Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
Clockwork Boss -- Why is it so hard...
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
Why people should stick together? It’s enough to pull/push the ghost, what else is needed for that boss? If people are spread is less risky for whoever is not in front of the boss
you should stick together to discourage clockheart from throwing gears at range users.
dodge his frontal aoe slam.
My take on the dungeon.
tried it for the 1st time friday night, couldnt get past oozes, then saturday morning logged in at 10:30 and by 15:30 i had completed the whole thing. (did take toilet and food breaks)
things i would say about the dungeon:
1. its is hard – i dont believe the average player will manage this one, not because its necessarily to hard but because ppl dont realise the patience and time required to get through the content.
2. there were at least 8 rage quites from begging to end, expect this, it will happen, lfg tool was very helpful in this regard
3. revive orbs saved the day, for the last boss its how we got him dead.
the feeling of completing this was a great sense of satisfaction more so than ive felt in the game for a while, and i quite like the backpack item.
it can be done just make sure you have the time.
This dungeon isn’t hard. We needed on the first try one and half an hour, and only one of our group has been done this before. If we were experienced, it had taken half the time. The clockwork boss only has a brutal distance attack, but nothing in melee except his frontal cone attack. He is more similar to the AC P1 Boss except for the part with the ghosts.
It is always the same. New content comes, ppl complain about it being hard. After 2-3 months, people start complaining about the opposite, namely stacks and exploits or so-called exploits that makes the whole dungeon much easier.
Clockwork boss can easily be done with 4 melees and 1 range to pull the ghosts if needed. There is nothing special on that boss if the group knows how to play. But since most people lack basic knowledge and skill about good melee and positioning and dodging, it takes indeed a long time…
Yeah, 2-3 hours on this boss alone. We had to give up. Def didn’t help that it wasn’t resetting properly, but mostly it was taking so long we had no floor left to stand on.
The boss himself isn’t hard if you Zerker melee like regular dungeon pros.
The real problem is that he doesn’t pull properly when your entire team has to move to the opposite side of the room to have one of the Holo’s “meet him half way”.
In that sort of situation, there’s very limited amount of skills that can get the job done without killing the Holo outright just trying to re-position it. Ranger’s Path of Scars for instance which is well balanced in every other part of the game, will pretty much one-shot the Holo so I’m forced to run WRONGBOW just so I can reposition the holo without killing it instantly. Guard’s pull has a fairly short range and might also do too much damage. Bannish seems to do more vertical lift than actual knock, and also does a lot of damage. Necro’s grasp-pull is great, but again: balanced purely around sPvP and seriously needs a PvE split with a 15 second CD instead of 30. It also bugs out and might only pull them 2ft if you’re moving even slightly, or attempting to pull the holo accross terrain with more than a 2 inch vertical offset.
I could keep going, but I think everyone already knows that CC in this game has way too many limitations in PvE.
(edited by ilr.9675)
I did it my first time with a group of new people and finished the dungeon in under two hours. We struggled more on destroying the generators than the boss since they weren’t listening to me about using the holograms to destroy them and the pattern of the electricity.
For the final boss, you only really need one person who knows what they’re doing to kite the hologram to the boss.
Easy, just melee smash him until shield icon appears, drag him to holo, then melee smash him some more
Bugs aside, the final boss is actually quite simple. He has one main attack, the front AOE slam. His tell is his arm up in the air while it charges for a couple of seconds. As long as you’re behind him, or know how to dodge properly, you’ll never be hit.
And as for the Hologram enemies that you need to explode on him, have someone with Pull or Knockback (Pull skills are better IMO) in your party. Only 1 person needs to aggro the Hologram. They’ll chase you across the map, but you use the Pull or Push skill to get them right up to the boss. Then basically you kill them, and the explosion gives you 30 seconds of DPS time.
I was the instance leader of a group trying this boss, we tried for over 1.5 hours to kill the stupid boss by kiting and staying mostly at ranged failing every time. Most of the group left, I replaced the remainder of the group with guildies of me and the other remaining person. It was all their first time at the boss, someone suggested after a couple of failed attempts that we just all stay in melee range and it worked like a charm killed him in less than 5 minutes! No stupid gears so no need for the cleanse which would down everyone.
When a thief tells you ’’L2P’’, they mean this.
Solider Bee ~ Sinister Swarm
Giant piece of wood that has written: IF YOU ATTACK ME FROM RANGE I SHOOT kitten NEGATING FREE ROOM that barely hits for 2k and has 2 massive tells/animations for skills that maybe could somehow actually kill you a kinda buggy but in worst case annoying (throwing you into the middle) single target cc with a simple shield mechanic that was thrown in your face at least 4 times before it, this is hard exactly how? Oh right it requires the least used sense, common sense.
