Why Scarlet is amazing.
Mad King was a sucess while Scarlet was a failure in the category of Comical yet evil and serious.
He’s great because built around the atrocities he committed why acting like its all a joke. Skinning villagers alive? – now that’s a villain I want to hunt down and kill.
If they want to step up for scarlet stop with all this bullkitten about approaching other races and have her do some real damage, like kill off Kiel for example.
Need more villains like Sephiroth…
You want to beat them cause they are evil and plotting to ruin the world, but at the same time they are so sinister and cool(in a weird kind of way) that you don’t want them gone either.
No, Sephiroth is considered one of the most kitten villains in gaming. He’s an iconic character that you will always picture when you think of Final Fantasy. Assuming you do want to beat him it’s probably because you want to prove that you’re more kitten than he is.
The closest thing that Guild Wars has that resembles Sephiroth is Shiro Tagachi. Scarlet may be a big evil character but her characteristics prevent her from being the kitten that Shiro was. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with that. Maybe Angel McCoy and friends does think that Scarlet is kitten. It really is a matter of perspective.
I think everyone out there has their own sense of a wish-fulfillment character. If that character in the game happens to differ from how you originally envisioned it to be then obviously you’d be upset. Prior to Scarlet’s big reveal at the Pavilion people probably expected this mysterious character to be the next Bane but what they got instead was Harley Quinn. It’s their own expectations not being met that make them hate Scarlet.
4. The Inquest practically banished her for breaking into the archives.
The Inquest got Ceara to hack into the archives for them. It was the Peacemakers who banished (literally, not “practically”) her from Rata Sum.
Honestly, the OP is really why I don’t like Ceara. Everybody loves her and gives her what she wants. Until she meets us. But how does she react to us ruining her plans?
Well, she didn’t seem to care or be affected by it one bit in Twilight Arbor. So it seems that she just doesn’t give a kitten. She’s unaffected by anything bad to her, and everyone listens to her – even the Flame Legion who are sexist against females and the dredge who are xenophobic to all non-dredge.
Her working with the Nightmare Court ruins her further, given how her backstory is all about not working with the Nightmare Court or the Pale Tree. And now she seems to have managed to get the krait – a group that’s even more xenophobic than the dredge – working for her.
And let’s not forget the millions of pirates who’s entire group should be enough to populate an entire continent by all the corpses we’ve made.
The sad fact for Scarlet is that she just isn’t a threat. She’s a joke. Literally. She plays the clown and tries to make that clown into a big bad villain – but where The Joker succeeded, she fails. She’s not a threat at all to us. The only way she or her forces ever got the upper hand was by popping out of nowhere, with her forces in the shadows until they sprung. And we, the Good Guys, somehow never really seem to find the mind to obtain the upper hand – not even Kiel who promised to look into the Aetherblades and Molten Alliance (ironically, just before Scarlet decided to reveal herself). And lo-and-behold, Kiel’s not doing much about it (but Magnus is, thank god).
Scarlet isn’t amazing. She’s a pathetic joke. Everything’s handed to her, she expects more, and when she loses she doesn’t react. There’s no development. She’s a flat character made to be introduced to us as a perfect psychopathic genius. There is no depth to her. There is no development to her. We’ve known her personally for 3 months now. If there’s still no development with her plot after November (presuming that she is, indeed, behind the krait activity) then she’ll just be all the more flatter.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
not even Kiel who promised to look into the Aetherblades and Molten Alliance (ironically, just before Scarlet decided to reveal herself). And lo-and-behold, Kiel’s not doing much about it (but Magnus is, thank god).
Really? What is Magnus doing about it? Finally a male in a role that isn’t comic relief or a dimwit.
I’m all for equal rights but currently we have the villain scarlet (female) and the Krait queen/priestess (female) joining forces while Marjory (female) and Kasmeer (female) are looking into it. All we need now is Kiel (female) and Rox (female) to turn up and the sisterhood will be complete. I suppose you can include the dimwit Braham to act all stupid and the effeminate Faren for some comic relief…
+1 OP.
