About new armor skins and some feedback

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I find the new design ok. Some people act as if GW2 only has revealing female armors. You want full covered armors? There you go, knock yourself out…



















Of course, in case you didn’t know, you can always mix individual pieces to create a somewhat unique look.

Let’s face the facts here, shall we? Sex … sells. No attitude or movement of any kind will ever change this simple discovery. Never. The only thing that is legit here, is to expect some revealing stuff for males as well.

This right here…was going to post something similar.

There are PLENTY of non-revealing heavy armors in GW2.

But not plenty that actually look good. If they don’t look good, they subjectively may as well not exist when it comes to actually wearing them.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I find the new design ok. Some people act as if GW2 only has revealing female armors. You want full covered armors? There you go, knock yourself out…



















Just quoting this because it deserves it.

As for those complaining that the female phalanx isn’t identical to the male phalanx. I have some bad news for you. The male phalanx is so generic you can pretty much put it together by mixing and matching the armor sets above. The only thing really unique is the shoulders and helmet. You can get the shoulder design from the female set, so really you’re down to simply complaining that you don’t get the helmet. A fair complaint… The female helmet looks stupid.

End of the day, Female characters actually got a new armor design and males just got more of the same.

Arenanet please give that Phalanx helm to females somehow.

I have some bad news for you; those sets all have different proportions and seams so if you even attempt to mix and match them to as you assert will have the same end result, they will look like cobbled together crap clipping all over the place. And that ignores the difference in reflectiveness and luminosity in materials that makes syncing them up almost impossible.

The male Phalanx armor ported to a female model is not an unreasonable request. People need to wake up and stop acting like it is. We are not asking for you to not have access to something you want; so stop trying to block our access to something we want.

Why is this such a difficult concept?

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Lorelei.7809


I, personally, don’t like any of the armor sets enough to buy :/ Viper is closest though to what I would buy. Trickster is good, but I am not sold on it. And thematically it isn’t “Norny” enough for my Norn. It is too human for me.

On the Phalanx armor in particular – it is in, actually, a nice middle to me of “skimpy” and covering – leaning towards covering (only a little legs and chest). I would like to show my Norn Warrior’s tattoos. I don’t want a “metallic bikini” with boots, if you will, but I would like to show arms, for example, and a bit of leg. Not many armor sets actually show arms. Showing back or side (my tattoos go down the side – the tribal set on my warrior and Eir’s on my ranger) would be good, too.

The best ones are the ones from GW. And the NPC sets that we don’t get. I would seriously consider buying many of the Sylvari NPC sets, any of the Norn Shaman sets, Countess Anise’s set…. some human noble dresses.. I have also noted that a good amount of people have been requesting shaman and countess anise and general sylvari npc armor sets.

And seriously… can we get more town clothes options? We have that slot, but I am not that interested in the current options. I never show my town clothes as my armor tends to look cooler. Particularly for my Sylvari :/ I don’t like how “town clothes” is practically under garments and boots.

I also don’t like how “techy” and “current” and/or “magitech” most of the gem store armor looks. Only one profession works with that well (in my opinion): Engineer. And they are medium armor.

I’d like Viper armor for my Warrior with showing more arm. I want to show off my muscular Norn’s biceps. And again, with a more “norny” feel.

For any profession: I want my humans 100% covered (or nearly so) and my Norn and Sylvari showing off their tattoos/musculature or skin pattern/glow. I would also like to show off more of my Charrdian lady’s fur pattern.

Edit: Honestly, looking at these sets again… I like them fine. The Trickster is a bit busy for me, I am not terribly fond of the eyepatch for the medium set, and the Phalanx isn’t that bad. I just kinda wish it was a little more like Viper.

(edited by Lorelei.7809)

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I am still impressed by the fact they spending resources on different armor for male/felame yet charr got..yeah another trashbag for head

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

But not plenty that actually look good. If they don’t look good, they subjectively may as well not exist when it comes to actually wearing them.

Are you telling me the TA or Human T3 or Primeval armor skins look bad?

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


The human T3 is the only one that looks good to me; but with it is how specific its theme is and how difficult mixing and matching parts is thanks to the whole different set = clip clip clipping issue, hard to utilize satisfactorily.

If one is just wanting relatively generic plate armor that is not festooned in gewgaws; the TA and Primeval do not fit the bill. Plus, clipping.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Alissah.9281


I don’t think phalanx would look good on males if the same skin was exposed, but that’s just my oppinion.

I would also never ever wear my phalanx again if they removed the cleavage and leg-showing bits :/

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About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: wylk.9612


as someone who mains a male caster, i’m just happy that the males got some nice pieces to work with for this release… usually it’s more like the case of the phoenix armor that was released – amazing for females, not nearly as amazing for males :\

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I like the Phalanx and Viper armor sets. The positive thing for ANet about the Phalanx set is that it looks nice enough in each gender that I’ll buy two sets. The viper set looks good too and I especially like how it has a sort of light plate look to it, especially on asura.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


I’m not sure I understand the merge on this thread.