People are really bad.
Today I on my 8th run of this dungeon (thanks buggy foreman achievement for STILL not unlocking) my group had a warrior who constantly had aggro, and refused to just stand on the strikers.
There are 2 places to stand in this fight.
1. On the boss
2. On the striker (when the boss is shielded)
You literally could not make it any simpler without removing the mechanic in the first place. But I will be kitten ed if people can figure it out.
also the boss does no kittening damage in melee. At all. Anyone who cant tank this thing at melee range should not be able to use a computer because they’re apparently a chimpanzee. He does 400 hits to my elementalist. I can tank him in full zerker gear on ele. The only attack that does any large amount of damage is telegraphed to hell and back. And he cant throw a gear at you if you’re ontop of him.
“The only attack that does any large amount of damage is telegraphed to hell and back. "
But people get hit with it before they learn the timing of the animations and then stay away. It’s alright to say ‘learn the animations’ but if you don’t know the animations you don’t want to get into trial-and-error when error results in you getting thrown into a cog for what is effectively a one shot kill. Anyone who isn’t being told how to play by a friend or website is probably going to some take a little while to work it out, particularly if they are a squishy class.
The whole thing took my party over 2 hours yesterday. Probaby nearer to 2 and a half. My first time in TA also.
As soon as I switched to my guardian things got alittle easier. It IS hard.
“The only attack that does any large amount of damage is telegraphed to hell and back. "
But people get hit with it before they learn the timing of the animations and then stay away. It’s alright to say ‘learn the animations’ but if you don’t know the animations you don’t want to get into trial-and-error when error results in you getting thrown into a cog for what is effectively a one shot kill. Anyone who isn’t being told how to play by a friend or website is probably going to some take a little while to work it out, particularly if they are a squishy class.
All oakheart mobs have the same animation, if you were anywhere near the MJ (so asura or sylvari), you should have known them for at least 78 levels. If you didnt go there why the bloody hell are you in the dungeon? Go finish the kittening map to 100%
The Boss is not that hard:
a) Stick close, so he doesnt throw the gears
b) do as much dmg as you can
c) try to dodge his attacks
d) nominate one person to pull the holograms
e) invulnerability state begins with a big aoe root (huge red circle around him), meaning you can already prepare to fetch the holo
What can help you (my main is Elementalist, its a little centered to that class):
a) Frostbow from the Elementalist + Meteorshower (cause clockheart has a huge hitbox), mesmer with time warp,
the FASTER you take him down the easier the fight is
(less invulnerability phases he gets into, where you can fail)
b) Invulnerabilities or damage reduce e.g. Mist Form (if he gets 30 stacks, so you dont die, or against his gears if your way is blocked by them…..)
c) Guardians can take Stability, and/or their healing tome, this can be really useful, if you are close combat as elementalist you can also do your aoe heals
What makes him hard are the bugs:
a) if you fail while he is in invulnerable state he will stack his buff (even out of combat)
meaning the next time he starts with full buffs on
b) rubber walls at the hologenerators,porting you on the little platforms when downed (especially if there are gears on the platform)
e.g. you try to escape in mistform while downed with elementalist doesnt help cause … well you are portet to the gear, and other room issues.
c) Holograms Reset:
The Distance Holograms Reset can be very annoying sometimes they dont even follow you through half the room before the reset, which can cause wipes cause you cant reset clockhearts buff
e) invulnerability state begins with a big aoe root (huge red circle around him), meaning you can already prepare to fetch the holo
Invulnerability state also only occurs when he no longer has his stacking buff, and usually around 10s of the buff falling off. Otherwise, having one person simply tapping the hologram with a 1200 range weapon and getting back to the boss is fine.
Skills that are useful:
1) Necromancer – Deathly Grasp (Note: due to the subsequent Chill, only use when the hologram is halfway/near to the boss)
2) Engineer – Tool Kit: Magnetic Pull
3) Thief – Scorpion Wire
“All oakheart mobs have the same animation, if you were anywhere near the MJ (so asura or sylvari), you should have known them for at least 78 levels. If you didnt go there why the bloody hell are you in the dungeon? Go finish the kittening map to 100%”
This tree has plenty of attacks that are certainly not on the other oakhearts.
“All oakheart mobs have the same animation, if you were anywhere near the MJ (so asura or sylvari), you should have known them for at least 78 levels. If you didnt go there why the bloody hell are you in the dungeon? Go finish the kittening map to 100%”
This tree has plenty of attacks that are certainly not on the other oakhearts.