Scarlet is the best! The amount of hate, rage, vitriol and QQ directed her way means ArenaNet has finally made a memorable villain. Arm-chair critics be kitten ed; she is more infamous than Mad King Whotsface, his wannabe son and all the Elder Dragons combined.
I personally hope she never dies.
/ strokes his beloved holo-Scarlet mini…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
+1 OP.
Scarlet is the best! The amount of hate, rage, vitriol and QQ directed her way means ArenaNet has finally made a memorable villain. Arm-chair critics be kitten ed; she is more infamous than Mad King Whotsface, his wannabe son and all the Elder Dragons combined.
I personally hope she never dies.
/ strokes his beloved holo-Scarlet mini…
Be less fat, brah.
/strokes his beloved Liadri mini
I’m all for equal rights but currently we have the villain scarlet (female) and the Krait queen/priestess (female) joining forces while Marjory (female) and Kasmeer (female) are looking into it. All we need now is Kiel (female) and Rox (female) to turn up and the sisterhood will be complete. I suppose you can include the dimwit Braham to act all stupid and the effeminate Faren for some comic relief…
Add the Sylvari to that, read the correct interview, and it will make all make sense – I promise.
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
She’s not ‘amazing’. She’s just crazy. And that’s it. You may think that’s good or bad. But that’s irrelevant. The only point about Scarlet is that she’s crazy. She may have some agenda. But that’s pointless. Whatever her agenda is, there’s way better ways to achieve her objectives. But she goes for the crazy route anyways.
Trying to discuss anything else about her is like trying to analyze a MAD TV series episode. There’s no underlying meaning, there’s nothing to analyze. It’s just random stuff that comes from madness.
My problem with Scarlet is that she has nobody to balance out her crazy. Imagine if she had somebody just as brilliant but serious all the time as her partner in crime. She makes the jokes, her partner is the straight man.
I also think she’d be more worthy of our attention if for every plot, we THINK we win, only for her to win something in exchange. For example, thinking we win at the Queen’s Jubilee, only for us to find out it was all a diversion so she could cover up the fact that she busted out some of the most vicious thugs from Divinity’s Reach to build up her army. We enter her hideout, thinking we destroyed it, only to find out that she left the toxin in the air, a toxin that was extremely contagious and would only show signs of the disease after a single month.
Things like that, things that make her WORTHY of our attention because even when we think we won, we lost. Basically I want Xanatos Gambits, I want a Magnificent kitten, etc. I want a villain I can LOVE to hate.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I think that Scarlett is definitely tied to Trahearne in some way…like maybe an ex-spousal unit? ;P
Actually, we don’t know yet what’s coming… She could actually be a creation of some other evil-ness that is throwing her at us as a diversionary tactic so that he/she can blindside us. The Krait have already built something “under our noses,” so who knows?
I don’t hate her because she is a bad villain. No harm no foul there. I hate her because she is lore breaking.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
You find out that the Flame & Frost alliance, the Aetherblade revelation, the Watchwork attack, the LA murder, the Steam Creature invasion….all connected by one Moriarty type character. A genius. A true nemesis, that can pull the strings of multiple entities to craft a detailed web of confusion, distrust, and chaos. It’s an M. Night Shyamalan twist revelation and everyone is all ho-hum, another salad. So she’s a Sylvari…so what?! She’s orchestrating something that we haven’t been able to figure out. We haven’t caught her. She’s struck many times, both overtly and from the shadows. Yet she continues down her path undeterred. We hope she dies pitifully while we speculate what new atrocity she’ll visit upon us. Her insanity makes some rolls their eyes, simply because they feel the need to compare her to the only other insane villian they can think of; The Joker. But she’s not. She’s part Moriarty (brilliant, calculating), part Harley Quinn (petulant, insane, precocious), part Magneto (reshaping the world).
She’s a quality villian, she just needs a better delivery.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
M Night Shyamalan quality writing, I agree Seras.
Her character and story is poorly conceived and implemented much in the style of After Earth, The Last Airbender and Lady in the Water, perhaps even all combined.
Wait, we are both hating on Scarlet here right? Why else use Shyamalan’s tainted name.
She’s a quality villian, she just needs a better delivery.