The OP is about adding armor sets as rewards for the variety of PvE content we already have. The merged thread is about the armor design itself.

The OP has a very valid suggestion but now it’s been overrun by one of the (if not thee) most controversial topic in MMO history: Male vs female armor.

So on the OP topic:

We’ll be getting another set added to PvE finally sometime soon, but it’s going to be added to crafting. The ascended set.

It would be cool if we could get a Fractal set and perhaps a new karma set or two to reward open world or WvW content.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


If the Ascended weapon skins are any indication; we’ll get armor skins that look like they are made with a kid’s bakelite craft set.

Gotta drive transmutation crystal sales somehow I guess.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


If the Ascended weapon skins are any indication; we’ll get armor skins that look like they are made with a kid’s bakelite craft set.

Gotta drive transmutation crystal sales somehow I guess.

We’ve been able to preview the ascended armor skins through data-mining already.

They look great.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: skullmount.1758


If the Ascended weapon skins are any indication; we’ll get armor skins that look like they are made with a kid’s bakelite craft set.

Gotta drive transmutation crystal sales somehow I guess.

We’ve been able to preview the ascended armor skins through data-mining already.

They look great.

Well maybe you like them, but I know I don’t (and seemed like a lot of others didn’t either, according to the Ascended armor thread that was in the GW2 discussion forum).

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About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: megakittytron.5971


That heavy phalanx female armor set looks sexy on my Guardian. Looove eeeet! Also, I’d like to see more high heeled heavy armor come out like this.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Ashariel.8490


That heavy phalanx female armor set looks sexy on my Guardian. Looove eeeet! Also, I’d like to see more high heeled heavy armor come out like this.

You and me both.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


they’re just skins, i don’t even see other people lol

Are you Shpongled?

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: RoxBuryNine.4210


I really like Phalanx set and got the set for my Human Guardian. I don’t much care for the oversized gauntlets so he’s not wearing them. The female version is meh.

If I had a Human female character that wore light armor I’d get the Trickster set because it reminds me of Guild Wars Necromancer armor. For males, there are pieces that could work but I’m not a fan of the set as a whole.

The Viper armor is not something that I would buy for a male or female character. My Engineer and Thief will have to make do with what they have.

I think that all of the new sets look odd on the other races but I’m always glad to see new armors made available.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


If the Ascended weapon skins are any indication; we’ll get armor skins that look like they are made with a kid’s bakelite craft set.

Gotta drive transmutation crystal sales somehow I guess.

We’ve been able to preview the ascended armor skins through data-mining already.

They look great.

Well maybe you like them, but I know I don’t (and seemed like a lot of others didn’t either, according to the Ascended armor thread that was in the GW2 discussion forum).

Well yeah there’s always going to be that.

If you like something, play the game with a smile. If you don’t, go and complain on the forums. That’s just how it works :P

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


anet shouldnt have paired with ncsoft. ncsoft only cares about the money not about ppl actuly enjoying the game. I wish anet had more freedom and the money spent on gems was used more on the game then ncsofts shady stuff.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I like that the medium armour chest isn’t a tench coat and it isn’t a mini skirt either. I don’t like how the pants fall into the trap of most other pants and they turn into tights on a charr. The one-sided sleave is also not to my personal taste. If I needed another armour set for my ranger I would probably buy it simply because it’s not a tench coat.

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Aliatis.7836


I’m not sure I understand the merge on this thread.

The OP is about adding armor sets as rewards for the variety of PvE content we already have. The merged thread is about the armor design itself.

The OP has a very valid suggestion but now it’s been overrun by one of the (if not thee) most controversial topic in MMO history: Male vs female armor.

So on the OP topic:

We’ll be getting another set added to PvE finally sometime soon, but it’s going to be added to crafting. The ascended set.

It would be cool if we could get a Fractal set and perhaps a new karma set or two to reward open world or WvW content.

Talking about adding new armor sets as reward for different game contents, I’ll quote myself:

I’m really enjoying the 2-weeks-updates and new contents (whereas like ~6 months after the game launch I felt the game was dying).

I always work to finish the achievements and to get the reward, be it a skin, an home instance node or something else.

I’ve also bought (via in-game gold) 2 armor set from the gem store, ’cause they were awesome and the novelty is always good, at least for me.

Speaking about Living Story and skins, I would like to see some set of armor BOUND to the Living Story itself. I’ll explain: instead of having a lot of backpack skins or helm skins (I have a character inventory full of unused backpack and helm skins), you could design a set of armor bound to the Living Story theme of the moment and, for hystory cycles lasting more than 2 updates (like Flame and Frost or Scarlet&co.), giving a piece of that armor for each meta-achievement completed.

In my opinion, it will give people reason to play even if they don’t enjoy a part of a LS cycle, and in the end having the full set will be more rewarding than simply buying it through gem store. Also it would be affordable for new players.

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