Smash that shoots the wave = Oakheart knockback animation
AOE immob on pulse/modified speed hit attacks = aoe root summon attack
Only new animation is the throw and you really dont have to worry about it since it does no damage and its single target and even that is stolen from the risen gorillas.
So while the actual attacks might not be identical, the animations sure as hell are.
Really? For my group the last boss was easiest, it was the second that took up most of our time.
We tanked Cloakheart in one spot for the hole time.
While 3 of us whas meeling him (I whas wiht my tanking warrior in there tanking him a lot) the two other player pulled the holos to the boss and we killed them there. I yousaly aggrod the boss to face the wall so the others coud dps him from the behind and when he whas doing his frontal aoe I simpely dodged/blocked wiht my shield and continued to aggro his front away from the group and we killed him.
But I admit I raged so hard when we first tryed this boss a few days back. But I decided to face my deamons after we killed him I felt so good thet no exotic drop coud give me.
(btw anet about the loot balance serously if soebody spend the time to do a hard dungeon then atleast rewarde him/her wiht good loot and no giveing a yelow texted box full wiht green isn’t a good reward for a hard path.)
“All oakheart mobs have the same animation, if you were anywhere near the MJ (so asura or sylvari), you should have known them for at least 78 levels. If you didnt go there why the bloody hell are you in the dungeon? Go finish the kittening map to 100%”
This tree has plenty of attacks that are certainly not on the other oakhearts.
Smash that shoots the wave = Oakheart knockback animation
AOE immob on pulse/modified speed hit attacks = aoe root summon attack
Only new animation is the throw and you really dont have to worry about it since it does no damage and its single target and even that is stolen from the risen gorillas.
So while the actual attacks might not be identical, the animations sure as hell are.
the throw does no damage?
must have been a new patch then.
I thought the dungeon was difficult the first couple of times I went through it and failed, first at slick/spark and then with the boss. Once you know what’s going on, it’s very clear to me that the difficulty is not from the content itself, but due to communication logistics.
Experienced player: Ok, you have to kite the oozes, kill the elementals, and get the oozes to the door at the same time.
Noob: ok.
Experienced player: Why are you killing the ooze?!?!?!
Noob: oh, sorry.
Experienced player: You’re still doing it!!!!
Noob: I don’t see puddles?
And so on. Every time I have to stop and type, and retype, and retype what to do for the people who are still learning this, it takes time and adds to frustration, and as a glassy ele, I die. I don’t mind helping, but it adds a ton of time.
VoIP would help tremendously. Before picking at this old scab, I know, I know A-net doesn’t want to do it, people fear little kids singing into headsets, etc. I’m just pointing out why it probably seems more difficult than other dungeons.
The other dungeons do not require this kind of coordination.
The dungeon isn’t hard, it’s communicating with thick-headed, inexperienced players. This dungeon highlights the general skill level—lack of skill—of your random PUG. I imagine that guilds on Mumble/TS/etc scream through this.
One other consideration: Some of us need to really start making use of the kick tool. If you’ve instructed a newer player to do X, Y times, and he still doesn’t do it, it might be time for him to go. I know it sucks, but there’s trying and failing (ok, we’ll get there), and just not paying attention / being dense.
If you melee him he only does one attack that does any real damage. This can easily be anticipated when he raises his arm up. His stomp move that does shock waves can easily be avoided by pulling a hologram to him and killing it.
The mechanics are easy enough that it can likely be soloed.
the throw does no damage?
must have been a new patch then.
If it does deal damage, its so tiny that i didnt notice/aka weaker than its wet noodle auto attack. It does deal damage if you fall into electricity ofc but thats the electricity not the throw.
And so on. Every time I have to stop and type, and retype, and retype what to do for the people who are still learning this, it takes time and adds to frustration, and as a glassy ele, I die. I don’t mind helping, but it adds a ton of time.
VoIP would help tremendously. Before picking at this old scab, I know, I know A-net doesn’t want to do it, people fear little kids singing into headsets, etc. I’m just pointing out why it probably seems more difficult than other dungeons.
The other dungeons do not require this kind of coordination.
The dungeon isn’t hard, it’s communicating with thick-headed, inexperienced players. This dungeon highlights the general skill level—lack of skill—of your random PUG. I imagine that guilds on Mumble/TS/etc scream through this.