I have a hard time trying to think of a GW1 villain that wasn’t “quality”. Even Varesh was pretty cool. Scarlet isn’t even in the same league as GW1 villains. I consider her stock, uninspiring and uninteresting. When I see her name come up I want to be thinking “yay, now we get to find out something new”, but instead it’s usually “ugh, not her again…”
It’s clear that ArenaNet are holding back on many, many details regarding her and her schemes. Information as far back as the formation of the Molten Alliance seems to be missing. I don’t like so much information being witheld for “future releases”. Maybe it has a little to do with the delivery, as you say, but I’d be surprised if a better delivery made me want to see her come back again and again – and I mean – really made me want to see her come back.
I have read the short stories, and they do not help her case much. Granted, a few choice lines were interesting, but nothing to get me excited about it, like the GW1 villains always did.
One final thing I dislike about the lore surrounding the living story is that there are so many short stories online. I have no beef with there being short stories, but please… PLEASE for the love of Dwayna include them in-game…somewhere. Durmand Priory archives, a Library in Rata Sum, Home Instance… anything but making us leave the game if we want to read it.
I expect to see her in Power Puff Girls, not GW2. Again as stated several times outside this thread, the Mad King is comical but also evil and actually disturbing, Scarlet is not. Mad King was a sucess while Scarlet was a failure in the category of Comical yet evil and serious.
This sums up my own feelings pretty well.
not even Kiel who promised to look into the Aetherblades and Molten Alliance (ironically, just before Scarlet decided to reveal herself). And lo-and-behold, Kiel’s not doing much about it (but Magnus is, thank god).
Really? What is Magnus doing about it? Finally a male in a role that isn’t comic relief or a dimwit.
Didn’t read the short story release for Twilight Assault, I take it?
He’s the one who gave Kiel a ship to command, and put her up for the council position. He’s also been behind-the-scenes-investigating the Aetherblades and was the one who sent the Lionguard to Twilight Arbor.
You find out that the Flame & Frost alliance, the Aetherblade revelation, the Watchwork attack, the LA murder, the Steam Creature invasion….all connected by one Moriarty type character. A genius. A true nemesis, that can pull the strings of multiple entities to craft a detailed web of confusion, distrust, and chaos. It’s an M. Night Shyamalan twist revelation and everyone is all ho-hum, another salad. So she’s a Sylvari…so what?! She’s orchestrating something that we haven’t been able to figure out. We haven’t caught her. She’s struck many times, both overtly and from the shadows. Yet she continues down her path undeterred. We hope she dies pitifully while we speculate what new atrocity she’ll visit upon us. Her insanity makes some rolls their eyes, simply because they feel the need to compare her to the only other insane villian they can think of; The Joker. But she’s not. She’s part Moriarty (brilliant, calculating), part Harley Quinn (petulant, insane, precocious), part Magneto (reshaping the world).
She’s a quality villian, she just needs a better delivery.
A few things:
- She’s not behind the steam creature invasion. It’s rather unknown why there are some in her army. It’s been completely left in the open thus far.
- She’s FAR from Moriarty, far from Magneto, and far from Harley Quinn. Those were actually good villains. She is not, and it’s not because she’s a sylvari – her being a sylvari actually gives her a chance to be good in her own way.
- It’s far from an “M. Night Shyamalan twist revelation” as well.
- We haven’t been able to figure it out because we’re given no or next to no hints about what she’s trying to do. And that’s one of the biggest issues with Scarlet – the story is so drawn out that we get one chapter a month (even though it’s 2 updates a month, the second update is either a continuation of the chapter or unrelated), and so little story in those chapters. Anet compared it to a book, that by the time of the Bazaar of the Four Winds were were only at the end of chapter 1. That is six months for one chapter’s worth in comparison to a novel. Too little, too slow.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
+1 OP.
Scarlet is the best! The amount of hate, rage, vitriol and QQ directed her way means ArenaNet has finally made a memorable villain. Arm-chair critics be kitten ed; she is more infamous than Mad King Whotsface, his wannabe son and all the Elder Dragons combined.
I personally hope she never dies.
/ strokes his beloved holo-Scarlet mini…
That would work if people hated her like Joffrey in Game of Thrones. The problem is, people hate her like Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequels.
