Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
So I just got Teq’s wings and I really like the deign…. But it brought up a curious question.
Why in the Kitten does it not go into the unlocked achievement rewards tab like the god-ugly Zenith skins… It’s an achievement unlock after all I did finish the boss week meta grouping? Honestly it looks great on my necro, but what if I ever want it on another character?
This extends to dragonbash wings, Mad King’s memoirs and all the other lovely ACHIEVEMENT skins we’ve unlocked through the achievements tab.
Maybe a suggestion you can make but it’s not an achievement chest item.
I wonder this as well.
You can only ever get one set of wings ever. Like you can only get one SAB backpack too.
It would be nice if once the achievement is unlocked we could get multiple skins in the same way as the Zeneith items. It might encourage me to actually use those skins for a while, instead of just sitting in my bank as a makeshift trophy room.
The achievement rewards were an entirely new system. It would be quite nice if they could do it for other cosmetic rewards as well, but I suspect this will take a lot more coding, especially if they want to include rewards already acquired.
This has nothing to do with Tequila Sunrise, if you want this, like many of us do, it should be in suggestions. It has been brought up many times before and will get many +1s because it really is a thing they need to make happen.
I think one of the dev’s said they’re working on something like that. Since they just put it in recently for the achievement chests, I can understand why it might be hard to code for already existing types of rewards.
Alrighty then, can I snag a mod to shove this little topic over to the suggestions forums? I’d really like the devs to see this, a retro-active achievement rewards system would really make people WANT to go after these skins and use them.
So I just got Teq’s wings and I really like the deign…. But it brought up a curious question.
Why in the Kitten does it not go into the unlocked achievement rewards tab like the god-ugly Zenith skins… It’s an achievement unlock after all I did finish the boss week meta grouping? Honestly it looks great on my necro, but what if I ever want it on another character?
This extends to dragonbash wings, Mad King’s memoirs and all the other lovely ACHIEVEMENT skins we’ve unlocked through the achievements tab.
Well, this is depressing news. Why would the achievement system be account wide when we can only use the reward for one character? At the very least, these should be unlockable on each hero separately. Very, very depressing news.
I wouldn’t mind this. After all I have yet to use any of the achievement reward items. I still have my fused gauntlets sitting in my bank.
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