One other consideration: Some of us need to really start making use of the kick tool. If you’ve instructed a newer player to do X, Y times, and he still doesn’t do it, it might be time for him to go. I know it sucks, but there’s trying and failing (ok, we’ll get there), and just not paying attention / being dense.
Or just force people/lock them out of dungeons and fractals till they pass a simple solo test run where they have to actually read whats written under the mobs, you know like the introduction into PvP tutorial (but please only once pre account not pre character).
(edited by Andele.1306)
I think this boss is really easy, actually…just dodge, kite, and take down his shield. The only problem I see with this boss fight is the glitchy hologram projector things and how they bounce you around if you run into them. That’s really annoying.
Otherwise, I think it’s a perfect boss fight. It’s fun and somewhat challenging without feeling unfair or annoying.
The Clockheart is actually pretty simple to fight. It’s if he gets off his 30 stack multi-slam that usually screws up runs, because it does so much damage it will down most non-tanky builds. The strategy I usually use involves constantly pulling the boss closer to the holo, and then using Push/Pull skills to move the holo next to the boss before killing it.
If this isn’t feasible (and sometimes it won’t be, because the holo is just too far away, or the boss is standing right in the middle), then everybody should just run as far away as they can from the boss once he hits 30 stacks. His attack isn’t big enough to cover the whole room, so if you’re lucky you can be out of range of the whole thing. Dodging and skills that grant invulnerability can also mitigate the damage. Necros can go into Death Shroud and laugh off the whole thing. Not sure if block skills work against his attack, but it’s worth a shot too.
Only new animation is the throw and you really dont have to worry about it since it does no damage and its single target and even that is stolen from the risen gorillas.
I’m pretty sure the throw does damage, as people often end up downed after it, but additionally Clockheard likes to throw people at the central electified platform or into generators, and often follows that with immediate spinning gear lob.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Only new animation is the throw and you really dont have to worry about it since it does no damage and its single target and even that is stolen from the risen gorillas.
I’m pretty sure the throw does damage, as people often end up downed after it, but additionally Clockheard likes to throw people at the central electified platform or into generators, and often follows that with immediate spinning gear lob.
yea, also clockheart’s throws are always to the back of itself.
thats why it’s good to kite clockheart to the wall and the person who has aggro to face the outer wall.
so that you are always thrown to the outerwall, not into the pool, and clockheart won’t shoot the gears.
alternatively, if you have enough stabilities, you can just stability it.
The boss is a fun fight, but I’m not sure about letting him toss gears on the raised platforms that save you from electric floors….where you’re put when you die on electric floors….to be killed by the gears……..
The boss is a fun fight, but I’m not sure about letting him toss gears on the raised platforms that save you from electric floors….where you’re put when you die on electric floors….to be killed by the gears……..
Why are you on the platoform, just melee him and then drag him to the holo when the shield comes. the fight is that simple.
sometimes people take the unnecessary hard route :/
The boss is a fun fight, but I’m not sure about letting him toss gears on the raised platforms that save you from electric floors….where you’re put when you die on electric floors….to be killed by the gears……..
Why are you on the platoform, just melee him and then drag him to the holo when the shield comes. the fight is that simple.
sometimes people take the unnecessary hard route :/
If he gets his 30 stack attack off a part of the floor gets electrified. If you die in the electrified floor you teleport ontop of the platform. When u get a hologram and explode it on the clockheart the electrified floor turns off. However going to rez somone on the platform or trying to pull clockheart/hologram to or from the electrified floor u need to get on that platform esp if you missed 2 30 stacks. There are alot of things that can go wrong in this.
I havent done this path since I got all the achievements on my 4th run. The dungeon is easy and mechanics are great until you get to clockheart. Cant tell you how many times we downed him to 1% and he would get stack up and the hologram +generators bad coding would just screw everything up with nothing but a few hits away.
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
Last boss is fine. Just have one person pull the hologram and DON’T wait until the last second to kill it. You can constantly pull the holograms as well to make it foolproof.
Yeah, pushing/pulling the holos over to the boss is pretty much the only way to do it. The Clockheart has a tendency to stop or aggro on another person, making it fairly difficult to pull him on top of the holo. If you just have one or two players with push/pull skills and who know what to do, you can make this fight fairly trivial.
The boss is really easy if everyone understands they have to stay close and dodge when he raises his hands. That is literally it.
I’ve beaten the boss almost solo twice now. I would tell my team all they have to do is stay alive, stick close to the boss, and dodge when he raises his hands and I would take care of the shield and the holos. I ended up having to deal with the boss agro, the shield and holos, as well as doing most of the dps. Meanwhile, my team would be busy getting downed and rezzing each other the whole time.