In fact, given how many times I’ve seen this fallacy come up today alone, I’m going to put that explanation in my signature until the linked criticism is no longer warranted.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I think that Scarlett is definitely tied to Trahearne in some way…like maybe an ex-spousal unit? ;P
Actually, we don’t know yet what’s coming… She could actually be a creation of some other evil-ness that is throwing her at us as a diversionary tactic so that he/she can blindside us. The Krait have already built something “under our noses,” so who knows?
Oooh…Crazy ex girlfriend would make things more interesting…
+1 OP.
Scarlet is the best! The amount of hate, rage, vitriol and QQ directed her way means ArenaNet has finally made a memorable villain. Arm-chair critics be kitten ed; she is more infamous than Mad King Whotsface, his wannabe son and all the Elder Dragons combined.
I personally hope she never dies.
/ strokes his beloved holo-Scarlet mini…
I agree, but some of the critiques are painful to read. Also, the endless complaining is not constructive and getting tiresome. TBH, if it wasn’t Scarlet, they’d complain about something else. Even if their own awful ideas were used, they probably still complain.
Scarlet is the best! The amount of hate, rage, vitriol and QQ directed her way means ArenaNet has finally made a memorable villain.
memorable yes, good? NO.
To say that Scarlet is good because people want to see her never again mentioned in the game is the worst argument you could possibly give in favour of her being a good villain.
Look at the classic villains, she will never appear in the top 100 instead she will go down as one of the worst villains in gaming history. And its a shame becaue these writers are supposed to know what they are doing but instead they have created a flat one dimensional, shallow character with the promise that “it will all be revealed soon” again a bad way of giving a character depth.
A character should develop, not wait for the final show before revealing everything about them.
That would work if people hated her like Joffrey in Game of Thrones. The problem is, people hate her like Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequels.
The reason for the hate is rather unimportant. All that’s important is that is fuels animosity towards her from the players. If we ever get to kill her, the longer it drags out before we can, the more satisfying that kill will be. Regardless of why.
Is she shallow? Is she crazy? Is she a Sue? Does she break lore? Is she badly executed, or worse, just a bad idea? Doesn’t matter, we hates her Precious!
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
I am given a choice with Scarlet.
I either accept the fact that the Asura lore writers were left out of the loop/decided they didn’t care/went to get a new job, or they were exaggerating to an incredible extent. I dislike both choices equally.
You see, Asura writing is a mixture of mathematics and arcane characters. A message in Asuran text can be just as much a math problem as it can be a message, and that’s the fairly simple, concise stuff.
I seriously doubt that a super-sue tree could’ve learned it as easily as she did in the time she’s had to learn it along with all the other things she has supposedly done. This is to say nothing of the actual lectures she would be receiving. Without a prior base in Asura education, it would be little more than listening to gibberish and confusing references to theories she wouldn’t have known about.
Her story is basically impossible unless she’s the GW2 incarnation of SCP-777-J.
Which is right here if you want a laugh. http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-777-j
All of that said, I think there’s hope for her. If the writers can get their puppies together and actually flesh her out a bit, explain how she does all these mary sue things besides “SCARLET”, maybe give her a greater rivalry and relationship with the player, that’d be fine by me. In fact, that’d be a huge improvement. Would there be other problems to work on? Of course, but it would be a place to start on improving her as a character yet further.
As others have mentioned, she also needs someone to bounce off of. The Joker without Batman is a sad joker indeed.
The reason for the hate is rather unimportant. All that’s important is that is fuels animosity towards her from the players.
But i don’t feel any animosity towards her. Feeling animosity towards cardboard cutouts would be stupid. It’s the screenwriters that irritate me for putting Scarlet into this game.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
That would work if people hated her like Joffrey in Game of Thrones. The problem is, people hate her like Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequels.
The reason for the hate is rather unimportant. All that’s important is that is fuels animosity towards her from the players. If we ever get to kill her, the longer it drags out before we can, the more satisfying that kill will be. Regardless of why.
Is she shallow? Is she crazy? Is she a Sue? Does she break lore? Is she badly executed, or worse, just a bad idea? Doesn’t matter, we hates her Precious!
