Just finished the new dungeon and wow is it amazing. This does not need buffing or nerfing because it is perfect the way it is. I know people are going to have a hard time with it, but honestly it wasn’t too difficult.
Tips and Strategy.
Oozes –
Do not try to kill the fire elementals as it’s a waste of time. Have 1 person on each side kiting and 1 person on each side just attacking each elemental to gain aggro on it. Have one person rolling back and forth to each side helping whichever side needs help. It took my group a few tries, but also the person running can help by stunning elementals. I was using a thief and just spam headshot on the elementals as i kited the ooze through.
Slick and Sparkki -
Slick throws down oil on the ground and Sparkki does fire aoe, has an aoe pull
and lights the oil on the fight. The oil on the ground will put a toxic debuff on
you that does dmg overtime and stacks the more oil spots are out. Whoever
has the ooze attracting buff needs to do nothing, but kite the ooze into the oil
(also the oil on fire needs to be kited into also). The rest of the group should
be killing Slick and Sparkki.
1. Strategy 1 -Strategy my team used
Killing Sparkki first is pretty easy as he has less health, but once
Sparkki is dead you are going to need to kill Slick really fast
because he will gain an attack speed boost and put so much oil down
once his ally dies and he gains enrage.
2. Strategy 2 –
Killing Slick first is a good option because if you take out the guy who
puts oil down you won’t need to deal so much with kiting except for
just not getting hit by the oozes auto attack as it does alot of dmg.
I do not know what Sparkki does when Slick dies first, but im guessing
it involves a huge fire aoe.
3.Strategy 3 – Probably the best
Kill Slick and Sparkki together. If you can bring them both down to
10% before finishing them off you will be able to kill the other one
without much risk because he will be so low when he enrages that it
will be easy for your group to take him down.
Foreman Spur –
Before the fight starts you are going to want to jump down to the left and get
on the outer ting and clear out the few aetherblades that are there. Then wait
for the steam watcher to come and KILL IT FIRST (if you have a pull wait for it
to get to a corner and just pull it to the team so it can’t aggro). After that just
pull the main group little by little (they all have different leash ranges so you
will never pull to many, make sure to kill the groups behind corners while
stacking so it makes it easier.
The Boss Fight-
Foreman Spur pretty much has three main attacks. He will throw
axes in the air that when they hit the ground will create small
aoe spinning axes. A whirlwind attack that does massive dmg, but
if you just evade two time you should be fine and take little to no
dmg. And an ability that creates a circle that keeps people in it in
and people out of it out.
Foreman Spur is the easiest part of the dungeon just dodge his stuff
and range him down and you should have no problems.