Protect him at all costs.
What does everyone think....
Protect him at all costs.
Don’t updates usually happen midday Pacific time?
Anet trolled us with the release page.
It’s gonna be an amazing Halloween patch!
Could be a hick-up in their “two weeks are over lets throw new temporary cotent at our playerbase” routine.
Or it could just be nothing.
This was wierd to me as well. I know people tend to lower their expectations to prevent any disappointments but this is really a big NOTHING. Nothing new added to the game, no rebalancing done? I was thinking maybe they’re saving that info as a suprise but I’m not sure if that’s giving them too much credit. Well, we’ll see soon enough.
If this update has been intentionally downplayed with almost no info at all and the livestream then being canceled, and I patch-up later and log in to find Largos or Krait as a new playable race…I will literally crap my pants.
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If this update has been intentionally downplayed with almost no info at all and the livestream then being canceled, and I patch-up later and log in to find Largos or Krait as a new playable race…I will literally crap my pants.
I hope you don’t seriously expect something like that anytime soon..
If this update has been intentionally downplayed with almost no info at all and the livestream then being canceled, and I patch-up later and log in to find Largos or Krait as a new playable race…I will literally crap my pants.
I was once like you. Hopeful, expecting the best, interested in what awesome update was going to be next. I was disappointed over and over. But I never let down and looked forward to the next one. Unfortunately there was way more disappointment then anything it was pretty bad. Until I realized its better to expect nothing and have my expectations met then expect greatness and be disappointed.
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
With nothing datamined, this could be completely intentional. Maybe Anet’s take on the mysterious area in the lake and coming tower. Playing up the mystery…and an attempt to keep us from critiquing their content before it’s even released.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
This was wierd to me as well. I know people tend to lower their expectations to prevent any disappointments but this is really a big NOTHING. Nothing new added to the game, no rebalancing done? I was thinking maybe they’re saving that info as a suprise but I’m not sure if that’s giving them too much credit. Well, we’ll see soon enough.
They’ve stated that they aren’t going to do any rebalancing during WvW season 1 (technically, they said that they won’t do anything to effect WvW balance besides patch bugs, but I’d say rebalancing would effect WvW). So I wouldn’t except any additional skills/traits (or another big skills patch) until December.
A new playable race that would be cool…. I wish !!!!! new [powers and weapons all that good shyt
I hope all your dreams come true though I doubt it. Maybe they did try to keep things quiet intentionally and this will be bigger, but I doubt it.
I’m wondering about the cancellation of the livestream myself, even though I usually miss those anyway because of work. Is it possible Anet brass has noticed all the “anti-Scarlet” posts here and tipped off the devs?
“What did you say this tower is gonna be? Something Scarlet built? Nononononono!!! Look at that forum, the players are sick of her! Make it something else! Is another dragon ready yet? No? Okay, how about UberQuaggan? No? Well, there’s centaurs right over there, can they swim? No? Oh, hell, just stick King Thorn in the thing for now…”
I’m joking, of course. Probably whoever was supposed to be on the livestream had something else come up. We’ll find out shortly (hopefully before I leave for work!).
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