crash at 3 min before end
Not crash, but DC, and it wasn’t my network, I checked my ping and everything else was working fine. The team I was with killed Teq as well. It should’ve been my first time killing it, after countless tries and waiting. Frustrating.
Yeah, happened to me twice during two successful events. Didn’t get credit for either one of them and not sure if I still feel like giving it another shot.
That can happen, and it’s horrible when it does. It’s a long, exhausting fight, the prep-work for it can take just as long or longer, and then there’s finding a group capable of taking Tequatl down in the first place. Hopefully you’ll have better luck in the future!
I seem to remember it happening once to me, and I just had to write it off as “Well, bad things happen.” It’s a little less soul-crushing if you’re in a guild (specialized or not) that you can count on to run the event with again.
Just happened after waiting hours to get into a main server then another hour plus for the respawn. Never ever getting on a turret again even though I’m good at it. Instant crash when I jumped on it.
Eredon Terrace
Happened to me 2 days ago. No big deal. Fight is only 15-20 min long anyway.
I feel you pain, had it also once.
And once I was in Teamspeak, when 3 Teammates (out of 5) had a crash / dc 3 min before we killed … thats redicolous and the most fun killing thing.
I’ve had more disconnect with this patch than I’ve had all year with this game