So, before making a post, I did my homework. I tried the event several times, mulled over the fight, tried again a few times, read other’s thoughts for insight, chatted with others in game, and with my friends.
In short, I think Tequila is a good fight. I like his new mechanics, and as evidenced by some servers not just killable but repeatable.
That said, there are very serious problems with this remake.
First and foremost, there is the problem of Overflow. Overflow is that big middle finger that has popped up every time you wanted to go somewhere everyone else also wanted to go since the beginning of GW2. As someone who works with server applications on a daily basis, I know why it’s there. The problem has always been, however, no matter what the reasoning behind it, it still sucks. A lot. Many do not have the time to wait for hours to join the main server, or the time to burn on spamming ‘join in sparkfly fen’ for 30-60 minutes. And so far no overflow I have been in has even made it to the 75% mark, much less anywhere near complete. Overflows don’t have community, and are conglomerates of many players with different server cultures. No guild which takes part in WvW will want to share their Teamspeak with an overflow, that would be idiot of the century level of bad idea.
Second, there are the other problems often mentioned by players. Most of them are small, but they add up to make for a bad experience for many. These include AFKers, Elitism, and abuse/misuse of the guesting system. AFKers are particularly bad in two cases: first and most importantly in the case of turrets, which are necessary for completing the event, and second there are many who are afk waiting to get into their own server. There are also those who continue to treat Tequila as if he’s just another easy-farm-boss, and are hoping to jump in at convenience for credit, but they will learn soon enough. Elitism will undoubtedly become a prominent if those who want the event/skins but are unwilling/unable to reach the necessary skill level insist on joining en-mass after a week+ goes by.
So, We’ve all heard these problems. AFK turrets undoubtedly needs a fix, but that will come eventually. What I worry about the most is Overflow. A slight improvement came with the sync of events like Scarlet and now Tequila, but in the case of Teq, it has alienated and disillusioned players. People are thinking ‘is this worth it?’ and ‘I can’t even get in with people from my own community.’
So, what do we do? We need explicit overflows for high-population servers which make it so that more people from a given server can play with others from the same server. That’s the only solution I can think of which would alleviate the problem while preserving content as-is. Other options include instancing Teq and letting guilds join up and take him on, and so forth, but all these other ideas I can think of would change the KIND of content Teq is.
Finally, the ultimate question of ‘why is this a big deal?’
This most concerns me because this continues the ongoing trend Anet has taken towards hampering communities. Let me explain this point a little better.
Communities have levels; there is the friends level, usually 4 to 20 people who know eachother well, maybe IRL, maybe not. Then there is the guild level; 20 to 400 people there. Then there is server level, and finally there is the game community as a whole.
Right now, there is support for the game community as a whole, but for servers/guilds/friends, the support is actually very lacking. Events and Activities (i.e. Southsun Survival or Choior Bell minigame) cant be played together, teaming up with friends in PvP is difficult (I know the reasons, still is a letdown), Guilds have a hard time getting everyone in the same map in WvW (or Scarlet, or Teq….), and now servers cant even all group up without a bunch of people basically getting ‘oh, sorry, you were unlucky/not quick enough/not persistent enough, so you’re gonna have to sit this one out.’ These are serious slaps to the face for communities of almost all levels! I know the technical challenges are difficult, but a simple press release of “we’re working on it” would go miles in strengthening my trust that this trend wont get worse.
I encourage all those who take the time to read my post to share their thoughts on the matter. Thank you for reading!