overflow proplem for tenqutl fight

overflow proplem for tenqutl fight

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: tonny.7580


one guild cant orgains server are soo full of afkers or people thad dont know what to
two to many afkers and strange is the dont dc for just akitteng avther 10min i see people stay now online for 8hs just akitteng what is strange
soo plz incrse overflow amunt of people or fix thad in overflow akitteng for 10min kick becous just ot many afkers when the fight start and the seim to not get dc
i am dylexic soo my wirght is bad
one ting more plz kick cannoners of cannons avther every 2min becous soom cannoners afk

(edited by tonny.7580)

overflow proplem for tenqutl fight

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


Dear sweet baby Jebus, I tried to re “read” this but my brain say naaa

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

overflow proplem for tenqutl fight

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

One guild can’t organize, servers are full and people who don’t know what to do. People should be disconnected after 10 mins if they are inactive. People stay online for 8 hours to get into their main server?

So please increase overflow size or fix so people who are afk for 10 mins get kicked because there are too many afkers when the fight starts and they aren’t kicked for inactivity.


50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

overflow proplem for tenqutl fight

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ghaste.2419


One guild can’t organize, servers are full and people who don’t know what to do. People should be disconnected after 10 mins if they are inactive. People stay online for 8 hours to get into their main server?

So please increase overflow size or fix so people who are afk for 10 mins get kicked because there are too many afkers when the fight starts and they aren’t kicked for inactivity.


Hahaha, you made my day. Well translated!