Bullkitten, hating scarlet as a character does not make me want to kill her, it does not make me even want to partake in any content involving her. I hate her because she makes new content that could otherwise be enjoyable, absolutely intolerable for me.
I think the OP is just making up lore for scarlet. I haven’t seen any of that storyline in the game. Only thing I’ve seen is ‘DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!’.
- We haven’t been able to figure it out because we’re given no or next to no hints about what she’s trying to do. And that’s one of the biggest issues with Scarlet – the story is so drawn out that we get one chapter a month (even though it’s 2 updates a month, the second update is either a continuation of the chapter or unrelated), and so little story in those chapters. Anet compared it to a book, that by the time of the Bazaar of the Four Winds were were only at the end of chapter 1. That is six months for one chapter’s worth in comparison to a novel. Too little, too slow.
I think this is the key. If this were a novel or a comic the amount of material so far would compromise the first few chapters or the first few editions of a run. But its been six months.
I think Anet’s writers plotted this thing out, with a full (to be generous) potentially interesting story arc. The problem is the timing of the plot is all off. Anet is still giving us encounters when answers are called for.
Scarlet could be a great villain but so little has been sketched in over many months time, it is easy to say there is nothing there. All the players have seen, on one side is a kind of crazed, petulant genius child, but on the other she can bring desperate factions together run large pirate bands, etc. There is noting much connecting those two sides of her.
Tenebrous Fivetree – Guardian
Zelots of Shiverpeaks (ZoS) – Northern Shiverpeaks
She is your saturday cartoon villain unfit for high fantasy stories.
Look at the top most beloved villains of all times.
Star Wars: Vader
WoW: The Lich King
LOTR: Sauron
GW: Shiro
I can make a crap-ton of list but I think my point stands. Her entire character is stupid and personaility reeks of stupidity . Anet tried to create your “comical and genius” lie Joker and failed horribly.
Look at the top most beloved villains of all times.
Star Wars: Vader
WoW: The Lich King
LOTR: Sauron
GW: Shiro
/Fixed. At best, video games just copy from famous literature that has come before them. They may have good stories, but they certainly aren’t original.
There is nothing about Scarlet that does not make me want to vomit. From her pinata champions filled failure of an invasion update, to the whole debacle with the revamp in the salad bowl, it’s been one disappointing update after another featuring her. And now we’re getting a salad shooter extreme to play with, courtesy of Carrot Top. Joy. Yet another 2 week stretch where I get to avoid playing for fear of randomly having to interact with the worst character ever contrived nominee for 2013.
ANet, I paid for the game, can I please play it without feeling like I’m in a bad episode of Scooby Doo? Why do you hate us so?
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
If i’ve had to name a videogame villain, it’d be for sure Handsome Jack, Borderlands.
That is a wicked/mad/evilgenius/joking well done one.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
(edited by AndrewSX.3794)
I think the OP is just making up lore for scarlet. I haven’t seen any of that storyline in the game. Only thing I’ve seen is ‘DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!’.
Oh no you forgot “HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” That’s the important part!
I think the OP is just making up lore for scarlet. I haven’t seen any of that storyline in the game. Only thing I’ve seen is ‘DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!’.
Oh no you forgot “HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” That’s the important part!
And “Later, Tater!”
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
M Night Shyamalan quality writing, I agree Seras…..
Never said Shyamalan quality writing, simply Shyamalan-esque twists. Re-read. I agree that M Night has seriously lost what made him awesome and his movies are now nothing but set-ups for obvious twists.
You find out that the Flame & Frost alliance, the Aetherblade revelation, the Watchwork attack, the LA murder, the Steam Creature invasion….all connected by one Moriarty type character. A genius. A true nemesis, that can pull the strings of multiple entities to craft a detailed web of confusion, distrust, and chaos. It’s an M. Night Shyamalan twist revelation and everyone is all ho-hum, another salad. So she’s a Sylvari…so what?! She’s orchestrating something that we haven’t been able to figure out. We haven’t caught her. She’s struck many times, both overtly and from the shadows. Yet she continues down her path undeterred. We hope she dies pitifully while we speculate what new atrocity she’ll visit upon us. Her insanity makes some rolls their eyes, simply because they feel the need to compare her to the only other insane villian they can think of; The Joker. But she’s not. She’s part Moriarty (brilliant, calculating), part Harley Quinn (petulant, insane, precocious), part Magneto (reshaping the world).
