"Watch your step" bugged?

"Watch your step" bugged?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: holodoc.5748


Is “Watch your step” achievement bugged? Its the last achievement I need for the title but no matter what I do I can’t seem to get it. I don’t get caught into bloater explosions, both those that lay on the ground and the big ones moving through the field but still after so many attempts (most of them were Tequatl kills) I can’t seem to be able to get this simple achievement.

"Watch your step" bugged?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rayti.6531


I had the same problem… I have been told, that you also don’t get the achievement when you walk through the poison/acid fields they leave after exploding. I have no idea if that’s true… I can’t remember ever stepping into any fields, but then again, you can’t see them very well in the water…

I did the achievement when defending the eastern turrets (Tequatl has to die of course). There are very few to no bloated creepers in the east and you can also see AoE effects better than in the front zerg.

"Watch your step" bugged?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: holodoc.5748


I don’t know, this is absolutely ridiculous. I tried getting the achievement a couple of times after posting this thread and despite keeping myself away from every trace of poison or AoE effect like Virgin Marry I still didn’t get the achievement. In fact I was keeping myself away from the battle and only went in when I was sure I would not be hit by enemy. Still, no achievement. This HAS to be a bug of some kind or there is something missing in the achievement description.

Is it required for Tequatl to die in order for this achievement to get registered? Or is it simply enough to keep away from poison during the fight, no matter what the outcome is? There is no mentioning of actually having to kill Tequatl while keeping away from exploding bloaters to get the achievement.

This is the only title that I actually want in this game. “The Sunbringer” fits really well with my Norn but I can’t seem to get that last achievement. Even worse I can’t figure out what is required to get it because no matter what pre-requisites I fulfill its still not there.

"Watch your step" bugged?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sakri.7234


I am also experiencing the same bug

"Watch your step" bugged?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ElenaDragon.8401


I think you have to kill him for the achievement. I meticulously stayed away from any poison, but didn’t kill him and didn’t get the achievement. On another fight, I was pretty sure I had been hit by poison, but still got the achievement. I think it’s buggy.

"Watch your step" bugged?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rayti.6531


- Tequatl has to be killed in order to get the achievement.
- It’s not about not getting hit by normal poison clouds… It’s just about not getting hit by the creeper explosions and the specific clouds they set free when they explode.