I think this boss is really easy, actually…just dodge, kite, and take down his shield. The only problem I see with this boss fight is the glitchy hologram projector things and how they bounce you around if you run into them. That’s really annoying.
Otherwise, I think it’s a perfect boss fight. It’s fun and somewhat challenging without feeling unfair or annoying.
This right here. The boss fight isn’t that hard people. He’s actually pretty easy to deal with compared to certain other bosses in the dungeon and their abilities. coughcoughSlick,Foremancoughcough
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Just to repeat what has been said – Melee!
We had a group of five people, none had ever finished before. 1 had been to the boss but not finished. We did wipe twice but on the third try we went in with lots of melee damage. He never even had time to get his shield up. I think we killed him in about 5 minutes.
The rest of the dungeon was much more difficult but now that we know how it is done I think it would be fairly decent.
I think this boss is really easy, actually…just dodge, kite, and take down his shield. The only problem I see with this boss fight is the glitchy hologram projector things and how they bounce you around if you run into them. That’s really annoying.
Otherwise, I think it’s a perfect boss fight. It’s fun and somewhat challenging without feeling unfair or annoying.
This right here. The boss fight isn’t that hard people. He’s actually pretty easy to deal with compared to certain other bosses in the dungeon and their abilities. coughcoughSlick,Foremancoughcough
Foreman follows the same concept as the final boss. If you stack on him, he doesn’t do the ranged attacks that can down people in seconds. The only difference is his whirl attack which you will either need to dodge or use stability/condition removal.
Slick just requires your team to pay attention and not afk just auto attacking.
It isn’t too hard, it’s just remarkably frustrating and buggy.
Half the time when you wipe you come back to an instant wipe ability, since it doesn’t reset properly.
It’s also needlessly annoying to get him to come down off his platform.
The only viable way to beat the encounter is to have a bunch of zerker melee’s beat his face, someone pull holo, and beat his face some more. Which is really boring.
No. You don’t need zerkers for this dungeon. They just make it easier.
It isn’t too hard, it’s just remarkably frustrating and buggy.
Half the time when you wipe you come back to an instant wipe ability, since it doesn’t reset properly.
It’s also needlessly annoying to get him to come down off his platform.
The only viable way to beat the encounter is to have a bunch of zerker melee’s beat his face, someone pull holo, and beat his face some more. Which is really boring.
As someone who completed this dungeon with 2 guardians, 2 rangers, and 1 ele I disagree with you. It really just took coordination, that’s it. We wiped a whole bunch, but we learned and then when we finally beat the boss we all looked at each other and were like “Oh, wow that wasn’t really that hard at all…” We made it a lot harder on ourselves by not working strategically. We didn’t even bother with luring the holos to him, when he was about to do his major strike we popped invuln skills and dodged. By the time he was ready to do it again our CDs were up and just avoided damage again. That’s really the secret. That and when you see him ready to do his cone, get out of the way, but that is GW2 boss fight 101. So many bosses do cone attacks, it should be common sense to avoid it by this point.
Don’t need a full team of melees, don’t need anyone in zerker gear (not one person in our group had zerker set). Just teamwork, that’s it.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I think this boss is really easy, actually…just dodge, kite, and take down his shield. The only problem I see with this boss fight is the glitchy hologram projector things and how they bounce you around if you run into them. That’s really annoying.
Otherwise, I think it’s a perfect boss fight. It’s fun and somewhat challenging without feeling unfair or annoying.
This right here. The boss fight isn’t that hard people. He’s actually pretty easy to deal with compared to certain other bosses in the dungeon and their abilities. coughcoughSlick,Foremancoughcough
Foreman follows the same concept as the final boss. If you stack on him, he doesn’t do the ranged attacks that can down people in seconds. The only difference is his whirl attack which you will either need to dodge or use stability/condition removal.
Slick just requires your team to pay attention and not afk just auto attacking.
It’s his whirl attack everybody seems to die from, at least in the parties I’ve been in.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
That’s why I said they need to dodge or use stability and condition removal.
That’s why I said they need to dodge or use stability and condition removal.
Our dodges are on cooldown from dodging the whirling blades, the stability is on cooldown around that time, and condition removal won’t help you if you’re getting dragged into everything (since only stun breakers can help you there).
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
He doesn’t spam the whirl move so people are just using dodges when they don’t need to. Condition removal was for the conditions his whirl attack gives you. Stability was just a buffer in case people don’t dodge correctly and get hit by the last bit of his attack. I think it’s at the end of his attack that knocks you around but I could be mistaken.