She’s a quality villian, she just needs a better delivery.
A few things:
- She’s not behind the steam creature invasion. It’s rather unknown why there are some in her army. It’s been completely left in the open thus far.
- She’s FAR from Moriarty, far from Magneto, and far from Harley Quinn. Those were actually good villains. She is not, and it’s not because she’s a sylvari – her being a sylvari actually gives her a chance to be good in her own way.
- It’s far from an “M. Night Shyamalan twist revelation” as well.
- We haven’t been able to figure it out because we’re given no or next to no hints about what she’s trying to do. And that’s one of the biggest issues with Scarlet – the story is so drawn out that we get one chapter a month (even though it’s 2 updates a month, the second update is either a continuation of the chapter or unrelated), and so little story in those chapters. Anet compared it to a book, that by the time of the Bazaar of the Four Winds were were only at the end of chapter 1. That is six months for one chapter’s worth in comparison to a novel. Too little, too slow.
You didn’t give any counter-arguments. You just made bullet points and said “no.” You say she’s not behind the steam creatures but can’t explain why they’re in her army. You say Scarlet’s twist is far from M. Night, but it’s almost exactly the same as the twist in Unbreakable. You say she’s far from the villains that I listed (and I explained how she’s like them) but you can’t say how/why.
I’ll agree that we’re given few hints and no in-game text to guide us. And that’s precisely why I said that she’s not a bad villain, simply that she’s had a poor delivery. These partial chapters every month are so slow and drawn out. And we’re forced to go outside the game to learn anything.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I find Scarlet amazing too. She has the huge talent to convert theoretical knowledge into practical on. She is not omnipotent and does not know everything. She studies things only to the degree she thinks to be sufficient to support her plans. So she studied only one semester in each colleague like guest students do. She did not pass the whole study as normal student and therefore missed knowledge judged as useless by her.
She is excellent in finding the weaknesses of the races and use them for her plans.
The big issue with the story about Scarlet is that the player expects to be a reader of the story provided with all knowledge almost instantly. Aranaet expect the players to be protagonists within the story providing them with as less knowledge as possible to drive the story further for long time. This paradox is hard to resolve. maybe the devs will find some ways to ease it.
Some want Scarlet to just “up and die” and be done with. But they probably don’t even know her story.
What’s funny is that it’s the people who know what she’s doing to the Guild Wars lore and story that hate her….
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
Some want Scarlet to just “up and die” and be done with. But they probably don’t even know her story.
What’s funny is that it’s the people who know what she’s doing to the Guild Wars lore and story that hate her….
I guess, following that logic, they hate this game and shouldn’t be playing it.
Some want Scarlet to just “up and die” and be done with. But they probably don’t even know her story.
What’s funny is that it’s the people who know what she’s doing to the Guild Wars lore and story that hate her….
I guess, following that logic, they hate this game and shouldn’t be playing it.
I don’t see how that follows. I think the Scarlett character is really badly written and acted but I still have fun playing the game.
Some want Scarlet to just “up and die” and be done with. But they probably don’t even know her story.
What’s funny is that it’s the people who know what she’s doing to the Guild Wars lore and story that hate her….
I guess, following that logic, they hate this game and shouldn’t be playing it.
If you don’t like it, join writers guild!
would reply again
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
Some want Scarlet to just “up and die” and be done with. But they probably don’t even know her story.
What’s funny is that it’s the people who know what she’s doing to the Guild Wars lore and story that hate her….
I guess, following that logic, they hate this game and shouldn’t be playing it.
There’s a lot of games which have good gameplay and thus attracted a large following but has terrible plot, which its fanbase often complains about. Like Ninja Gaiden, awesome gameplay, non-existent plot.
While we’re comparing Scarlet to other video game villains, it seems like everyone is missing the completely obvious 100%-exact-match parallel between Scarlet and this guy.
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE
Haters remember
Scarlet loves you…
Villains think nothing of you in fact no villain cares to remember your name
But Scarlet, she gives you gifts, and admires you….
