnars Hold), imo we did a darn good job yesterday when I was playing, we had everything, a leader for each possition, good communication and 50+ where active on mumble (what I know of, I wasn’t one of them -_- sorry)…
We where able to get him down to about 51-55% …

Keep trying, you will get him to the 25% mark quite easily with that determination. Once you get there 0% is basically guaranteed in a few more attempts (the trick is balancing DPS with defense, TKS found that ~10 at each turret group was a nice balance).

50 on Mumble might be something you need to work on though. 100% of the turret teams/defenders need to be on VOIP at the very least.

Ye, I am quite sure that Gunnars Hold will make it but will the same ammount of commitment be there for the rest of the game or will it linger in a few days and make this boss impossible due to do?

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: zamalek.2154


Ye, I am quite sure that Gunnars Hold will make it but will the same ammount of commitment be there for the rest of the game or will it linger in a few days and make this boss impossible due to do?

I’m pretty certain that it will effectively become raiding content. There will be the few PUGs that the guild can carry, but for the most party it will probably be a ghost town while organised groups are not present.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Talissa Chan.7208

Talissa Chan.7208

Numbers are already dwindling on my server and the achieves for the week are basically a writeoff (although i do love the achievable wings) if its unchanged it’ll just be another dead event shunned by every server. Blackgate won’t have those numbers everyday, every spawn.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Trixie.7614


Time limit is only challenge there, if there is no time limit 10 ppl could just autoattack it and kill it eventually.

I’m pretty sure they won’t die to the adds and if they don’t they will kill it easily with the wall popping on 20 stacks.

Glorious Human Master Race

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Tken.1986


Time limit is only challenge there, if there is no time limit 10 ppl could just autoattack it and kill it eventually.

Indeed. I don’t expect time limit to be remove , and I don’t wish for that kind of lazy adjustment. But 15 minutes limit is really unfair for the players that can only play when majority of players are sleeping.

I didn’t know that the fairly easy Jormag have 30 minutes lol.
Time does not equal difficulty tho

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Time limit is only challenge there, if there is no time limit 10 ppl could just autoattack it and kill it eventually.

Indeed. I don’t expect time limit to be remove , and I don’t wish for that kind of lazy adjustment. But 15 minutes limit is really unfair for the players that can only play when majority of players are sleeping.

I didn’t know that the fairly easy Jormag have 30 minutes lol.
Time does not equal difficulty tho

How do you balance fairness in time zones when people from all over the world play at any given time? The challenge is set at 15 minutes. If your server doesn’t have people willing to attempt the challenge, that’s not your fault or Anet’s. Guest over to another server if you need to, or try and organize people online in your server to give it a try.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ilr.9675


Time Limit designs like these = Simin boss in Path 4 Arah.

Eventually, Anet WILL “nerf” the HP bar b/c it is unfair to MOST of the builds and classes that Anet themselves originally intended the game to have

I’m actually AGAINST THAT sort of “Dumbing Down” though.
Yes I’m still against stupid “DPS Checks” masquerading as “challenge” b/c they’re not Challenges, they’re just more Gear Checks & Artificial Difficulty which any idiot can see: If that wasn’t the original design of End Game, this game would still have a lot more people sticking around for end-game and the Dungeon Forum wuoldn’t be a seething self-hating neglected & cry-for-attention cynicism-fest that it currently is with maybe 2 Devs posts tops per 6 months in it…

But back to the point: It’s possible to still keep this Event kind of high-brow and actually make it fun for everyone, WITHOUT just shifting Stats around. ….HOW? By giving sub-Par builds more ways to directly DPS the dragon General itself.

Problem & their possible solution:

  • #1 Many builds & non-80 players are ill-suited to even be participating at all….
  • #2 the Champions don’t drop loot… that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t drop ANYTHING through…. look at WvW…. what’s the most important resource there?? SUPPLY.
  • That’s right, let the Champ Drop be Supply that people can build extra Seige with
  • (as long as it’s confined to the intended playing space of the event, IE: No Trebbing from an unpathable Pyramid in the back that the AI can’t counter attack)
  • People who die & don’t listen by respawning far away, are hurting everyone else
  • Solution: Automatically warp anyone who totally dies too close to the dragon, back to a WP far away so that they’re no longer Upscaling the mobs around them
  • Most players aren’t used to or just aren’t willing to counter the Poison condition properly and also Revive others before they’re totally dead = event fails
  • Add some incentive or reward every time they cure poison on others and revive players before they get downed. …. something besides just a sliver of XP … something innovative that helps the event succeed or buys everyone a few more seconds to complete it.

