When is the patch?
SAB achievements will remain until sept. 30
And as for the patch, it’ll be live sometime today, but usually with patches we don’t know exactly the time until the in-game notice that it’ll restart in 1 hour to apply the patch… and then restart 5 minutes later..
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Ok thank you. I didn’t use the right key words when I was searching for this information with google.
We have to wait for the Arena Net men to drive to work first
and ANet women! Its only 7:14 am local time for them, gonna be around 1ish when they launch, I think thats typical for them?
It’s 10:50 PM for me where I live. I want mai new patch, NAO!
Been waiting all day for it down under in Perth, Western Australia.
It’s even later for me in Adelaide, South Australia :P 12:30am !!
It’s Wednesday morning at 1:00AM in Sydney, I wish they would do the update a few hours earlier so we could play it a little. xD
Blackgate | Knîghtmare [KnM] | Knights of the Temple [KnT] | Attuned [Att]
1 o clock eastern is when I normally get the update.
They will never make their employees come into work at 2:00 AM local time so you aussies can play the patch before everyone else is awake.
Almost every patch is deployed at about 12:00 PM Anet time, with the occasional patch an hour on either side of that.
Since the uptdate has been released, we’ll now close this thread.
Thank you for your understanding.