I just finished the new dungeon path. Overall, I think it is pretty decent and BY NO MEANS too hard. Quite on the contrary, even. Do not listen to people who consider something light like this hard, please, Arenanet.
The dungeon is nicely structered and everything looks really good visually. I like the fact that there is much more open space, too. Therefore, people have less room for LoS’ing group of mobs (it is possible in many places for sure though). I also like the addition of puzzles and other tasks, so a dungeon does not feel like a corridor full of mobs and then a final boss.
Unfortunately, we get a feeling of unlocking one room after another which is very artificial and the dungeon is horribly linear. In my opinion, it does not make any sense to break the bad linearity AFTER the final boss is killed. Moreover, additional events and bonus quests shouldn’t be exclusive for after the last boss, too. There should always be optional and of course rewarding bonus missions in the progress of a dungeon, not only after it.
While I generally like the way trash mobs are handled in this dungeon, they still have issues: Many of them neither give loot nor count towards stacking sigils which is very annoying. Due to this, there are even less reasons to kill them despite you are forced to do so. But Anet definitely learned in this regard as the mobs mostly have lower health pools and the aetherblades don’t stun you all day anymore.
The bosses. Yeah, the bosses are fine I guess. The only boss in this dungeon which I think is absolutely horrible, boring and shallow is that guy in the middle of a huge free space which yo have to clean from a million aetherblades beforehand. The only interesting thing is that wave thing we now from MF, but even that seemed to do anything. That boss is way too easy, too. In order to illustrate my biggest issue with this dungeon, let’s look at the very first puzzle where we have to pull 2 oozes at the same time:
The event isn’t that hard and works very well. You are done and everything’s fine. Bam, the next boss, Slick and Spark, AGAIN requires you to kite an ooze. I like this boss so it isn’t that annoying, but the kiting won’t end as you have to kite the very last boss through a huge room, too. And that was a little bit too much in my opinion. Kite, kite, kite, nothing else than kiting something to some sort of thing. Even the electro field puzzle right before the boss again involves kiting a holo to the door. It’s just too much.
Yes, you might say that it’s a good thing when Guild Wars 2 finally requires you to move in a fight, and it is. But it shouldn’t evolve around kiting only. Make us do other things, too.
It also makes many random guys think that range is a good idea in this dungeon which isn’t as everything can be meleed for a rather quick kill easily.