(edited by ilr.9675)

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

Time Limit designs like these = Simin boss in Path 4 Arah.

Eventually, Anet WILL “nerf” the HP bar b/c it is unfair to MOST of the builds and classes that Anet themselves originally intended the game to have

I’m actually AGAINST THAT sort of “Dumbing Down” though.
Yes I’m still against stupid “DPS Checks” masquerading as “challenge” b/c they’re not Challenges, they’re just more Gear Checks & Artificial Difficulty which any idiot can see: If that wasn’t the original design of End Game, this game would still have a lot more people sticking around for end-game and the Dungeon Forum wuoldn’t be a seething self-hating neglected & cry-for-attention cynicism-fest that it currently is with maybe 2 Devs posts tops per 6 months in it…

But back to the point: It’s possible to still keep this Event kind of high-brow and actually make it fun for everyone, WITHOUT just shifting Stats around. ….HOW? By giving sub-Par builds more ways to directly DPS the dragon General itself.

Problem & their possible solution:

  • #1 Many builds & non-80 players are ill-suited to even be participating at all….
  • #2 the Champions don’t drop loot… that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t drop ANYTHING through…. look at WvW…. what’s the most important resource there?? SUPPLY.
  • That’s right, let the Champ Drop be Supply that people can build extra Seige with
  • (as long as it’s confined to the intended playing space of the event, IE: No Trebbing from an unpathable Pyramid in the back that the AI can’t counter attack)
  • People who die & don’t listen by respawning far away, are hurting everyone else
  • Solution: Automatically warp anyone who totally dies too close to the dragon, back to a WP far away so that they’re no longer Upscaling the mobs around them
  • Most players aren’t used to or just aren’t willing to counter the Poison condition properly and also Revive others before they’re totally dead = event fails
  • Add some incentive or reward every time they cure poison on others and revive players before they get downed. …. something besides just a sliver of XP … something innovative that helps the event succeed or buys everyone a few more seconds to complete it.

Completely agreed, the general mechanics of the fight are quite fun and good, but the blatant gear/DPS check of the actual fighting is just stupid.

One other thing that I think it’s important for them to consider when making any changes to the event is the sheer manpower requirement. Organization aside the event just does not scale down at all, requiring 100+ people is steep even if it was a simple zerg-spam fight. What will happen down the road when people aren’t flocking in droves to the area? Will a large guild who rounds up a good organized group of 40-ish people even have a chance at it just due to the fact that it doesn’t scale down at all?

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Tremain.4623


The problem isn’t time, coordinated servers have shown it can be done with plenty of time left. The problem is that a fight that requires such a large amount of people relies heavily on whether SIX people know what they are doing. It doesn’t matter how good the other hundred people fighting him are if the six guys in the cannons suck. You can’t design huge zerg fights that rely so heavily on the performance of such a small number of people.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vyrance.1723


The time is completely doable. It’s all about the organization. My server, Stormbluff Isle, just got our first kill on him. We finished it with 1:30 left. Before this, our best attempt had gotten to about 28-30%. Better organization jumped us up quite a huge margin.

Vyrance – 80 Guardian
GAF – Gaming Age Force // Stormbluff Isle

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ZBeeblebrox.4928


The problem isn’t time, coordinated servers have shown it can be done with plenty of time left. The problem is that a fight that requires such a large amount of people relies heavily on whether SIX people know what they are doing. It doesn’t matter how good the other hundred people fighting him are if the six guys in the cannons suck. You can’t design huge zerg fights that rely so heavily on the performance of such a small number of people.

Very much this.

I honestly don’t know why people are praising this fight so much. Yeah, it’s hard, and people have been asking for hard content for a while… but this is artificial difficulty. Do people not realize that this is the EXACT SAME FIGHT as before, except now it has a turret mechanic and the red rings teq drops actually do big damage? (and the 15 minute timer). The whole fight went from being dependent on a big zerg autoattacking his leg to being dependent on six people being pros on the turrets.

When they said they were changing Tequatl so he wouldn’t just be a giant, harmless, immobile stick, I was excited. I thought we’d have a new fight on our hands. Little did I know it would be the same fight, except he would become a giant, harmFUL, immobile stick.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Destroyer Bravo.5391

Destroyer Bravo.5391