Blue Color Weapon Overkill

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


The new set of weapons, blue.

I realize A-Net has a thing about blue-glow and greatswords, the blue overkill is too much.

The last 3 weapon sets have been blue
-The Zodiac Weapons
-The Pheromones Weapons
-Now these new thistle weapons

We have blue Dungeon and Event Weapons
-Ghastly Weapons
-Dragon Deep Weapons
-Super Adventure Box

I know we have ONE Green-glow weapon set, and a few red but without the glow. So I am asking A-Net, could you hold off on the blue for one patch or two… not everyone is running to color code their armor to match the BLUE weapon overkill.

This I know, Scarlet will not kill us, death will not be marked by the Dragons, the end will not come in the form of the Mad King…

Blue… THE COLOR BLUE will do us all in.

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I see 3 weapon sets open only to those willing to spend the money and 3 sets open to those only willing to spend the time, seems about right to me.

I don’t see how it’s a terrible problem though. Fire? Now fire being lazily thrown on too many weapons and armors in the early parts of the game was a problem. Maybe A-net is going through a blue transition phase and we will see some abstract weapons next.

Also I believe The list of green weapons are as follows
sylvari cultural
SAB Trib1
Jade Dragon weapons
Special Tequatl ascended weapons
And I believe a couple other stat specific ascended weapons.

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kingmutez.4931


Yo listen up here’s a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue like him inside and outside
Blue is his house with a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
‘cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to

But ya i think Scarlet arch seems to be blue weapon themed, hence why we seen alot of blue and will continue to see blue items connected to her. me thinks.

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: McFly.2134


Yeah, I see far more green weapons, silver weapons, and brownish (tribal, etc.) weapons than I do blue. I should know, I’ve specifically hunted for weapons to match my very specific blue color scheme. Even among the blue weapons we’re offered, a lot of them are either ugly-themed or an unpopular hue of blue imho.

Heck, even these new thistle weapons are blue AND green, making them completely useless to people of blue themes that don’t also have green in their scheme (pukes).

Wisdom through suffering.

(edited by McFly.2134)

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: ryan.6217


I see 3 weapon sets open only to those willing to spend the money and 3 sets open to those only willing to spend the time, seems about right to me.

I don’t see how it’s a terrible problem though. Fire? Now fire being lazily thrown on too many weapons and armors in the early parts of the game was a problem. Maybe A-net is going through a blue transition phase and we will see some abstract weapons next.

Also I believe The list of green weapons are as follows
sylvari cultural
SAB Trib1
Jade Dragon weapons
Special Tequatl ascended weapons
And I believe a couple other stat specific ascended weapons.

You sir will never get enough credit for what you just said. Picasso is rolling over in his grave right now to hide his huge kitten for that statement

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: ryan.6217


oh also, i want the necromancer’s green dagger. GREEEN dagger.. the jade one is too ninja, and the minecraft one is too minecraft… that green snake head that grow a ghastly body when you draw it, followed by green haze effect… beautiful

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: McFly.2134


Solution: release an expansion that allows for weapon dying. I’d pay real money for the option.

Wisdom through suffering.

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Electro.4173


The Dreamthistle weapons are blue and watery because Krait are water-related. The weapons represent the Toxic Alliance. Plant because Nightmare Court, water because Krait. With a bit of black smoke thrown in there to represent the poison aspect, I assume. Also, I’d say they’re just as green as they are blue, its a pretty even mix of the two colors (and when sheathed they even have a green pollen effect).

The Aetherized TA set was blue because the aetherblades themselves have a blue lightning theme to them.

Technically the set before that was the Tequatl ascended weapons, not the Zodiac set (and before that it was the SAB weapons, which are blue, yellow, and green, not just blue). But the Zodiac set was based on a well-liked set from GW1 that was blue, so it makes sense. Maybe they could have picked another set to bring back, but if they wanted to use the Zodiac set it had to be blue.

If they were just making blue weapons for the sake of making blue weapons then I could maybe see the point of the complaint. But they’re blue for a reason, not just because. And they all have their own unique theme to them as well (except for the Nightmare ones, but those are just recolors of the original Nightmare set so what do you expect). Zodiac ones are obviously zodiac / sky themed, Dreamthistle are plant / water fusions, SAB are holograms. Is none of that important, just basic color?

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: panzer.6034


I was worried about this before this patch launched:

In a previous thread, i pointed out that if you see a ton of blue greatswords in a zerg, you can’t always tell if they’re the:

- Ascalonian Catacombs GS
- Corrupted Avenger
- Zodiac GS
- Aetherized Nightmare GS
- Cobalt

and so on. I think there’s a few a left out. And these are only the ones that give off a bluish particle effect appearance, not simply a blue sword. When we talk about glowing blue backpieces, that a whole other matter too since you have the holo dragon wings, kitten dragon wings, factal capacitor, SAB back, wind zephyr, etc….

Too many glowing blue particles in general.

Also I believe The list of green weapons are as follows
sylvari cultural
SAB Trib1
Jade Dragon weapons
Special Tequatl ascended weapons
And I believe a couple other stat specific ascended weapons.

Only one of those glows green though. Sylvari ones have a blue blade too and the teq ones are mostly black smoke when wielded.

The Dreamthistle weapons are blue and watery because Krait are water-related. The weapons represent the Toxic Alliance.

The funny part is that they don’t even match the Toxic Alliance though. The Toxic stuff is all green or yellow. Heck, the krait themselves are glowing yellow! Why make something blue yet again when you they could have made something that actually matches the enemies they put them on??

(edited by panzer.6034)

Blue Color Weapon Overkill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Electro.4173


They represent the Alliance perfectly. Water for the Krait, Plant for the Nightmare Court, black for the fusion / toxin aspect (the toxic spores floating in the air, for instance, are black).

These particular Krait happen to be glowing green, but green glow is not really representative of the Krait as a race overall. Water, on the other hand, is. All Krait are aquatic.

There are no water-related weapons in the game. Or at least none that take the actual appearence of water, aside from Storm and Tsunami. Plenty of ice, not so much water. The other Krait weapons (the level 80 rares) drip water as a particle effect (as do the Orrian weapons, though its poison-looking water) but otherwise look like normal materials, and that’s pretty much it.

Being water-related when no other weapon is makes them plenty unique. Much moreso than a generic green glow would, at least to me.

I suppose they could have made green water (certainly not yellow, we don’t want pee weapons :p), but… eh, I don’t think the weapons would look as good overall with green water. Blue contrasts nicely with the green plant portion. Green would just be green on more green, not as striking.