You are her special Flower… all hers to crush. Snuffing you out slowly in the cruelest way, to savor it.
You mean NOTHING to the other villains, except Scarlet.
Why hate her, she loves you.
(edited by Soulstar.7812)
Problem is, most players aren’t aware of that stuff because it isn’t packaged inside the game as it should be.
That is probably the biggest reason why Scarlet isn’t well received. The background story for Scarlet was really good; it just should’ve been in game.
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
Haters remember
Scarlet loves you…
Villains think nothing of you in fact no villain cares to remember your name
But Scarlet, she gives you gifts, and admires you….
You are her special Flower… all hers to crush. Snuffing you out slowly in the cruelest way, to savor it.
You mean NOTHING to the other villains, except Scarlet.
Why hate her, she loves you.
I think I love this post. I just don’t want to read it in a dark alley.
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
Haters remember
Scarlet loves you…
Villains think nothing of you in fact no villain cares to remember your name
But Scarlet, she gives you gifts, and admires you….
You are her special Flower… all hers to crush. Snuffing you out slowly in the cruelest way, to savor it.
You mean NOTHING to the other villains, except Scarlet.
Why hate her, she loves you.
I think I love this post. I just don’t want to read it in a dark alley.
The only other Villain we had which did t die off in precisely 2 missions was Zhaitan, and I don’t think he can speak with all that crud waving around in his mouth.
I agree with the OP. Scarlet is still in the process of becoming the villain we want. Who knows, maybe her latest scheme could shift the balance of energy in tyria leading to the awakening of another elder dragon. Ever since I read the short story I sort of imagined her to be one of the villains that’s undying (not risen). A villain so persistent and intelligent that she would always come back stronger, more evil after every encounter. But atm she comes across as a bit ditzy in game which is a shame. But so long as anet develops her character more and more I can imagine her becoming that bad kitten that genuinely makes people go “oh kitten, didn’t see that coming”.
Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…
(edited by Saydul.8571)
Problem is, most players aren’t aware of that stuff because it isn’t packaged inside the game as it should be.
That is probably the biggest reason why Scarlet isn’t well received. The background story for Scarlet was really good; it just should’ve been in game.
I wouldn’t call something on a level of a poorly written fanfic “really good”. I guess some people just have lower standarts.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I don’t read the stories and this is all I know from what Scarlet is and what she is upto etc. This is most likely relating to most people in game…
Scarlet is a sylvari who had some Asuran sensei. She betrayed her sensei and became evil. Took on the name of Scarlet. She is angry at something not sure what. She somehow controls the aetherblades who follow her because of some reason? She tried to invade Tyria but we killed her over and over. and over. without actually killing her. She is a God because she is immortal. She attacked the queens speech because she couldnt beat liadri. Her training grounds are in caledon forest.
Thats all I know of what Scarlet is. Due to the story or lack of story Scarlet doesnt mean anything to me. She is just a poorly introduced plot device. I would have wanted someone that was already in the game to be introduced as evil but hey…thats what I know.
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
I don’t read the stories and this is all I know from what Scarlet is and what she is upto etc. This is most likely relating to most people in game…
Scarlet is a sylvari who had some Asuran sensei. She betrayed her sensei and became evil. Took on the name of Scarlet. She is angry at something not sure what. She somehow controls the aetherblades who follow her because of some reason? She tried to invade Tyria but we killed her over and over. and over. without actually killing her. She is a God because she is immortal. She attacked the queens speech because she couldnt beat liadri. Her training grounds are in caledon forest.
Thats all I know of what Scarlet is. Due to the story or lack of story Scarlet doesnt mean anything to me. She is just a poorly introduced plot device. I would have wanted someone that was already in the game to be introduced as evil but hey…thats what I know.
The background presented in short story on the main site basically painted Scarlet as a Mary Sue who excelled at everything and whose prime motivation is that she doesn’t want to listen to mommy (the Pale Tree) and that she’s a big girl and wants to do her own thing. Scarlet just isn’t a terribly good villian. At least what we’ve seen so far and we’ve already know her for several months. It’s no surprise then that people don’t like her.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
Scarlet is the best so far