Will this content update come with a pre-dungeon story/quest to chase down/investigate?
The last two content updates -SAB 2.0 and Tequatl 2.0- both lacked proper story pre-quests that other previous content updates held. I can certainly understand SAB’s excuse in the way it’s designed (that and the whole Genie post-quest made up for it in such an awesome way). Tequatl wasn’t really excusable, as it was just an in-game mail and a few bland text lines with Rox.
To list:
- - Shadows of the Mad King (Halloween 2012) started with a very well implemented investigation quest into the historic background of Mad King Thorn. Although some bugs did interfere with parts of it, those were quickly hammered out. It’s still a matter that it was a great story introduction and elements that pieced together something that other games just slap on all willy-nilly. ~Great story.
- - Lost Shores Ignoring the huge issues with lag, timing, and just the major event itself, the lead up was great. Pieces of the content introduced slowly to build up mystery, as well as new NPC’s with dialog (well before the actual patch). Then when the patch happened, there was another few investigation quests: one into how to defeat the otherwise immune ancient creatures, and the other into who “screwed up” to bring the plague upon Lion’s Arch (thanks, Consortium!). ~Great story/quests.
- - Wintersday (2012) was a bit hit and miss on the story. In-game mail was utilized mostly, as the main feature of the holiday event -Tixx’s Toyshop- was floating around from city to city. Inside the actual dungeon(s), it did a great job of introducing a micro style story to the event. Even the toys scattered around Tyria had a defining canon reason for being there (toys are parachuted out of the flying Toyshop, and these ones went off course and are crazy like the rest). ~Okay story/quests.
- - Flame & Frost had two epic micro story quests that helped introduce the characters of Rox and Braham each. Several personal dialog sections, instanced fight areas equivalent to a personal story chapter, and additional background to main characters already established within the universe. ~Great story/quests.
- - Secrets of Southsun had …no backstory quests. Just an in-game mail from Ellen Kiel telling of some issues within the island of Southsun. The rest consisted of dynamic events and the “dungeon” (if so can be called) of Canach’s Lair. The whole event lacked direction and instead pushed through the 4th Wall with it’s Achievements directing the way mostly, if only. ~Horrible story/quests
- - Dragon Bash was spectacular with it’s story quests, including the murder and following escort chase through the streets of Lion’s Arch. The introduction of Marjory Delaqua added a think layer of delicious icing that was the intricate story woven into this content update. ~Great story/quests.
- - Sky Pirates was more or less the follow up to Dragon Bash with it’s story being melded into Dragon Bash first. That’s where the story started perfectly, then it finished with the prison questioning. ~Good story/quests. Great dungeon
- - Bazaar of the Four Winds had an introductory story dialog with it. The story did follow the previous chapter’s character -Ellen Kiel-. The rest of the event was story light and mostly about the exploration of the Cliffs zone, the Zephyre Sanctum, and the overall use of the Aspects. ~Okay story.