Pretty Plant Trail...
I think you’re out of luck here. They’re basically Nightmare weapons except blue instead of purple, or so they seem from what I saw.
I think you’re out of luck here. They’re basically Nightmare weapons except blue instead of purple, or so they seem from what I saw.
I dunno. If we get enough support for this, maybe they bang it out and implement it. I honestly would like to see this implemented because it reminds me of the flower trails in Okami, and I freakin’ loved that game.
Also this might sound weird, but last night I had a dream where this guy was skipping through grassy field at night and wherever his feet touched the grass flowers bloomed and then disappeared (what makes this dream weird is he was an evil man who reminded me of Gluttony from FMA, but that’s beside the point).
Trails seem to be exclusive territory of legendaries or other very special weapons (Fractal weaps) so I don’t really know if a random set from a new dungeon path would get a trail.
Trails seem to be exclusive territory of legendaries or other very special weapons (Fractal weaps) so I don’t really know if a random set from a new dungeon path would get a trail.
Trails are way less taxing on the system then particles. They just replace what is there already.